
vicki hood

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4 Posts | 557 Comments | Active Since 2009
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Where Can I Get Reel Mower Blades Sharpened?
Get your own easy tool. Tool company in town? About 9$. Swipe it across any blade and it is good to go.


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Keeping an Opossum Out of My Yard?
You can be grateful because they eat snails. They might be pesty in that they will eat pet food left outside and garbage. Please do not hurt them. They mean you no harm.


Photo of multi leaf plant against fence

What is the Name of This Plant?
Arum. Mine have leaves like a philodendrum. Spread easily.


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Using Brown Sugar in Hummingbird Nectar?
Substitutions of any kind kill. Good white sugar and water only. I use 4 to 1. I have a few that winter over so I use 3 to 1 for winter months. I shine a light on the feeder to keep it from freezing. I adore my hummers. Would never substitute and kill them...


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Birdseed from Dollar General?
Terrific quality, less expensive in the long run. Fresher. Beautiful seed. Costco. Comes in a 40 pounder by Audobon. Attracts birds i have never seen before. Once you use it you will be telling everyone you know. 40 pounds $16. Less expensive as 40 pounds at...


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Keeping Mosquitoes Away?
Encourage bats. They are really wonderful. Bat houses available sometimes from fish and wildlife. Rid yard of standing water. That includes rain gutters. I have a natural spring that makes a small pool. I have goldfish to eat the larvae. Guppies would freeze...


Brown dog laying on the ground

Barli (Lab - Saint Bernard)
I too have a Barli. I chose that name because of the character in the classic book Heidi. Your Barli is 20 times the size of mine (more to love). My Barli is special to me. When i saw her picture i had a responsibility. She had been kicking around for a month...


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Remedies for an Anxious Dog?
Try rescue remedy. If you took her to the vet did he vaccinate her? Could be vaccine reaction. Vaccines often cause horrible problems by poisoning with mercury (now called thimerisol). Mercury and other poison junk affects the brain, spinal cord, auto-immune...


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Dog Recently Terrified of People?
You touched on the cause already. It is the vaccine. my post above, just before this one. She has had a poisoning in the brain from mercury (now called thimerisol) You need at least thuja (a homeopathic that sometimes helps). Now. She needs a homeopathic doctor...


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Antifungal Shampoo for Dog Odor?
Loads of suggestions on my past posts. Read diet and corn allergy. Nzymes for fungus. Temp fixes for itch. Yogurt for allergy. Anti vaccine. Flea elimination with 20 mule team Borax. Building immune system. Some raw in the diet.


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How Do I Get Rid of Slugs?
Was loaded with them. Cut pieces about 8 inches long of pvc pipe and put squirt of deadline in each end. Laid them through the garden. The deadline does not wash away and pets are unable to eat the poison. Sluggo is attractive to many birds and other animals...


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Intruder in Finch Bird Nest?
Lorelei makes sense. CUkoo (coocoo) (cucu) Spelling unknown after many years, anyway the cc bird does this. I would look for someone with an incubator to see what you have. Call wildlife rescue for a rehaber.



Photo of Snail

Wildlife: Snail (Catalina Island, CA)
Really large? They have the same in Tahiti. I was blaming people in their grass hut for taking them from the ocean. I got angry with the people thinking it must be torture for the poor snails. I threw the snails in the ocean. I am the dip.


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Remedy For Tape Worms?
Diatomaceous Earth, MUST BE FOOD GRADE for intestinal worms. Do not use garden or pool grade diatomaceous earth as it has poisons in it. Feed and seed store usually carries it or order on the internet. Inexpensive. Effective. Not a poison. Sprinkle over food...


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Hummingbird Feeder Recipe?
No. Vinegar could burn their tiny mouth. Besides, color is not needed. Tried and true, please stick to what will help feed them which is sugar water only.


Getting Rid of Moths
Clothes moths? Probable India or Indian meal moths. Find web debris and what looks like maggots in some grain products sitting around? They multiply in groceries with flour in the ingredients. Bird seed is another favorite.


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Parvo Advice For Those Who Can't Go To The Vet?
Health food store. Buy enough colloidal silver for 2 enemas. !0ppm or better strength. Germs are multiplying in the large bowel. An enema , half hour later another enema. This will absorb through intestines and keep killing the parvo germs. Keep your dog hydrated...


