
June 12, 2006

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Cool-N-Creamy Coffee FreezePour 1 cup milk into large measuring cup. Add enough ice to measure 3 cups. Pour into blender. . .


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Low Calorie Fruit Smoothie (Strawberry Cloud)This low calorie smoothie is delicious and is a perfect breakfast or snack if you are on a diet.


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Lattice-Top Spinach PieTo make crust: In large bowl, combine 1 cup flour, Parmesan cheese, undissolved yeast, and salt; stir in water and oil. Stir in enough remaining flour to make soft dough.


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Big Country Caramel Peach Coffee CakeHeat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease 12 cup Bundt pan. Spoon 1/2 cup of the preserves evenly in bottom of pan; sprinkle with pecans.


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Baked Ham with Cumberland SauceRemove skin from ham; score the surface with shallow diagonal cuts, making diamond shapes. Mix brown sugar and mustard; rub into fat of ham. Insert a whole clove in center of each diamond.


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Cherry Chocolate CheesecakePreheat oven to 350 degrees F. Combine crumbs and butter; press firmly on bottom of springform pan. In large mixing bowl, beat cream cheese and sugar until smooth. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well.


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Chocolate Pudding MixChocolate Pudding Mix recipe. Mix and store in airtight container. To prepare. Add 2/3 cup Mix and 2 cup Milk. Heat and stir constantly while boiling...



Buster and GaladrielBuster and Galadriel are 6 weeks old Domestic Calico cats. I drove by a home with a sign "FREE KITTENS." I saw the white kitten laying with her mom, picked her up and knew I wanted her. . .


Heads of Cauliflower

Freezing CauliflowerIn general, cauliflower does not freeze well. Freezing it will preserve its flavor, but tends to severely break down its texture. Still, frozen cauliflower may be useful in some recipes-especially those using puree.


Golden Retriever

Breed Information: Golden RetrieverGolden Retrievers are hardy, well-built dogs with a wavy golden coat and gentle loyal nature. This breed of highly-trainable sporting dogs is confident, alert, and eager to please.


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Tips for the First Day of SchoolI'm a nerd and have my own handbook for tips for school. Well here are some tips for the kids if they are nervous. Dress comfortably. Be prepared. Get your stuff out the night before...


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Cure for Ear AchesHere's a tip if you're prone to ear aches or getting water in your ears. In past years, I got this tip from an ex-co-worker. She said she used to have problems with her ears all the time and with having to see a doctor for it all the time...


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My Frugal Life: Finding Small LuxuriesMy earliest adult encounter with frugal living was as a twenty-something single woman living on $425 a month in the 70's. I was exasperated with most of the budgeting articles in ladies magazines with titles like "How to Get the Most Out of Your Roast".


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Cleaning Rusty Tin Pie PansRemove rust from a tin pie pans using a raw slice of potato. Dip the potato in a some scouring powder and scrub away.


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Milk for Ink StainsIf you have ink on a blouse, pour milk over it ...really soak it with milk. Then wash out in a mild detergent and hang dry. Do not dry in dryer as it will set the stain...


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First Aid WebsiteThis site give you instructions you can print out for just about everything, from what to do if someone ingests a poison, to cuts, burns, spider bites, sunburns, etc.


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Marzipan GarnishMarzipan is not just used for cake decorating. You can buy premade sheets of marzipan and use them the same way you would use modeling clay to make any shape you want. Marzipan looks great garnishing any kind of cake or cookie.


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Grubs Eating My MarigoldsMy grandma is having trouble with grubs eating her marigolds does anyone have something that you can use from your kitchen (home remedy) that might help her with this problem?


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Bulletin Board for Home DecorA pal has decorated her bathroom in Angels. Not only do her shower curtain, bath rug, towels and wash cloths have angels on them, but she's taken a good sized bulletin board and placed on a wall. She covered the cork part in a solid color gift wrap.


Skink on brick wall.

Skink Lizard on the WallOn Mother's Day, this "Skink" lizard was discovered on our living room wall. Of course, it is a "good" lizard as it eats bugs! My family chased it around the living room until they caught it in a box and released it outdoors.


Closeup of the Lungwort plant

Growing: LungwortLungwort is one of the most interesting herbs to grow for color. After clusters of pinkish-red flowers open in the spring, they slowly change in color to violet or blue to create a lovely, multi-colored effect. When the flowers fade away, we are left with its blotchy, white and green foliage, which remains interesting and attractive for the rest of the season.



Freezing Chayote (Squash)Chayote goes by many names, including vegetable pear, but it has a unique taste all to its own. It is usually prepared like a summer squash, but has a crispier texture and longer cooking time.


Nest in helmet.

Bird's Nest in a Motorcycle HelmetThis motorcycle helmet was found in our garage with a bird nest and baby eggs in it. We hung it in a tree!


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Poll: What is the highest interest rate you have on a credit card?Today's poll asks: What is the highest interest rate you have on a credit card?



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Making Birth Announcements?We are expecting our second child in a month and we are trying to think of a creative way to involve our 2 1/2 year old son in the birth announcement process. We would appreciate any ideas.


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Pitbull Odors?I have a 5 month old Pit Bull and her feet smell like corn chips. I tried putting powder on them, but that didn't work. She also has a fishy smell, the fish smell comes and goes before she has to go to the bathroom and after.


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Decorating a High School Graduation Banquet?I am looking for ideas on how to decorate for a High School grad banquet. I thought maybe a garden Party but would love some decorating ideas if anyone has them.


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Vinegar Recipe for a KIRBY G-5 Carpet Machine?I own a KIRBY G-5 carpet machine. It has the rotator brush on the roller that scrubs the carpet. I don't want to use the Kirby carpet cleaner solution anymore. I want to try the vinegar and water carpet cleaner technique. Can someone give me correct mix of the vinegar and water.


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Laddering Certificates of Deposit (CDs)?What are Laddering Certificates of Deposit (CDs)? The use of various dates of maturities; for example...


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Dye From Rugs Stained My Linoleum?How to get red dye off of linolem floor. I shampoed the rug under my table and when I was moving out of my house and moved the rug the floor is red from the dye. I have tried every thing I can think of.


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Tissue Paper Stained My Carpet?My daughter had a birthday party and it was pouring rain when a few guests arrived. The bags carrying the gifts were soaked. Some hot pink tissue paper dripped on my foyer rug, hardwoods and den carpet as the girl carried the gift in. When I took the gift from her, it got on my shorts and top. Even my hands are still stained.


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Temporary Screen Door?I moved into a small apartment last summer. The problem is they do not have any screen doors. I need help with making a temporary screen door or something to keep the flies out and not damage the doorway.


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York Wallpaper #NC4761-B R-01?I am looking for a York brand wallpaper border that has a white background, with lobsters, lemons, shrimp, and oysters. There is also some sort of pitcher or stein on it. The Part # is NC4761-B R-01. If anyone can tell me where I can get just 1 roll that would be great.


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