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dog food dish

Make Your Own Non-Slip Pet DishThis is a page about how to make your own non-slip pet dish. If your pet is chasing their food dish all over the room, it may be time to make a non-slip dish. You can usually do this cheaper than buying one at the store.


cat on a kitchen counter

Keeping Cats Off CountersThis page is about keeping cats off counters. A cat's ability to jump high can be a problem in the home.


A cat with an empty food dish.

Free Pet Food for Low Income FamiliesThis is a page about free pet food for low income pet owners. Low income pet owners may have difficulties paying for their pet's food. There may be local resources to help.


Finding a Lost Cat

Finding a Lost CatThis page is about finding a lost cat. When your pet comes up missing, there are things you can do that may help you locate it.


A German Shepherd sitting with four happy kids.

German Shepherds and Children?This page is about German shepherds and children. Proper training for your family dog, is important to protect everyone's safety.


Calming Your Pets

Calming Your PetsThis page is about calming your pet. When you must be gone or during a noisy storm, there are ways to reduce your pet's anxiety.


A duckling being hatched.

Caring for Duck EggsThis page is about caring for duck eggs. Maintaining the proper temperature and humidity is important when incubating eggs.


Orphaned kitten being bottle fed.

Caring for Orphaned KittensThis page is about caring for orphaned kittens. Consulting with your veterinarian is the first thing you should do, if faced with this circumstance.


Rolly Pollies (Pill Bug)

Caring for Roly Polies (Pill Bugs)Children love roly polies and often what to keep one as a kind of pet. This is a page about caring for roly polies (pill bugs).


Chihuahua puppy

Getting Ready for a New PetThis is a page about getting ready for a new pet. Whether it is your first pet or just a new addition, you will need to make some preparations before you bring it home to make things go smoothly.


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Name for a Pet Grasshopper?I would like to know a name or some names for my grasshopper. Thanks.


A cat and a puppy.

Introducing a New Puppy to a Cat?This is a page about introducing a new puppy to a cat. You just brought home your new bouncy puppy and now you need to introduce it to the resident cat.


Getting Rid of Parasites in Pets

Getting Rid of Parasites in PetsThis page is about getting rid of parasites in pets. Intestinal worms can rob your pet of their nutrition.


A photo of a dog getting medical care.

Saving Money for Pet Medical ExpensesThis page is about saving money for pet medical expenses. When your pet gets sick or has an accident you need to know ways to afford the cost of care.


Dog Scratching Dry Skin

Remedies for Pets' Dry SkinThis page is about remedies for pet's dry skin. It is advised for you to contact your veterinarian concerning your pet's health issues.



Frightened Dog

Keeping Your Pet Calm During ThunderstormsThis is a page about keeping your pet calm during thunderstorms. Thunderstorms can be a very stressful time for pets, but there are things you can do to calm your pet.


Dog and Cat in Santa Hats

Keeping Your Pet Calm During The Holiday SeasonThis is a page about keeping your pet calm during the holiday season. The holidays can mean more guests and lots of different activities in your home. All of these changes can create stress for your pet.


Dog in a cage being boarded.

Tips for Boarding PetsThis is a page about tips for boarding pets. A bit of planning can make boarding your pet a positive experience for both of you.


Saving Money on Pet Medications

Saving Money on Pet MedicationsThis page is about saving money on pet medications. There are ways to save on on your pet's need for medication.


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Keeping a Grasshopper as a Pet?How do I find Jacob a friend? I don't see grasshoppers that often.


Licensing Your Pet

Licensing Your PetQuestioning the need to license your pet? There a number of good reasons to do so. This is a page about licensing your pet.


Photo of a pet carrier made from a plastic tub.

Homemade Pet Carrier IdeasThis is a page about homemade pet carrier ideas. Buying one or more pet carriers can get quite expensive.


Remedies for Pet Anxiety

Remedies for Pet AnxietyThis page contains remedies for pet anxiety. Whether your pet is new to your home or gets upset during storms, there are rescue remedies and creative ways to calm them.


