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Saving Money on Window CleanerThis is a page about saving money on window cleaner. Having clean windows makes everything outside look nicer. However, the cost of window cleaner can add up, especially if you have a lot of windows to clean.
Home Remedies for FleasFleas can be extremely difficult to get rid of when trying to avoid toxic remedies. With perseverance home remedies can work. This is a page about home remedies for fleas.
Freezing Lobster?This is a page about freezing lobster. Lobster is an occasional treat for those of us who don't live near a seaport and none of it should be wasted. Using your freezer for storing lobster is a great way to preserve it for future celebrations or meals.
Eggs GoldenrodMakes 2 hard boiled eggs go a long way.
Cilantro Jalapeno Ranch SpreadThis is really tasty spread on veggies, crackers, or tortilla roll ups. If you would like to thin this to use as a dip, then change out the cream cheese to 4 ounces of cream cheese and 2 ounces of sour cream.
Easy MeatballsSimple, only 5 ingredients. Something I have been making for years for friends at pot luck dinners.
Potato SconesSift flour, measure, and sift with baking powder and salt. Add mashed potatoes and shortening which have been creamed together.
Snoop (Basset Hound)I'd like to introduce you to Snoop, my 12 year old, photogenic, loving, goofy, Basset Hound. He happily runs to me, as shown in this picture, when I go outside to see him and visit with him.
Boraxo or Limeaway For PorcelainI too have had problems cleaning, here in Hawaii, my porcelain tub. I have been researching it for a month now. I have come across some very good cleaning agents for your porcelain, old or new.
Save on Car Insurance for Your TeenWhen my teenage son took Driver's Ed in high school, we went to our car insurance agent to get my son added to the insurance policy. There I learned that we did not have to pay a dime until my son gets a driver's license.
Impromptu Taco SoupDH likes for me to throw stuff in a pot and make impromptu soup. Today I decided to brown some ground beef as I would for chili or spaghetti.
Using KettlebellsWith its center of gravity located directly below the handle, it forces you to engage your core and leg muscles when doing even the most basic of exercises with a kettlebell.
Safer Potato PeelingSo that you don't cut your fingers when using a potato peeler to peel potatoes, peel the rounded ends of the potato first, while holding the other half of the potato with your hand. Once you're done peeling the ends, peel the rest of the potato.
Disguising WiFi Box and All WiresI watch TV from my chair and seethe at the constant blinking WiFi box. I hate all those wires too. Recently I restored a fabric covered storage cube. It is the fourth of a set, three of which are now under my kitchen sink.
Use Denture Cleaning TabletsDrop a couple denture cleanser tablets in the water with enough room to swish around. Leave it there over night and there should be nothing left but green water and a quick rinse should do the trick.
Use "Japanese Paper" To Repair BindingFirst of all NEVER use tape to repair a book. Tape does not age well. It becomes brittle, yellow, leaves a deep stain on the paper, and often the paper gets torn at the edge of the tape.
Travel: Air Force One (Ronald Reagan Library,...The Ronald Reagan Library is just a few miles from us. We took the great grandkids to see it and they seemed to enjoy it a lot. They got to see inside the plane and saw the motorcade and Marine One, the helicopter.
Cleaning Candle Wax from BrassStick the brass in the freezer for about 2 hours and the wax will come off super easy.
Attach Important Items To HandbagMy daughter attached everything to my body when I lost everything, twice in six months. My bus pass, my glasses hang from my neck, my CC, cash, and driver license are in a small coin purse attached with an elastic band inside my handbag with a metal clip.
Scenery: Sunset (Ocean Shores, WA)Ya know when you just happened to be at the right place at the right time and you just happened to have a camera in your hand? Well, I certainly was this time. I seem to have a camera in my hand MOST times!
Starting an Antique BusinessWe had 2 stores while living in west Illinois. People look to you for answers and to be knowledgeable, but most of all they want no BS. Most people are not stupid, be fair, honest, help them all you can, and you will build a great reputation.
Beware of Drug InteractionsMy father has been feeling incredibly ill lately. He has been suffering from muscle aches, weakness, vomiting, shaking, just to list a few. I visited him last week and noticed he had a huge load of medications he was instructed to take daily.
Donating Clothes And Household Items To CharitiesCharities should be a no-brainier, it seems everyone who reads ThriftyFun shops or has shopped at thrift stores. It makes you wonder if as many people give back to these charities.
Wildlife: Deer by Tree StandThis is a picture of a tree stand my grandson built for hunting season. See the deer right next to it. He sure picked a great spot to spot deer.
Taking the "H" (Hassle) out of Homework!My grandson begins 2nd grade this year. My daughter found a $2 plastic tackle type box at the local toy store. She filled it with pencils, crayons, pencil grips, scissors, stapler, tape, etc., everything you would need for homework supplies.
Walking Your DogI am responsible for the daily walking of my son's four year-old Beagle, Canti. What a gratifying time for both myself and Canti. We walk with a leash, a cloth bag, newspaper sleeves for clean-up, a water bowl and three 20 ounce fresh water bottles.
