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Visiting Dogs Pee on Everything on the Deck?I have 2 dogs myself and have someone staying with me indefinitely, with 2 dogs. They both cock their leg to pee on anything: outdoor furniture, outside doors, and cupboards. It has been 4 months now and it is driving me insane. Any tips on how to stop this?


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Introducing New Dog to People and Other Dogs?I recently adopted a 3 year old American Bulldog from the animal shelter. She is the most lovable dog ever. From what I can see when other dogs approach her and they start growling she will growl and try to attack. I was wondering if there is any way to control this.


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Sibling Rivalry With Dogs?I have recently purchased 2 female Dachshunds (1 1/2yrs) that are "supposed" to be sisters. They fight constantly. The littlest one will growl and actually attack her sister. We try to separate them and we end up getting nipped at. What should I do?


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Training a Dog to Sleep on Its Own Bed?I am looking for tips on how to train my dog Daisy to sleep in the new bed I have purchased for her. I have made the mistake of letting her lay on the couch with me and sleep in the bed with me.


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Puppy Will Not Poop Or Pee in Outdoor Run?I have brought a kennel run for my 6month puppy. He seems happy to be in there, but will not poop and wee in the run. Instead he does his wee in the kennel and holds his poop until we are in the grassy part of the garden. How can I make him wee and poop in his run?


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Training a Dog Not to Run Out the Door?How do you teach a dog not to run out the door every time it is open?


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Housebreaking a Chihuahua?I have a teacup Chihuahua and she is only 5 months old. I'm having trouble housebreaking her.


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Training a Dog Not to Go Pee in the Lake?We just moved to a lake house and my Lab has gotten into the habit of going into the lake to pee. Any idea how I can stop this behavior? I am not thrilled. She is doing this for obvious reasons. Any ideas, besides moving?


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Dog is Food Aggressive?I have an adult male chow chow living with me and my kids now. He's a little aggressive around food. He's bitten both my kids now (in the face and arm) and my other dogs also. How can I make him food friendly or do I need a pro?


Training a Hyper Dog?My dog Daisy is about 3 years old and I adopted her from the shelter about a year and a half ago. She was terrified of everything when I brought her home. She has gotten over most of her fears, but it is hard to discipline her because when she gets nervous or excited she pee's everywhere.


Training a Dog to Be Calm Around Guests?I have a 5 month old Labradoodle that goes crazy when anyone comes to visit. He jumps up, nips, and goes wild. I'm in a wheelchair and hold him back with a leash, but we have to wrestle him outside for relief. Help! The picture is at 8 weeks. He is really big now.


Training a Dog to Ring the BellMy daughter's fiance' taught their dogs Roxy, Cosmo, and Jada to jiggle the jingle bells hanging on the door when they needed to go outside. He started by jingling the bells every time he took them out and they caught on.


Photo of a labradoodle.

Teaching a Dog Not to Bite?I have a Labradoodle called Poppy, she is just over a year old, about 13 and a half months When I bought her she was very obedient and learned commands quickly, but she never learned to stop biting.


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Training Puppy Not To Jump On People?I have a 9 month old Terrier puppy. What can one do to prevent this jumping upon people when standing? Thanks.


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Nipping Problem?My 2 and a half year old female Pit Bull keeps nipping at everyone no matter what I say to her. She wags her tail and pretends to be nice and then breaks bad. She was 5 months old when I rescued her from a place that fights Pit Bulls.



Training an Excited Dog Not to Spin?My 2 year old Corgi just spins around like a top in his crate when I come in the door, when I feed all the dogs, whenever I come in the room, etc. He spins so fast sometimes I think he is going to have a heart attack. Anyone have any suggestions to stop this behavior?


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Puppy Housebreaking 101?My husband and I were given a Jack Russell terrier for Christmas. He was born October 10, 2009. We have been taking him outside and he has been doing fairly well on his own. Just today (1/17) he pooped in my nice cloth chair after he had made 2 poops outside. What can I do?


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Keeping Dog Off Car?How can you keep your dog from climbing on to your vehicle?


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Finding a Muzzle for a St. Bernard?I have a very large St. Bernard dog who will at times be unpleasant. I am looking to find a muzzle to fit him; he is too big for any that I can find in any store.


Training an Energetic Puppy?I have a Husky/German shepherd mixed dog, he's nine months old and he's feisty, energetic, and a trouble maker. He seems to have a hard time learning due to his excitement about everything. Any tips, suggestions, or ideas on how to help me train him?