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Make Your Own Hummingbird Food?
No. What is this latest let me feed some phony stuff to the hummers. Id love to fool them? Hummers need sugar water. Always have, always will. If they have flowers for nectar they prefer them. In the season when they cannot get enough nectar, we help them to...


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Getting Rid of Small Black Ants?
About 10 percent dry 20 Mule Team Borax in Karo syrup. Warm a few seconds, shake to dissolve. Place where pets will not lick. Ants carry it back to nest to kill queen. Queens can live and reproduce other queens for up to 20 years. This method may take a few...


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What Kind of Animal Could Have Gotten Into My Cellar?
Prickly ball? Someones pet hedgehog if you are in the states. If you are in England you would have known about them. If it is alive, please befriend it and give it food and water. It doesnt deserve to die a horrible death.


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Vaccinate Pets at Home
Parvo vaccine often gives parvo. Read about the mercury, aluminum, washed sheeps blood, formaldehyde, pus, dirty blood, feces and other toxics that are in vaccines on Much is written by doctors that have delved into the question. Vaccines destroy...


collie mix

Lucky (Collie Mix)
I can see the love dripping from her face. What a precious soul. What a precious Mommy.


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Dog Won't Stop Scratching?
Diet change immediately. No corn, wheat or soy. See my past posts. All the info on skin, health, diet, fleas, allergies, Nzymes. No i dont sell it, but to balance and cure system, needs Nzyme granules. Cures skin and many other problems. Fleas treated...


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Treating a Dog With Urinary Incontinence?
Online. Even if you have to order from an offshore pharma co. Shipping from states to Canada may be extra so order several at a time. If you have a script because Canada requires same, you may have to provide that. Looks like it is a product from a good company...



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Squirrels Chewing Through Window Screens?
Kindness s never a mistake. She is your baby and having a hard time finding something to eat. She is starving and associates your kindness with food to survive. Please dont kill her with ammonia. She will acclimate slowly to the wild but for now she needs food...


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Painting Laminate Countertops Question?
Isnt Melamine what caused such death and near death of pets just a short while back? The Chinese had included it in pet food. Please, if there is any chance of traces in food prepared on countertops with melamine, rip them out and replace.


Gabby (Calico)
You really need an education on the suffering of kittens from breeders. Havent you heard? There are no homes. You are proud that you breed and cause at least 85% euthanasia? I dont understand. Please visit the shelter/pound and watch the miracle of death.


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What Can I Use to Get Rid of Ants?
Kill the whole nest as queenie can produce many more queens and queens live for up to 20 years. About 10% 20 mule team borax warmed just a little in a squirt bottle with Karo syrup. Put a squirt here and there but never where an animal can lick it as it is...


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Holistic Treatment for Dog's Yeast Infection?
Diet change very important. No grocery store bought food. Almost all has corn which is a big allergen and yeast builder. Read my past posts for suggestions. I use Malaseb for ears. Like the other suggestions of yogurt. At least some raw diet. Cook a big pot...


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Dog Has Become Aggressive With Owner?
Had he just been vaccinated? Mercury, aluminum, anti freeze, rotting animal tissue in vaccines often affects the brain. Vaccine damage can be treated. See a holistic vet who will treat with thuja and possibly other things. Google thuja on the internet and start...


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Cat is Losing Hair and Has Dandruff? Will clear it up in 2 weeks. Suggest their product for absolute healing and help. No i dont sell it. I do rescue and have helped many animals with their granules. Healthy, nothing from China, not even their container, HA. You need to stop grocery...


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Removing Skunk Smell From A Dog?
Mix bulk douche powder according to directions for skunk smell.


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Combine Kitty Litter For Best Results
Try Costcos big green. No smell - good clumping - clean smelling.


Diesel (Bluenose Pit Bull)

Diesel (Bluenose Pit Bull)
Diesel is indeed special. Please get an education on the current situation with pit bulls if you love them as so many do. The bulk of euthanized dogs in pounds and so called shelters are Pitbulls. If you want more Pitbulls adopt from a shelter. Spay and neuter...


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Home Remedies for Dog Worms?
Intestinal worms, Diatomacious earth. Natural. Must be food grade. Even for humans. They say 75% of humans have worms. Vets hate me. It cuts down on their sales of poisons. Vaccine poison, worm poison, skin poison. My old fashioned vet loves me for it. Heart...


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Remedy for Pets Dry Skin?
Read my past posts. Go effective natural remedy. Food change, Borax in carpet. Build immune system, No steroids (problems come back even worse) lots of easy fix.