Healthy Dog Treats

Healthy Dog TreatsThis page is about healthy dog treats. Dogs love their special treats, but you want to be sure that the food is good for the dog.


A boy lying with his orange cat, Tigger.

Keeping Children Safe Around PetsThis page is about keeping children safe around pets. There are many ways to keep children and pets safe during their time together.


Dog on Homemade Pet Bed

Homemade Pet BedsThis is a page about homemade pet beds. Buying a pet bed can be expensive and sometimes frustrating when looking for a specific size or type.


Discouraging Dogs from Marking Territory on Plants

Discouraging Dogs from Marking Territory on Plants?This page is about discouraging dogs from marking territory on plants. A dog marking their territory can affect the health of plants in your yard.


organizing pet toys

Organizing Pet ToysThis is a page about organizing pet toys. Keeping your buddy's toys convenient and easy to find can be a challenge.


Dog Biscuits on White Background

Storing Pet TreatsThis is a page about storing pet treats. Pet treats come in a variety of sizes and shapes with varying shelf lives requiring specific storage solutions.


Small dog under blanket on bed

Keeping Dogs Out of the BedroomThis is a page about keeping dogs out of the bedroom. Sometimes we want to keep our furry four legged friends out of the bedroom.



coping with losing a pet

Coping With the Death of a PetThis page is about coping with the death of a pet. The loss of a pet can be devastating for those left behind.


Puppy sniffing piddle pad.

Saving Money on Piddle PadsThis page is about saving money on piddle pads. Piddle pads can be great for puppy training and dogs that need to be indoors for long periods of time, although they can be expensive.


Gray Dog

Dog Shivering Outside?This is a page about helping a dog shivering outside. When your dog is shivering outside, it's important to make sure it is well and warm enough.


Veterinarian looking at a dog.

Choosing a VeterinarianThis is a page about choosing a veterinarian. Your pet is an important part of the family. So, it only natural that you would want the best veterinarian for your pet.


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Book Review: The Other End of the Leash (McDonnell)"The Other End of the Leash: Why We Do What We Do Around Dogs" by Patricia B McConnell, PH.D was an excellent book. It explains a lot of what dogs are thinking and how they perceive our behaviors.


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Choosing a Pet?I have 2 kids, dd 5 and ds 3. Ds is allergic to dogs and cats. I want to get them a pet that is low cost, low maintenance, will be awake when the kids are, and doesn't mind being handled. Also my kids are generally skiddish around most animals. Any suggestions are much welcome.


Phoenix as a grown up rooster.

How Do Your Pets Talk to You?My animals have special ways of shaking their heads and other body language signs to communicate. Do you have any stories to tell of your pets talking and understanding what you say to them? I would so love to read about all of your comments and stories!


Black and tan tabby cat.

Beware Wild Animals Looking For Winter HomesIt's fall and opossums are heading your way. Do not provide winter housing for them. The young are cute, but right behind come the parents.


Pygmy marmoset on person's finger with article about same in background.

Pygmy Marmoset?Has anyone ever seen such a monkey? It is finger sized. If you have been to Brazil or Peru, especially, perhaps you are familiar with this species. Your cooperation will be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance.


A headstone for a deceased pet.

Making a Memorial for a Deceased PetThis is a page about making a memorial for a deceased pet. Losing a pet can be very difficult. For some, honoring their pet's memory with a memorial can be comforting.


Dog Going out Pet Door

Installing a Pet DoorThis is a page about installing a pet door. Pet doors are a great way to allow your pet access to the outside whenever then need. It's nice for them and you don't have let them in and out all the time.


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ASPCA Vaccination Van Services?Do the vans supply free vaccinations yearly, after your pet has been fixed by the van?


A golden retriever chewing on a bone.

Saving Money on Pet SuppliesThis is a page about saving money on pet supplies. Whether you have a dog, cat, bird, fish or a more exotic pet, the supplies to keep them healthy and happy can really add up.