Use Bleach For Removing MoldA very easy way to remove mold from the corner of bathtub wall is explained here. Have the Clorox bleach, not the bathroom cleaner, but the laundry bleach, in a small paper cup and pour this on the mold and around the tub corner.
Cleaning Rubber StampsUse baby wipes in their container, don't take them out, leave them flat right in the container. When you need to clean the ink off the rubber stamp, just open the lid and stamp, stamp, stamp.
Thin Your Nectarine FruitAs difficult as it is, be sure to thin your nectarines after the fruit has set. You do not want any two fruits to be touching each other. The best distance between two fruits is about 6 inches.
Cleaning Sandal InsolesI have a pair of sandals with faux suede insoles that had darkened with perspiration and dirt. It was unsightly and annoying until I tried washing them. I used a toothbrush and an enzyme household cleaner, although I'm sure soap would work as well.
Composting is Free "Black Gold"The benefits of composting are many, such as free vegetables, healthy flowers, and the joy of knowing you are removing garbage from landfills.
Use Sectioned Food Containers For StorageA few years ago, a friend gave me a Christmas gift which was a deluxe assortment of nuts and candied nuts. They came in a round, thick, tough, plastic container with 6 sections and a lid.
Vegetable Water Blanching TimetableThere have been a lot of requests for blanching veggies as of late so here's an easy timetable to follow. Be sure to check tenderness part way into the blanching guide times because freshness and size of vegetables vary.
When My Purse Was MissingWhen I discovered I had no purse and had no idea where it was, I took that afternoon off from work. There was no way I could concentrate on any thing other than my loss.
Tigger (Domestic Cat)Tigger is a 2 year old domestic cat. My Tigger was born on August 5, 2009. He was born under my bed and was the loudest kitten I have ever heard in my life!
Eco-Friendly Flea RemediesUse 2-3 cups of dry 20 Mule Team Borax in a colander to sift it in carpeted rooms. Leave it for 2 weeks for their life cycle to finish before you vacuum.
Reselling Antiques and CollectiblesSeveral of my friends are now making good, extra money re-selling used items and/or antiques and collectibles. Two of them are working an eBay store called Hollywood Junque.
Paint Your Porch Ceiling Blue To Deter PestsTo keep wasps and spiders from building their nests, paint your porch ceiling sky blue or a pale blue. This tricks the insects into thinking it's the sky. They won't build there.
Farewell Party for Daughter Joining the Army?Does anyone have any ideas on how to have a simple going away party (20 people) for my daughter who is leaving for the Army next month? She is 20 years old.
Finding a Pro Bono Attorney?I am trying to help two friends find pro bono attorneys. One of my friends is involved in a divorce where the husband has literally left her penniless and unable to afford an attorney.
Water Bottle Cozy?I need an idea on how to make a cover for a plastic water bottle.
Ants are Eating Holes in Tomato Plants?We are having trouble with holes in our tomatoes. It looks as if ants are eating them. We have sprayed them with an organic spray and with Ortho, but are still having trouble with this. Can you give us an solution?
Making a Wall Mounted Ribbon Holder for Sewing Room? I am curious about getting some ideas for a ribbon holder for the wall of my sewing room.
Keeping Bees Away from Hummingbird Feeder?I need to know how to keep bees away from my hummingbird feeders. I have two hanging in my yard and the bees just all of a sudden showed up one day a couple of weeks ago and now the poor hummers can't get a drink in edge wise.
Potato Scab?My spuds have a bad case of scab. I don't think they're going to keep at all. Will it affect next year's crop as they're grown in a raised bed?
Sideburns Grew Back Thicker After Being Shaved?I stupidly shaved my sideburns for the past two months. I was tired of keeping up with it so I decided to let it grow back. What a mistake! Not only did it grow back thicker, it grew back weird and resembles a man's sideburns!
Safety of Canned Salsa?We canned salsa yesterday and when the jars were on the cooling racks I noticed some tomato colored juice on the counter. If they all seem to have a tight seal, do you think they are safe?
Can't Get Email After Cell Phone Update?The Sprint store just updated my phone (Samsung Moment) and now I can't get my email. I got it before the update. I entered my address and password and still won't work. Why, how to fix this?Thanks.
Removing Hair Dye from Skin and Nails?How to remove hair dye from skin and nails?
Where Can I Find Arm and Hammer HE Detergent?I am only able to use Arm and Hammer due to severe allergies to the other detergents. Where can I find Arm and Hammer HE? I bought a new washing machine and must use HE detergent in it. Help!
Cleaning a Fiberglass Tub?What is best way to clean a fiberglass tub? I purchased a house and the tub is very dirty. It is a one piece tub and shower
Slow Cooker Liver and Onions?Is there a slow cooker recipe with liver and onions?
Simple Toddler Cape Pattern?I am looking for a simple cape pattern for a toddler that is 2.5 years old. I purchased 1 yd of material.
Nautical Decor?What can I use to make a fake pier post for on my wall?
Where Can I Buy Borax?Where can I buy Borax in or near Richmond, KY?
Remedies for Acne and the Related Scarring?I am 22 and have a dark complexion. I have old, black, acne scars on my face. My face is not too oily, rather it is dry and whiteheads occur often. My skin is sensitive and prone to acne. There is also acne on my scalp.