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Adopted Dog Does Not Have All of Its Shots?
Please, no. Vaccines destroy the immune system. Get on and see for yourself the ingredients like mercury, antifreeze, human fetal cells, rotting monkey brains on and on. I am well studied, more than 20 years, on anti-vaccine. My step grandson (3...


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Recipes Using Ketchup?
Elegant shrimp cocktail. Best tasting is the simplest. Ketchup with a small spoon of horseradish mixed in. Add cooked shrimp, garnish and enjoy.


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Trouble with Chipmunks?
She is pregnant. Do not hurt her. She is gathering fiber for her nest. For areas that you wish she would stay out of, spread cayenne pepper.


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My Dog Won't Let Me Put Medicine in His Ears?
I see 2 good suggestions that are better than mine would have been. I only would add, nothing that stings, like some would put never ending vinegar in the ears. Please forget that one. I have, for years, done rescue dogs and on occasion have to treat ears. Best...


Belle (Domestic Short Hair)

Belle (Domestic Short Hair)
She is gorgeous. Happy that you have her but am begging please do not breed. She needs a spay job. She will be healthier for it. When you breed. you create a sad situation for the shelters who have to euthanize almost all that come in. When you adopted from...


Helping an Abused Dog

Helping an Abused Dog?
What is this not eating or drinking? Can you hand feed? Offer water? Your new baby is terrified and it will just take some time for her to trust. When she finds she is a family member, not crated or tied or locked up or ignored or beaten she will be the best...


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Tapeworm Remedies for Dogs?
Diatomacious earth. Must be food grade. In food every day. DE for intestinal worms. I get mine from Inexpensive. A natural product. Effective. Google uses. Surprise!! Good for humans also. Tapeworms come from flea hosts. See my past postings...


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Dog With an Ear Infection?
Ditch the vinegar. It stings. No wonder he fights it. Ask pharmacist to call vet for Malaseb. Vet refuses? I would change vets. The only thing the vet wants is a perpetual money source. Bet he pushes vaccines like crazy. You can order some prescription vet...


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Puppies With Worms?
Diatomaceous earth given every day. Must be food grade. Your garden dia earth has poisons. Must be food grade. A healthy natural product. I get mine from Inexpensive and used in several ways. Fleas must be eliminated. Fleas carry worm...


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Natural Remedies for Silverfish?
If you choose anything with diatomaceous earth, good idea to order food grade only. Inexpensive. Safe. I get mine from The list of many applications is very interesting. My house will never be without DE.


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Removing Mildew from a Stuffed Toy?
Natures miracle the dog spot remover. It took the mold out of a heavy drape I had. Good luck. Nice that you care.


Charlie (Dog)
Do I see cloudy eyes? I hope not as he is one of the most precious beings i have ever seen. Please keep my email in case there are cataracts. I may be able to send home remedy (I dont charge for this). I am In the meantime, a few suggestions...


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Dog With Chronic Ear Infection?
Raw diet best. At least some raw will help his immune system. Build up the immune system. No vaccines--Homeopathic Thuja will help with lessening of bad effects of vaccine. study at or almost any anti vaccine site for dangers. Dr Mercola has info...


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Strawberry Refrigerator Jam?
MCP freezer jam recipe (in their box) is delicious. Tastes like fresh strawberries which it actually is.


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Hibbi Scrub for Mange
My dentist sent me home with chlorhexadine. It is 0.12%.


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Cat Scratching His Neck?
Change food. Start with no food from grocery store pet food aisle. No corn wheat or soy. Cooking is good especially when you do some raw. Please google healthy kitty diet including raw. -- Itch? Athletes foot spray. If kitty is wild on this application, use...


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Is There a Natural Remedy for Feline Asthma?
People and pets. Asthma and related breathing problems. Nzymes oxy drops, pretty amazing for several things. Colloidal silver in a nebulizer.


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Puppy with Blood in Its Stool?
Likely the vaccines caused an auto-immune reaction. Parvo vaccine often gives parvo. Food should not contain corn especially, but also no wheat or soy. Easy to cook for. Check ingredients in specialty foods and duplicate. Things like brown rice, veggies (raw...


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ASPCA Pet Vaccination Truck?
Please, no vaccines. If you knew what was in them you would never consent to having anything stuck with poison. Google and check ingredients. Mercury(now called thimerisol) aluminum, rotting monkey brains,animal pus, antifreeze, human foetal tissue...