Calico kitten leaning on beagle's ear.

Introducing a New Cat to Your DogThis is a page about introducing a new cat to your dog. You had to take the furry little guy home. Now you just have to introduce the new cat to your dog. How those first few days or weeks go can make all the difference between their being best friends or sworn enemies and everything in between.


hermit crab close up

Caring For a Hermit CrabMany kids would like to have a hermit crab as a pet. It is important to understand how to care for this unique pet. This is a page about caring for a hermit crab.



Cocker Spaniel on railroad tracks

Finding a Lost PetThis is a page for how to find a lost pet. Losing a pet is a very stressful experience. There are some best practices methods to bring your friend back home.


Keeping Tanks Warm When Power is OutWe are having an ice storm which reminded me of a tip we do with our pets. If you have pets in a cage or tank, they will be hard to keep warm should the power go out. We keep those body/hand warmers on hand.


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Hot Water Bottle for PetsWhen you know your cat or dog is ready to sleep for awhile, place a rubber hot water bottle under the bedding, but close enough so they feel the heat. I use these myself sometimes during the day and definitely at night.


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Use Old Linens for PetsDon't forget to save old sweaters and soft towels for pet beds or shelter outside.


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Keeping Pet Water from Freezing?How can I keep water from freezing when I feed a kitty in the woods where there is no electricity?


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Keeping Pets Off Furniture?How do I keep cats off furniture? Is there a repellent that I can use?


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Use Towel to Introduce New Pet's SmellIntroducing a new pet such as a dog or cat to a family with other animals can be stressful for pets and family. The main reason that pets don't like each other at first, is the strange smell of the new pet.


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Identifying Ticks on Pets?Is there a picture of ticks? The ones I see look like black sesame seeds.


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Mark Pet Tags With Name and NumberYou can save money and effort by purchasing a tag for your dogs or cats that go outside. If your dog (or cat) gets out of your yard, having a tag with your own name and number will allow anyone who finds your pet to call you directly.


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Is Borax Safe to Use Around Dogs?Is borax safe to use in the house when a dog is the house at all times?


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Feeding and Caring for a Caterpillar?I need to know how to care for wounded caterpillar? It's still alive. but not crawling. What should I do?


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Low Cost or Free Veterinary Clinic Near Ocean Springs, MS?I have a 2 1/2 month old long haired tabby kitten. I need to take him to a vet but I don't have the money to take him. I need a low cost or free veterinary clinic that I can bring him to in Ocean Springs, MS.


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Use Goody Bags for Dog Clean UpI like to use those little colorful bags for goodies at parties instead of those expensive rolls of pet pick-up bags. The party bags are thicker, much more colorful and come, with ties a lot of the time.


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Reviews of Advantage Multi for Dogs?I'm concerned about using a topical for my dog. It is called Advantage Multi. I have always used pills for heartworms, etc. I don't think I would like to put a chemical on my dog. Can anyone share their thoughts on this topical Advantage Multi for dogs?


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Allow Dog to "Shred" DocumentsWe had 2 problems. We have never been able to break our 10 year-old dog of her habit of tearing through the garbage whenever we leave the house. Also, although more of a nuisance than a problem, we never seem to find the time to shred our sensitive mail.


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Oklahoma Pet Laws and Information?What are OK laws pertaining to owing/possessing a full-blood wolf dog? Is this legal? If not, what percent is legal?


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Average Cost of Pet Vaccinations?What kind of cost can I expect when getting my 2 puppies their first shots?


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Poem "Master Do Not Cry for Me"?There is a poem I think it is from Europe. It's something beautiful, "Master do not cry for me". Do you know where I can find it? It helped me so much to say goodbye to my dog. My baby.


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Care Credit For Expensive Vet Bills?I have just gotten a kitten, she is 9 weeks old, and needs her shots and first vet visit. I have called a few vets, and the cheapest cost for the first visit is $109. If I could pay it in installments it would be fine, but they tell me I have to pay in full.