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Free Dog Training Websites?Are there any free dog training places available on the internet?


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Training Dachshunds?I would like to know about the personality of the long haired dachshunds. Are they hard to train?


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Dog Jumping on People?How do I stop a young lab from jumping on people to greet them?


Teaching a Dog Not to Bark?I adopted a Pomeranian dog about 1 1/2 yrs ago. She is going to be 11 years old in November. She is wonderful, friendly, playful, and protective.


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Dog Pulls on Leash?I have a Jack Russel Terrier called Rudy but he pulls at the lead badly, what should I do?


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Training a Husky for Sledding?How do we train a Siberian Husky for sledding? What types of commands and strategies do we use for this activity?


Cute terrier face

Getting a Young Dog's Attention?My little girl gets so distracted when we are out walking in public. So distracted that she seems to want to wander back and forth on the trails or walk ways.


Dog Eats Leaves?My dog won't stop eating leaves and weeds. He eats bamboo leaves and all kinds of weeds every time he goes outside. I correct him when he does it but he goes right back after a few minutes.


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Training a Paper Trained Puppy to Go Outside?I have a 10 week old Pomeranian. He's paper trained but sometimes decides to go on the floor. When I notice that he's about to go poop I hurry up and run him out side for him to go, but he refuses to go outside. Them when I bring him in he'll go on the paper.


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Puppy Barks When Yelled At?Every time I punish my 10 weeks old pit bull for chewing stuff and peeing in the house by yelling at her, she fights back by barking aggressively at me. Is this normal? Or should I just leave her alone because she is to young to learn?



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Are Dog Parks Safe for My Puppy?I am wondering if dog parks are safe for my puppy. Should I wait until a certain age to take her? She is 3 months old. I want to socialize her, however I am wondering where to start. I have her enrolled in a puppy training class. I just want to know your opinions on the next step.


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Do Training Collars Really Work?Do training collars really work?


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Dog Jealous of New Puppy?I have a 6 year old Manchester terrier and have just got a 12 week old staff pup, the older dog snaps at he pup when he goes too near him but not all the time. He tries to lay with him but he growls badly at him.


Puppy Aggressive with Other Puppy?My family and I got a Pug/Boston Terrier mix(Bug) and then 3 months later when got an English Bulldog. Well our Lucy (the BUG) keeps trying to show the pecking order in the house by humping Brutus' (the Bulldog) head. They will play then it will go into a fight. Lucy is 5 months and Brutus is 8 weeks. Any suggestion?


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Training an Adult Dog Adopted From a Shelter?I just got a German Shepherd/Husky from the local animal shelter. She is less than two years old. I was actually looking for a puppy, but saw this dog and just fell in love with her. So I adopted the dog but am waiting for the animal society to finish with the sterilization and inspection before they hand her over. I can't wait so excited.


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Yorkies Barking Too Much?We have 4 really cute Yorkies but they bark at everything and everyone that comes in the house including us. If one starts they all start. They even bark at each other when we let them out the back door at any hour of the day or night. It's so annoying. Does anyone have any ideas how we can curb their awful barking?


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Training Aggressive German Shepherd/Husky Mix?I have a German shepherd/Husky mix named ROCKY. He's a very energetic dog so we take him out to a park once a day for about 45 minutes to make him dispense some energy.


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Stop Dog From Peeing on Flowers?Can someone please help me? I need to know how I can stop my dog from peeing on my Japanese ferns, without having to put up a fence, he is killing my flowers.


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When To Start Leash Training Dachshunds?When and how should I start leash training my two dachshunds. The are about 12 weeks.


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Training My Dog to Go on the Grass?how can I stop my dog from eliminating himself on my front porch and go in the grass?


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Howling and Biting Husky?My husky Dakota suddenly starts biting everyone and howling like crazy at the most random times. We have fun when he's like that but he's getting kind of rough. Does anyone know why he does this or what I can do to stop him?


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Controlling Barking?Does anyone have any tips on controlling barking for a Morkie breed?


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Keeping a Destructive Puppy Entertained?I have a 5 month old Jack Russell Terrier Mix, wirehair female (spayed) puppy and a five year old male (neutered) Whippet/Terrier mix dog.


Hiring Someone to Train My Dog?I am looking for an affordable training facility where they take your dog and train them and then bring them back to you after they are trained? Where can i go to find this type of facility? I have tried everything with my dog.