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Black Crust Around Bunny's Nose?
Someone, please, would that be the same contagious thing kitties get?


What Breed is My Dog?
I see mostly lab. Had similar dog with same color and it had dalmation and lab. Whatever she/he is, middle name is love.


Recipes for a Dog With Allergies?
Contact talk to some wonderful people there, wonderful product, no Chinese ingredients. They wont even use containers from China. Their Nzymes do wonders for all sorts of health problems. Never vaccinate your baby. Brings on allergies, sickness and...


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ET Pest Control for Bats?
Please do not kill them. They are so beneficial. If all bats were to die (like is threatened now with white nose disease) we would be in deep doodoo with bugs. Bats do no harm. One bat kills more mosquitoes in one night than a bug zapper. They do not attack...


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Remedy for Puppy With Gas?
Diet change may be in order. No corn, wheat or soy. At least some raw is best. Nothing from your grocery store dog food aisle. Fear she has worms? Food grade diatomaceous earth works nicely and is not a poison. MUST be food grade. No vaccines. They destroy...


What Breed is My Dog?
Lab and gorgeous.


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Does My Other Dog Have Parvo Too?
Get to the health food store if your dog has parvo. You need colloidal silver (10ppm or stronger) for an enema. Half hour later, another CS enema. CS by mouth often as you can even if you have to do it by eyedropper full. Even if you have to hydrate all through...


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Treating a Cat With Ringworm?
Cat hair is scant between ear and eye. Looks like half shot of hair. Ringworm is quite noticeable. Easy treated with athletes foot spray, but not right around the eye. Tinactin, Dr Scholls, any common known brand.


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Getting First Puppy Shots?
Never. Any vaccine has all sorts of poison garbage. Look up and you will see ingredients--mercury-aluminum-antifreeze-animal pus-and endless list of danger. Build the immune system. raw diet is best. Nothing from your local grocery store dog food...


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Coring Iceberg Lettuce
The lettuce knives (plastic) are wonderful for cutting lettuce.


Sadie Boo (Basset Hound Mix)

In Memory Of Sadie Boo (Basset Hound Mix)
Please, many of us would love to know about the arthritis supplement. I have had some luck with MSM , glucosamine, serapeptase, a little aspirin but would give anything to stop the crippling of rescue dogs. All dogs are worthy. I have had dogs that suffered...


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Home Remedies for Kidney Stones?
Google remedy of olive oil and lemon juice. It works. Bust up stones to sand. Dad can pee into a nylon and see the busted up stones.


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Training a Pitbull Puppy?
Your training is cruel. Please dont train that way or you will change a perfectly good dog into a nervous unhappy wreck. Dont treat any animal with cruelty. Bad treatment of animals often leads to bad treatment of humans.


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Puppy Has Fast Growing Lump?
Oftentimes the auto immune system is destroyed after a vaccine. Studied this for years after my step-grandson died 3 days after a vaccine. I would be inclined to visit a homeopath and treat for vaccinosis. Also a analysis from your regular vet to have lump...


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Dog Seems Lethargic?
Was he just vaccinated? Urgent if he is having an immune shutdown from vaccine. Homeopath treatment with thuja helps.


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How Can I Grow New Longer, Stronger Hair?
Bulk MSM from feed store long as it is pure. Inexpensive. Cannot hurt you only help. I use a tespoon a day in black coffee that is just barely warm. Nails turn to iron and hair is lots stronger. Good for lots of things. Google.


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Making Toys for Pet Rabbits?
The boy toy will find the girl toy if you dont do something about that, like now. Please do not breed. Thousands of rabbits go to the pound. Many are euthanized.


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Remedies for Dog with Seborrhea? Does wonders. Diet? Raw is best. Google it. Absolutely no corn wheat or soy. No Purina. No grocery store dog food. Cooking is good also/mixed with raw diet. Combo sweet potatoes mashed with a little sweet butter, veggies and canned jack mackerel...


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Keeping an Outside Dog Warm?
A dog is part of the family. You want him/ her to be an orphan? Your dog is cold and lonely outside. If you dont want this little short haired dog, give it to someone who will love and cherish it enough to give it a place in the home where it belongs. They...


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Using Coyote Urine to Keep Cats Out of the Yard?
Those farms with coyotes and fox are cruel and outlawed in many states. The animals are used in canned hunts where some big jerk a#* hole has to prove what a big man he is and the animal is released into a closed in area to be torn apart, much like pit animals...


