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Receiving Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Is your sister and adult or minor? If a minor, they may be returned for her use. (such as if she was in foster care or similar). If an adult, and she was in an institution care, they may have a claim against that money, such as a nursing home). Most likely...


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Cleaning a Ceiling Fan?
Dollar General has a feather duster that you can change the angle of. It works wonderful for ceiling fans. You can buy new feather covers for it, or do like I did and make washable ones out of a washcloth.


Cleaning Residue on Windows - smudgy windows

Cleaning Residue on Windows?
Those are double pane windows. The seal has broken and moisture has gotten in. The are not fixable, but rather need to be replaced.


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Camouflaging Ugly Dog Crates?
Slide them to under a table and cover. Look on pinterest, there are a whole bunch of photos on there of ways to cover them or make them look like cabinets or other furniture.


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Notification to Neighbors Regarding Building Permits?
I heard the original poster saying why are these permits not public information. That would be up to that town to answer why they are or are not public knowledge. In my area, they are not public either, unless it is something that changes zoning. We have to...


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Is Tomato Juice Safe for Dogs?
I would not give it. And, I cant think of anything in the tomato juice that would improve the color. Color is a DNA trait. DIet wont change DNA


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Getting a Puppy After Losing One to Parvo?
I dont understand how you could bleach your yard and indoor carpets. The bleach would ruin your carpets and kill all your grass. Are you sure it was chlorine bleach that you used? every single surface that the dog touched has to be sterilized. Also, your clothing...


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7 Month Old Dog Peeing a Lot?
That is normal, its how a female dogs body works.


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Allowing Dyed Hair to Grow Out?
Your other options would be to strip out the silver and just go with the grey, or to go old school and frost your hair.


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5 Week Kitten Has Watery Eyes and Is Sneezing?
A kitten should not be weaned until at least 6 weeks. Take it to a vet, or back to the shelter for the shelter vet to examine. It could have picked up something at the shelter that other animals there could also get.


Caring for a Duck Nest with an Egg

Caring for a Duck Nest with an Egg?
Leave it be. The mom will sit on it when she is done laying. If you go messing with it or moving it, she will not come back to it.


Is My Pit Bull Pure Bred? - brown Pit Bull

Is My Pit Bull Pure Bred?
Only a DNA test can tell for sure.



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Duck Laying Eggs But Not Sitting on Them?
She will sit on her own after the last egg of her clutch is laid. Dont interfer with the process or move the eggs--it will only confuse her and may make her not sit at all. But, they dont sit until after the last one is laid--sometimes its 2 weeks or more, depending...


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Cub Cadet Mower Won't Start?
Have you tried to prime the carburetor?


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Ombre Hair Dye Did Not Turn Out Right?
I would ask for a refund, take your photo and go elsewhere. If they missed it up twice, they probably would the third time as well.


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Removing Bleach Smell in Car?
You need to open the windows for a few days and let it air out.


Is My Pit a Full Blood Red Nose?

Is My Pit a Full Blood Red Nose?
Only a DNA test can tell.


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Getting Rid of Grass in Rock Around Plants?
Pull it up by hand. If you use anything else, it can also get to the hostas and kill them.


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Dog Not Eating or Playing?
How old is he? Age affects their behavior, or he could be depressed-does he get lots of one on one attention? Have you made any changes? Such as a move, or new baby or changing his dog food?


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Keeping a Cat Cool in Hot Living Area?
i agree with the others--fans and lots of water. Is there anyone who could check on the cat for you during the hotest days?


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Getting Rid of Mold in the Bathroom?
Bleach water. To keep it from returning, clean at least weekly with bleach water, and you must not let steam build up--you need moving fresh air--a fan or open window.


Is My Pit Bull Pure Bred? - gray and white dog

Is My Pit Bull Pure Bred?
You can not tell by looking. The only way to know for sure is a DNA test.


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Mallard Duck Laid Eggs?
Could be, dog, racoon, snake, wessel, fox, coyote, kids.....


Is My Malinois Purebred? brown and black puppy with large stand up ears

Is My Malinois Purebred?
It sure looks like one to me, but only a DNA test can tell for sure.



Is It Rude for My Dog to Pee on Neighbors' Lawns? - large brown lawn

Is It Rude for My Dog to Pee on Neighbors' Lawns?
It is very rude. In fact, where I live it is against city ordinance and the dog owner can be arrested, taken to court and fined or even have their dogs taken away if they are a repeat offender. Urine can kill grass over time, and if mixed with some lawn chemicals...


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Nail Polish Remover Damaged Wood Table Finish?
In the past I have had similar happen. I sand it down, stain and reseal it. You can do just a small area at a time. Lowes carries very small stains and sealers just for this purpose. The are less than an ounce and come in a little foil pouch type of package...


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Breeding Zebra Finches?
They will be fine. Unless the temps are extreme, they can be off the eggs for a couple of hours.


Mallard Duck Left Nest -  duck nest with eggs

Mallard Duck Left Nest?
This is normal, most likely she will return.


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Caring for a Dog with Parvo?
You dog will spread the virus where he is at, so he needs to be in a confined area. