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Keeping Soaked Beans HandyBulk beans are so much cheaper than buying canned beans, it always takes a little planning though, and in the past I'd always forget. Not anymore, I have a big yogurt container boldly marked "BEANS" that I keep filled with soaking beans in the refrigerator all the time.
Salsa DipEasy to make and tasty appetizer. Spread cream cheese on the bottom of a plate (dinner plate, fancy platter, glass pie pan). Pour salsa evenly over top of cream cheese.
Microwave Peanut BrittleMake a pan full of peanut brittle in a matter of a few minutes with ingredients you likely have in your cabinet. I am no good with a candy thermometer, but this one doesn't require much skill at all--and it is unbelievably scrumptious!
Orange MargaritasIn a blender, combine orange juice, juice from lime, triple sec, tequila, sugar, and ice cubes. Cover blender and blend until smooth.
Mexican Bean DipQuick, easy and delicious. Tasty dip to serve with nachos or Fritos as an appetizer, or as a side dish for a Mexican meal. Easy to make with ingredients you can keep on hand for an "emergency" snack.
Bavarian Veal With AsparagusIn a dutch oven or heavy saucepan brown veal in hot oil. Add onion and carrots; cook until onion is transparent. Stir in parsley.
Basic RollsGreat roll recipe. Dissolve yeast in water. Melt shortening in milk in bowl. Add sugar. Cool to lukewarm. Mix in remaining ingredients. Let rise, covered, until doubled in bulk.
Snow Ball CakeDissolve gelatin in 1/4 cup water and add 1 cup boiling water. Stir until dissolved. Add pineapple, sugar, salt and lemon juice. Stir and chill until about the consistency of egg whites
Double Crust Lemon PieCombine sugar, flour and salt. Add butter. Mix eggs, lemon and water to sugar mixture. Pour in 8 inch unbaked pie shell.
Homemade FajitasGreat any time dish! Marinate steak overnight in salad dressing; drain. Cut into strips. Sprinkle steak, bacon, green pepper and onion with mixture of next 3 ingredients.
Cinco de Mayo CenterpieceThese cute, inexpensive sombreros may great centerpieces for Cinco de Mayo (May 5) or any Mexican themed party. They are very quick and easy to make.
Using Olive Oil on Stainless SteelUse 100% pure virgin olive oil on a lint free, clean cloth, to polish stainless steel to a smudge free shine. I hardly believed it myself but tried it today on my stainless steel refrigerator and was truly amazed.
Garden: Desert FlowersOur Desert garden is in bloom.
Use Air Dry Cycle During Hot Summer MonthsOk, I must confess. This tip is truly from necessity since my dryer's heating element took a vacation, indefinitely! After trying every possible solution to fix the heat in the dryer, I simply turned the gas valve off and began using the auto dry cycle.
Life Lessons Graduation Gift IdeaUpdated: Our 17 year old daughter, Kara, is graduating from high school in a few months. I wanted to present her with a gift that will have meaning long after she moves into the dorm.
Save Those Used Tea BagsDo not throw out your tea bags with the trash. Save them in a dish and then empty them around your garden plants and shrubs. Makes a good substitute for peat and will add plant goodness and save you cash.
Drastic Times Call for Drastic CutbacksThere's no quick fix for the economy, and jobs are disappearing daily. Even seemingly secure jobs are causing some people to look at their futures with a budget cutting scissors in hand.
Use Laundry Bags to Organize Underwear DrawerTake laundry bags with zippers, use one for underwear like panties, bras, and one for your socks. That way your drawer is always nice and neat.
Make Wrapping Paper With StickersWhen you just can't find that perfect wrapping paper, use tissue paper and add some stickers. You children will love this!
Use a Napkin Holder for Scrap PaperI keep an extra napkin holder by our computer to hold scrap paper. It keeps it neat and handy and looks cute too!
Use Red Hanky in Case of BloodAlways have a red cloth hanky clean and ready in case of a bloody injury. When our grandson was hit on the forehead and started to bleed profusely, she got the red cloth hanky and held it on his injury.
Polishing Stainless Steel AppliancesFor 3 years I have been struggling to keep my stainless steel appliances clean. They always have drip marks and finger prints on them. Finally, I found the perfect solution and it is something almost everyone has in their home.
White Film on Glass Bowl?I have a small, old glass bowl that was my mother's. I would like to know how to clean the whitish film from it. I have tried using vinegar and hot water with no success and wonder if anyone can help me. Perhaps a baking soda mixture may do the trick?
Expired Coupons Help Military Personnel Overseas?I read somewhere that we can send our expired coupons to wives in the military. Does anyone know of an address where to mail them to?
Shelf Life of Perfume?What happens to perfume that is a few years old? I am looking for Avon's "Perceive" that has been discontinued, but am worried that it may have lost something with age. Does perfume age or go "bad"?
Play Doh Stain on Carpet?My grandson stuck Play Doh behind the computer desk and it dried and stuck in the carpet. How do you get Play Doh out of the carpet?
Finding a Job Placing Foreign Exchange Students?I have a friend that places foreign exchange students for a living. She has quit her full time job and now makes great money doing this. She, as always, is not willing to share the wealth.
Getting Rid of Roaches Without Harming Pets?How do I get rid of the humongous, gargantuan roaches that are getting into my house?
Cleaning a White Couch?How do I clean a white couch with yellow stains and ink stains on it?
Guinea Pig Won't Eat or Drink?hi my guinea pig won't eat, drink, or stand up. I think he has really bad constipation. It's too late to go to our local vet! What should I do? He's really sick, he has been like this for about 4 hours.
Advice for Changing Careers?I graduated from college in 2001 with a liberal arts degree. I now work as a Disability Claims Specialist but I definitely would rather be in another field that is more rewarding and also give me more of a feeling of self accomplishment and professionalism.
Looking for Coupons Online?I am always looking for a good grocery coupon site. Most of the ones I have found require personal info or a phone number. I just need coupons, not more junk mail. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Removing Burnt Rings on Stovetop?How do I remove the silver stain on my glass top range? Is it a result of leaving my copper bottom pot unattended on my range and burning?
How Long Can Shrimp Be Kept Frozen?I found some forgotten shrimp in the back of the freezer that has been there a while, can I do anything with it? Would boiling it help? I really don't want to throw it out because it was expensive.
Training a Dog To Not Dig?My outside dog is digging up my yard. What can I do to stop this?
My Husband Has Bad Breath?My husband has horrible breath. Within the last several months I have noticed that his breath has progressively become worse. Let me first say that my husband is a smoker and also uses snuff.
Winter Wonderland Themed Birthday Party?I am planning a sweet sixteen winter wonderland party for my daughter in December. I do not want to make it about Christmas because she gets so upset about her birthday and Christmas being a few days apart. So no Santa at this party.
Making No-Wax Tile Floors Shine?I have no-wax tile floors and I am looking for advice on how to make them shine using natural ingredients. Is their any other products besides Mop-N-Glo? I live in the desert and my floors stay gritty when the windows are open because the sand blows in. Any advise?
Removing Smoke Smell from a Coach Purse?I just recently got a fabric hobo Coach bag on ebay. The seller was a smoker, hence the bag smells horrible. Does anybody have a solution on how to get the smoke smell out of the bag?
Making Tortilla Chips?How do you make tortillas chips?
Aggressive Pomeranian?I was just wondering, can Pomeranians be sometimes aggressive, if they were abused at onetime by their previous owners ?
Mother's Day Craft Ideas?Does anyone have any Mother's day craft ideas?
Manual for Tacony Sewing Machine?Does anyone have a manual for a Tacony Centennial sewing machine?
Buying Silver Plastic Utensils in Bulk?Does anyone know where you can get the best prices for the silver looking plastic utensils? I need enough for 150 persons.
Jumping Rope to Burn Calories?My question is about rope jumping. I once read that if 120 jumps are done in a minute one can burn as much calories as one burns in a 1 mile run in 6 minutes And not just that it was also mentioned that it equals to a 12 minutes consecutive swim. Is that true?
Finch Bird Feeder Advice?Do finches need yellow on a bird feeder to eat from it?
Substituting Dried Lemon Peel for Fresh?Can you substitute dried lemon/orange peel for fresh? If so, what would be the measurements? Thank you.
Advice for Making Trellises?For the past 2 years deer have eaten our entire garden! I love deer and don't mind sharing, but wish they would share too. This year I'd like to plant some stuff vertically. What are some good ideas for trellises, etc. that won't cost much? Thanks!
Red Bumps on Skin?I have recently noticed these red bumps all over my shoulder, chest and neck. The red bumps almost look like irritated pimples or zits. Whatever I do I can not get rid of them. Does anybody have a clue on what it is and how to get rid of it? Thanks.
American Staffordshire Terrier Keeps Biting People?I got an American Staffordshire Terrier before he was even a month old. Some woman left him in a parking lot at the vet that i go to so i found him and brought him home. I had to bottle feed him and everything. He is like my baby. Now he's 5 years old.
Cleaning Car Carpet After Water Damage?My car had a leak and rain poured into my driver's side floorboard. I fixed the leaky problem. How do I get rid of the wetness on my floorboard carpet to prevent mold? Also, how do I make it odor free and fresh smelling once I get the water completely removed?
New Mattress Substitute?I have a sagging mattress and don't have the funds to replace it yet. I've stuffed towels underneath to help give it a boost. But, I was wondering if anyone else has any other suggestions to add a little more life to it.
Eating During a Detox?What should I eat on a detox? Can I lose weight on one?
Drying Out a Leaky Car
?My car had a leak and rain poured into my driver's side floorboard. I fixed the leaky problem. How do I get rid of the wetness on my floorboard carpet to prevent mold? Also, how do I make it odor free and fresh smelling once I get the water completely removed?