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Remedy for Acne?
Serrapeptase. It will take a while but is effective.


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Cleaning Bird Droppings Off Painted Walls?
Got a mynah bird? You havent lived until...Anyway, miracle cloth and a good cleaner, even dish soap. Spray to moisten, soften. Poop must be soaked clear through or you will take the paint off when you scrub.


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Recipes Using Canned Yams?
Healthy meal for your dog. Yams, little sweet butter, canned mackerel, whatever veggies like broccoli, green beans, carrots, peas. No corn. Corn is not good for dogs in that it messes with their immune system. Causes bad skin and organ problems. It is almost...


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Treating Dogs for Worms ?
Food grade diatomaceous earth for intestinal worms. Natural, easy, safe.


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Treating Dogs for Worms ?
Diatomacious earth. Must be food grade; the other has poisons in it for the garden. Google dosage. Safe, inexpensive, natural, simple. Good to keep on hand and dose regularly. Will not kill heartworm, only intestinal worms.


Puppy Becomes Too Excited at Feeding Time?
I suspect you are feeding only once a day. He needs food 3 and 4 times a day. Google a good immune system diet. He sounds hungry. He is just a baby. Dont punish him for being so happy he is going to eat. Sounds of happy are a joy to hear.


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Removing Urine from a Couch?
Lots of white vinegar. Let it dry. No harm to most fabrics. Professionals use it.


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Child Refuses to Wear Underwear and Other Clothing Items?
Probably a trauma that needs a therapist doctor not a GP. For such a quick change in this bright little girl, something hurt her or scared her and she needs someone who can get her to talk without fear. Sometimes that is not a Mom or Dad. She could also be...


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Long Term Health Effects on a Puppy That Survives Parvo?
She now has antibodies to Parvo and will never get it again. Many dogs get parvo from the vaccine. Build immune system with good food (raw diet best) Never any Purina anything please. Read about raw diet (Google). Best to fix food at home. If you are cooking...


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Adopt A Pet Using Craigslist
Please be very careful that they go to a home and not a research facility which can be the cruelist of all things. To adopt is wonderful. You will have a best friend.


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Disposable Versus Cloth Towel Adult Bibs?
Auto section (Costco or other) wonderful large package of towels made from miracle cloth. Wash well, clean beautifully, comfortable, absorbent, strong and look just fine. Very inexpensive. You would need a neck ribbon, chain, or strap with clips. Bless you...


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Cleaning Pet Hair From Furniture and Floors?
Rubber finger broom is the best way to describe. A picture is on fly lady which u can join if you like. It is in a kit or singular. This rubber finger tool is in some hardware stores as well. Awesome--fabulous. Rows of these rubber fingers in a hand tool or...


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Can Nails That are Too Long Cause a Dog to Limp?
Sure it can. Take advice of Widget unless you know of someone who is knowledgeable that can help you. It hurts your dog to walk because toes are bent sideways.


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Board to Let Fowl Escape from Water Container
How very true. I lost my favorite squirrel in my cows water tank. How he must have suffered.


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Getting Rid of Chipmunks?
Please do not hurt them. They are very family oriented and do no harm. If you will sit back and enjoy them it would make you a better person.


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House Training a Blind Dog?
I can give you information about why your dog was born without eyes. Fungicide exposure to pregnant mother. I have blind dogs and then got a fawn without eyeballs. Raised her just fine. Had to raise her legally by not fencing her in. She had to be allowed to...


Getting Rid of a Dog's Bad Breath?
Cayenne pepper sprinkled dry on the dog cigars.


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Buying Fresh Cilantro in Johannesburg?
Easy to grow. Basil is also and how refreshing to be able to pick your own fresh and tasty.


New Dog Aggressive Toward Resident Cat?
A squirt from a squirtgun and not so the dog or dogs can see where it came from. It doesnt hurt them. Just changes their train of thought and they decide it is not the most pleasant experience.


New Dog Aggressive Toward Resident Cat?
Got cut off. Got one looks just like yours on little shorter legs. Amazing, smart. He is my little ambassador. Everything has to be OK in the household or he has to fix it. I do rescue and Binkey has to clean everyones eyes, ears and doctor boo boos. One of...


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Conditioner Makes Hair Fall Out?
Healthiest product for hair and skin as well is coconut oil. Warm a little in your hand to apply and brush through your hair with bristle brush. I use extra virgin coconut oil.