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Training a Bulldog Puppy?I have a new bulldog puppy, not really sure what age, I guess he is between 6 and 8 weeks. Is he too young to be chained up outside by himself?



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My Dog Sneaks Out The Door?I hope someone could give me advice. My little min pin sneaks out the door everytime we open it. I live a few houses down from a school so my road is very busy. I'm very worried my dog is going to get hit by a car. What could I do to keep her in the house?


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Teaching a Dog To Swim?Does anyone have any tips for teaching a dog to swim?


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Teaching Road Awareness to a Dog?We adopted our daughter's springer spaniel/collie cross when she moved back home and found that he had no regard for road safety and traffic. We managed for months with fencing around the home but this has had to be removed for work to be done. The minute the door is open he sometimes manages to escape and dashes straight down the drive and across the road.


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Is it ever acceptable to strike a dog?Some people I know adopted a pit bull puppy. She is now 7 months old named Cali. One of the people she is with hits her for stuff like pooping in his room, or sometimes just "playing around" slapping her "in jest". Her feeding, watering and pooping schedule is something erratic.


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Dog Barks When the Doorbell Rings?I have problems with dogs barking when people come over or when the door bell rings. Does anyone have any solutions to annoying dogs barking every time someone comes to visit or when someone comes to the door?


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Puppy Cries When Left Outside?I have a 10 week old puppy, I've had her since she was 5 weeks old. House training is going well, I have a few nipping problems, but we're taking care of it. The big thing is outside... I have a chain for her outside that I would like to be able to put her on for maybe an hour or two a day, mostly when I need to keep her from being underfoot, but the moment you close the door she starts whimpering... and its not a quiet whimper.


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Training a Rottweiler?I have a female rotty and I was wondering if you had any ideas on what to teach her. She already knows, sit, down, stay, heel, come, bite, and out. I need to know where to go from here.


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Training an Older Collie?I've known my fiance for four years, he has a 8 year old large Collie (he's had since he was a young pup). Before "Champ", all I ever knew about collies was Lassie. I've looked up sites and information, Champ is hardly anything like them, his personality is horrific, he is a glutton no matter how much you feed him. Collies are normally friendly with children (even babies), he will bare his fangs at Ariana (nine months old).


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Dog Consuming Dog Urine?I was wondering if it is normal for my soon to be 2 year old male dog (Maxwell) to consume the urine from my new soon to be 7 month old female pup?


Dog Tearing Up Papers?My lab mix puppy just turned a year old and has been out of her crate without any issues for the past 4 months. Beginning yesterday, she has been knocking everything and anything off of my kitchen counters and tearing them to shreds while I'm gone. She's used to being alone for several hours a day so that's not the issue.


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My Dog is Afraid of Children?Is there a way to train my shepard/husky/lab mix to not be afraid of children? She is 6 months old and acts like she might bite them. We have a grand baby coming in the spring and would like to know if there is anything we can do!


Dog Keeps Knocking Over His Food?I have a two year old cocker spaniel who has a habit of pushing his food out of the bowl and eating it off the ground. We got him a food bowl and he puts his paw in the side and it makes it flop over spilling the food on the ground and then he eats it. He does it all the time. Why does he do that and how do I stop it?


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Training an Older Cocker Spaniel?We just adopted our second Cocker Spaniel (a male) from the animal shelter. He is 5 1/2 years old. The first Cocker miniature (female) that we adopted (7 years old) was crate trained and is just perfect. So we bought a crate for him to sleep in but he just shook the door so badly over and over that we let him sleep on the floor in our bedroom.


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Scaredy Dog?My name is Amanda, I have 2 sweet little terripoo's, one boy, one girl. We have had them for about 4-5 months now and when we first got them, they would not come near us. After a few days they started to become curious and after about a week or two they settled down a bit.


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Training Your Dog To Lay DownTips to help train your dog to lay down. Post your ideas.


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Sneaky Chewer?We found a QueenslandX dog about 9 months old that no one claimed. We are trying not to take her to our high kill animal shelter but she is a chewer. I mean she chews EVERYTHING - even takes a loaf of bread off kitchen table - cat toys, furniture, clothes, you name it.


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Overly Friendly Pit Bull?I have a 7 month old pit bull that is over friendly! I'll be on my porch with him and the next minute he's running to someone and licking him/her to death. I really want to break him of this, the last thing I want is for a full grown male pit running after some kid trying to play (of course the kid wouldnt know he trying to play). He knows stay, come etc.


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