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Dog Food Coupons?Where can I find coupons for dog foods?


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Emergency Cards to Help Locate People and PetsMost of us practice fire drills with our family members periodically to make sure everyone knows how to get out of a burning home, and where to meet. But what about your pets? They don't understand the idea that you are trying to teach.


What Breed is My Dog?What breed is my dog? He is now 5 months old and weighs 50 pounds. The people I bought him from told me that he was a golden Lab/Rott mix, but as he grows bigger and bigger people keep asking me if he is a German Shepherd?


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Agencies That Assist With Stray Animals?We take in stray cats and dogs and have them spayed and neutered, but right now the economy is bad and our resources for food and cat litter are pretty tight and low.


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Ear Cropping and Tail Docking?I am considering breeding my min pin to a chihuahua and was wondering if I should crop the litter's tails and ears or just leave them alone?


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Professional Pet PhotosI think one of the most worthwhile expenses is getting a professional photo done of a pet. I had a professional photo done of my doxie when she was 5 years old, it has been invaluable since her passing.


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Shoeing a Horse ?My horse won't stand still so we can shoe her. She tries to kick us and rears up. What can I do?


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Yorkie With Hair Loss?I found my 2 year old Yorkie at my door step several months back. She was infested with ticks and fleas. I got her cleaned up, but about a month ago she got some hairless spots on her back. I was thinking that it could be hot spots or mange.


What Breed is My Dog?I'm trying to find out what breed my puppy is. Please help me.


What Breed is My Dog?Can someone try to guess the breed of dog that we just got?


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Florida Law Regarding Rabies Shots?What is Florida's law for having to register your dog after a rabies shot?


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Experiences With Pet Chinchillas?What is it like to have a Chinchilla as a pet? I am not going to get one, but would love to hear comments from anyone who has one about what they are like.Robyn


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Use Shop Vac to Clean a Small Animal CageDo you have small animals (hamsters, guinea pigs) and find it hard to clean their cages? I use my shop vac to do the job. Just remember to take the animal out first! Shop vac the bedding, wipe out with a cloth, and add in fresh bedding.


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Are Cloves Harmful to Pets?Are cloves harmful to pets?


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Treating the Lawn for Dog Parasites?I've been reading that you can treat your yard with bleach and lime alternately to help control the dogs becoming reinfected by certain worms and other parasites. What I can't seem to find are the measurements that are effective for killing the parasite and not the lawn.


Chihuahua wearing an orange flower headdress.

Go Orange for Animals In AprilThis April, the ASPCA will kick-off Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month on April 7th for it's "Go Orange for Animals" Campaign. This is to bring attention to animals that are being abused and neglected all across the country.


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Feeding and Caring for Ladybugs?I am a science coach with our school district and our first graders are going to be raising and caring for ladybugs in the classroom. We need to know what to feed them other than aphids? Hopefully we can find a food that is "classroom friendly".


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Reporting A Kennel That Has Parvo?How do I report Parvo at a kennel who won't admit it. My dog got sick on my b-day Oct. 14, 2008, he passed away on Fri. Oct. 16, 2008. Myself, my husband, my son, and my daughter's boyfriend worked at a kennel. We never have before. Puppies are dying a lot, at least 10 to 15 a week. Also they burn them. My dog was 7 and had never been sick before this.


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Help with Using a Sling on Dog?My dog recently dislocated her hip, she is in a sling but refuses my help to get up. I am using a sling I put under her abdomen. She has to use it as little as possible so it hopefully stays in place any suggestions or past experience that could help me?


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Making Diapers For Marmoset Monkeys?I have to make clothes and diapers for Marmoset monkeys. Can anybody help me with patterns or measurements. If you have more than one size pattern, it will be highly appreciated. I go this request from a pet shop as well as private owners.


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White Worm on My Puppy?I found a little white worm on my puppy. What kind of worm could it be? Where could it have come from?