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Severe Back Pain?
Easy procedure you will not hear of until you ask. Very precise, very studied, cement injected. Newer procedure. Not costly. Can be done without hospitalization. Reason you dont hear of it is it cuts profits to the medical community. No more than 2 vertebrae...


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Acne Remedy?
Easy fix. Colloidal silver. Cannot hurt you, only clear you from the inside out. Please check silver sites and join . Google colloidal silver/acne.


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I Need Help Planning a Bridal Shower?
My daughter lives in Australia. It is a nightmare to mail anything. Believe it or not, best value to mail is priority. Large box aint so large. 12 x 12 x4 1/2 is $64. One ounce envelope is 94 cents. Good luck. Wait till you hear the phone rates. Internet email...


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How Do Male Pitbulls React to New Born Puppies?
No differently than any other breed. Mother may start something as she does not usually want anything or anyone around her babies. Best not to disturb with anyone or anything until nursing is over and mom has dried up.


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Getting Rid of Tapeworms Naturally?
Mismachado is absolutely right. Food grade only. Rid the house of fleas with dry Borax as fleas that are eaten or chewed on are the cause of tapes. Diatomaceous earth is very safe. Gets all intestinal worms. Will not eliminate heart worm. That needs very special...


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Fleas on My Cat and Her Kittens?
Dry borax throughout the house. In their bed too. A gentle bath and flea comb. No poisons.


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Removing Skunk Smell from Couch?
Worth a try. Bulk douche powder mixed with water however strong you want to clean articles.


Light brown dog with dark muzzle.

What Breed is My Dog?
And something that has eyes that look deep into your soul. Gosh, He looks like family to me.


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Rescue Dog Still Acts Frightened a Year Later?
Do not destroy her immune system anymore with vaccines. They would be deadly. Build her immune system with everything you can find like raw diet, antioxidents, no poisons, natural flea control (borax in the house),lots of love, clean air, exercise is super...


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How Do I Get Rid of Mice?
Please do not use cruel methods. Mice are very family oriented. Good moms. Do not make them suffer. Glue traps are of the cruelest. Poisons cause much pain and suffering. Mint, spearmint and the like sounds great. I like reusable tin cats trap which catch them...


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Trouble Potty Training a 4 Year Old?
Delicate subject, but this has to be asked. Does your daughter feel afraid to potty because it hurts? If this is a yes, is it possible someone has been hurting her? Talk to her about her fears. Something out of the ordinary has happened.


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Protecting a Vaccinated Dog from Parvo?
And get your dogs immune system up. I would see a homeopath. Curcuminoids are excellent anti-oxidants. Colloidal silver is good. Willards water is also good. All of them.


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Substituting Skim for 2% Milk in a Recipe?
Add 2% butter. Butterfat has been removed from skim.


Fleas on a Kitten?
And be sure to do the dry Borax in the carpets. Leave it down for 2 weeks to get eggs larvae and adults. 2 or more cups per carpeted room 2 weeks. Safe and it works.


Mickjagger (Cat)
I got a Mick Jagger Chi recently. He was on transport that I do. Kept his name. He is a delight. I adore him. He was in bad trouble with health issues. Glad you have a kitty by the same name. My Chi actually looks like Mick Jagger. Those that are in need are...


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Getting Rid of Fleas?
20 Mule team borax dry in the carpets. Two and a half cups per room. Do not vacuum for 2 weeks.


A cute dog with floppy ears.

Coconut Oil to Fight and Prevent Ear Infections
She is perfect. I see kisses dripping from her face. Beautiful.


Blackie (Spaniel Mix)
Do I see 3 legs? Know what happened? What a sweet face. Love the contented look. Hugs to him. He is a lucky boy.


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Preventing a Flea Infestation from a New Cat?
Ditch the frontline. It is poison after all. Get dry 20 mule team borax into all carpets, rugs, furniture. Carpets, 2 cups (or more) dry sifted for average size room. Leave down 2 weeks before you vacuum. It takes 2 weeks for life cycle of egg larvae and adult...


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Using Zyrtec For a Dog With Allergies?
First, dump the frontline. That is a poison afte rall. Diet is the cause of the allergies probably. No grocery store pet food. Bet what you are feeding , first ingredient is corn. Your dog is not a bird. Special pet supply, decent pet food with no corn wheat...


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Kidney Stone Diet?
To bust most stones up google lemon/olive oil cure for kidney stones. Most stones turn to sand like and can be passed without pain. Diet? Avoid carbonated beverages, drink lots of lemon water. If you dont clean up your diet you will suffer again. Besides, good...


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Use Epsom Salts for Dog's Itchy Skin
Change in diet is in order. Poor baby has an allergy. Most likely to corn wheat or soy. NO grocery aisle dog food. NO science diet (first ingredient is corn) . Better store, groomer that sells good food, co op, livestock supply. Cook healthy things. Feed some...


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Dishwasher Not Cleaning Dishes?
Check spray arms for plugs.


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Will Bathing a Dog With Dawn Help With Dry Skin?
Improve diet. Raw diet best but no grocery store pet food. Specialty store but no corn. wheat or soy (Causes allergy) Few supplements (like raw flax oil) no vaccines good unsweetened yogurt with ophiluses in it. Borax in carpet for fleas, bathe in oatmeal soap...


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Child Safe Remedy for Fleas?
About 2 cups dry borax for each carpeted room. Spread, leave for 2 weeks before you vacuum. Carpet is the best breeding grounds for fleas. This is safe for children in the house. Crawling babies even. Use whatever safe method of killing the fleas on your pets...


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Homemade Eyeglass Cleaner?
Miracle cloth. Wipe and away you go. Does not scratch.


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Check ASPCA and AVMA Vaccination Frequency Recommendations
Please no vaccine. I try to fix those with mast cell cancer (from vaccines), cancer at the vaccine site, change in personality, parvo (directly from the parvo vaccine), aggression issues (from vaccine). Lots have died in my arms before i could help them. The...


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Check ASPCA and AVMA Vaccination Frequency Recommendations
Best check what is in vaccines and you will decide to have none. Mercury (now called thymerisol) anti-freeze-aluminum-aborted foetal cells-rotting monkey brains-animal pus-and now they are talking of putting in ground bugs. Check out anti vaccine sites like...


Safe Flea Treatment for Puppies?
No poisons please. Dry borax in the carpets. Build their immune system.


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Mark Pet Tags With Name and Number
Using a marking pen, write phone number on nylon collar. Works on leather, too. You may have to refresh it every few months.


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Controlling Ticks on Calves?
Guinea hens are the best controller of ticks. You will love them.


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Keeping Snakes Out of My Garden?
You will feel better when you Google and identify what snakes these are. Most are doing good things like eating bugs. Are there poisonous snakes in your area? Ask neighbors. Learn to identify poison snakes that may be in your area. Sure they need to be killed...


Dog With Arthritis?
Ditto for fatboyslimsmom.


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Dog Has Started Chewing on Shoes?
Bitter apple spray, available at feed store.


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My Dog is Breathing Heavy and Hangs Her Tongue Out?
Please have her checked for Oronasal fistula. Hole in the gum that goes to nasal cavity. Food gets stuck in that tube and they have breathing problems, infection, lots of problems.


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Brittle Finger Nails?
Feed store. Pure MSM by the pound. I take 1 teaspoon a day in liquid. Nails have never been stronger. Good for lots of things. Check internet.


What Breed is My Dog?
Love mixed with cute. What a treasure.


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Getting Rid of Fleas Naturally?
Dry Borax in all carpets and animal beds. Leave for 2 weeks before you vacuum. Bathe-fleacomb-whatever to give some relief to pet. Outdoor yard, the only thing I know is Sevin dust. Build immune system, Excellent immune system and fleas are just not interested...


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Remedies for Worms?
Best and natural is food grade diatomaceous earth. It is for intestinal worms.


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Hair Loss Due to Flea Allergy Dermatitis?
Dry borax in the carpet like I have directed to many, for the fleas. Good for at least a year plus it is a natural product. for the enzyme granules that will help in many ways with digestion and health. Besides, it helps make up for the processed...


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Hair Loss Due to Flea Allergy Dermatitis?
Todays post on dawn for fleas explains much you can do. Build system up from several angles. All health and natural.


closeup of Pug's face

Bailee (Pug Mix)
Dont know if you could have found anything more adorable. Rescues are the best.


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Cat Has Small Scabby Spots on Neck, Shoulders and Near Tail?
Flea bites? Do the dry Borax in the carpet and their beds thing. Diet? No, no, no corn wheat or soy. Cats do not do well on dry food. Raw diet best but decent can be found, just not at your local Safeway.


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Cat Has Small Scabby Spots on Neck, Shoulders and Near Tail?
Should have included. No vaccines. Destroys immune system. See homeo for antidote if pet has been destroyed with vaccines. Check for vaccine info and you will never vaccinate.


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Getting Rid of Raccoons?
Several choices. I feed mine. They showed up very thin. My one cat now sleeps with them. I wouldnt trust them hungry, though. Another choice is to livetrap (if you are sure there are no babies) and relocate. I got a wonderful price on livettraps at Heartland...


Barli (Lab-St. Bernard)
Love you for loving Barli so. Love the camping story. Love that beautiful hunk of a pal. Barli belongs on a magazine cover. Love the name. Could I use it on my little dog that is coming in? She is a pom mix-blind-and looks like a little bear. Because she is...


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Treating a Dog's Skin Allergy?
Likely a food allergy. Never feed any corn, wheat or soy. Raw diet is best or part cooked veggies and meat. Yogurt is good. Check internet about the crap that goes into grocery store pet foods and you will never feed that again. You need to build immune system...


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Protecting Young Puppies from Parvo?
Parvo vaccine often gives parvo. Your puppies have already been exposed. Extreme hazard. Never had to try but friends swear when a pup is showing sign an enema with colloidal silver water (at least 10 ppm) (available at health food store) will carry germs away...


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Cats in Flower Beds?
Cayenne pepper. Replace after watering


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Getting Rid of Moles?
Gross you out maybe. Pee on em. Job for the man of the house. Pee in a bucket, pour it on the hills, they leave for better places like your neighbors.


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Controlling Ticks?
Guinea hens. The worst infestations like in parts of Texas are totally eliminated with Guinea hens. Their best work is on ticks. Fleas, ticks, silverfish, pillbugs, cockroaches, you name it. The whole world needs at least 4 of these smart little characters...


Can You Cross Breed a Dachshund with a Pit Bull?
Please, No breeding. 85% of the pets in most shelters are put to sleep because people dont get their animals spayed and neutered. You want to breed more for the shelter? Begging you, watch the miracle of death (the big needle) at the shelter before you think...


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Training Puppy Not To Chew On Everything?
I second that. Perfect answer from chickey boom boom.


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Getting Rid of Bats?
Bats are a blessing. If that little one leaves, you will not enjoy your patio with all the biting bugs. You might hang a bat house about 15 foot up, facing south. See if critter would like it better than your umbrella. They harm nothing. One bat eats more bugs...


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Can Dogs Eat Ice Cream?
I have on occasion. Thats my family. Delicious to them and certainly a whole lot better for them is plain yogurt. The kind with no sugar and lots of ophiluss in it. They love it. Helps with immune system, and they feel so special getting their own desert.


Small mallow or hollyhock.

What is This Plant? (Althea Zebrina)
Mallow for butterflies.


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Organic Mole Repellent?
An odd job for your husband. Human urine poured on the hill will chase them away. Be inventive as to how you collect this product. I used a toilet seat over a 5 gallon bucket in an area where there was privacy. Dont crack up laughing. It worked for me.


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Raising a Friendly Pit Bull?
I second that. Sound advice.


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Cat Left Behind Fleas?
Dry Borax 2 cups per room-sprinkle carpet and even furniture. Leave 2 weeks before vacuuming.


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Birds Prefer Dry Cat Food to Seed?
Jays are meat eaters. If they can, they even steal squirrel babies as well as bird babies. Jays do not like to crawl inside anything. You may see what the cats can tolerate in the way of going inside some type of cover that the jays will not enter. Experiment...


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Recipe for a Dog With Kidney Problems?
Be sure and get the recipe from the vet with the salt substitute (nu salt). My dog pulled out of it after being poisoned by a neighbor. I used holistic care and the vets recipe. Every day use all cautions--you cannot vary from the diet until the kidneys are...


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Keeping Squirrels from Eating Hammock Strings?
Should have added, You might supply them with pieces of yarn, dryer lint, old pieces of cloth. They have a need for nesting. Babies are here about now.


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Use Cooking Oil to Remove Sticky Residue Off Fur
What a cruel thing to put stickey traps for your visiting mice. Please dont cause so much pain and suffering. Think or a second what these poor creatures go through. Peppermint oil placed in spots near where the mice might like repels them beautifully. Study...


Tan and brown dog.

What Breed is My Dog?
You know there are different heads on chis. She is gorgeous. Might be an applehead chi. Purebred probably but not important. She is family.


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