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Keeping Cats From Using Dog's Pet Door?I want my dogs to have access in and out using the pet door, but I do not want my cats to come in. Any suggestions?


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Engrave "Reward" On Your Dog's ID TagIn addition to my dog's name and our cell phone numbers, I have the ID tag engraved with the word "REWARD." If perchance my dogs ever went missing, a finder will be more inclined to contact me and less tempted to keep my super-cute dog for themselves.


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Use a Dryer Sheet For an Emergency Pet BathIf you are expecting people over and, about 5 minutes before they arrive, you notice that your dog or cat is not the best it has ever smelled. So what do you do when there is not enough time for a bath, take a dryer sheet and rub it all over your dog or cat.


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Helping an Injured Mole?I was sledding with my dad and sister, and my sister found a baby mole. My dad was sledding right where we found the mole. He ran over the mole going down the hill. Now the mole is hurt, and it can't crawl. It needs food, but I don't know what to feed it. What should I do?


What Breed is Latte?Can anyone tell what breed my dog Latte is please? Many thanks.


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Coffee Cup For Cat WaterI keep an old coffee cup in the bathroom for my cat's drinking bowl. It's super easy to keep filled with clean water and he loves drinking out of a "people cup."


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Registering a Dog as a Therapy Dog?Does anyone know how to go about getting a therapy note for a dog or registering him as a therapy dog?


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Skin Fungus on Border Terrier Mix?My 2 1/2 year old border terrier mix has a skin fungus type thing on his belly towards his back legs. I took him to the vet (Banfield) and was confirmed was a fungus. Anyway, I got the pills and shampoo ...


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How to Make Homemade Doggie Wipes?Can anyone tell me how to make homemade doggie wipes? I have two pugs that have a lot of allergies, and I want to make some that are unscented with no harsh chemicals.


Veterinarians in Detroit, MI?I live in Detroit, MI around West Chicago and Wyoming area. I would like to know if someone knows where a vet is located around here.


Can Dogs Spread Disease?If a dog accidently licks a person in the mouth (yuck), can the person get a disease like for instance e-coli?


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German Shepherd / Husky Mix Statue?Where can I find a statue of a german shepherd/husky mix dog?


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My Dog Bites?If my dog has bitten someone, should I get rid of it?


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What do grasshoppers drink?What do grasshoppers drink?


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Heating Pad for AnimalsIf you're needing to keep a small animal warm, but you find a heating pad for humans to be too hot, simply fill a glass bottle with warm water.


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Be Kind to Your AnimalsThis winter, don't forget to be kind to your animals. They need fresh water and food and shelter just as much in the cold weather just as much as they do in the hot weather.


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Pet Door Advice?Is there any way to turn an ordinary pet door into one that allows only your animal to enter and keeps all others out.


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Keep Pets Out When PaintingRecently my friend and her hubby were painting almost every room in their house. She didn't not noticed any pets in the room. She turned around to find her kitty about to jump, she tried to keep him from jumping, but by then the cat was in mid-air and landed in the paint tray


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Squeaking Ferret Toys?I am playing Santa to a shelter ferret for Christmas. Her wants and needs are small as she is ill but one thing her person requested for her was small plush toys with a squeaker in them. She likes to hide them around the room, her human said.


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Urn for a Pet?I recently lost my pet and I'm looking for something to use for her ashes. I have done a search and can't find any under $100.


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Problem with Neutered Dog?I have a 6 month old pit and a 4 year old german shpererd mix. i got them both fixed a bout a week ago, but the problem is that he stills tries to hump her! For example they'll play keep away and she (the shepererd) will go down back to the ground and then he'll start trying to hump her! What do i do?


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Dogs Barking While In Kennel?All of you have been so helpful before, I hope you can help me again. Because of an unemployment issue, my two dogs have not been kenneled consistently since March the seventh. My husband is working now and they have to be kenneled. they tend to get into trouble when left alone.


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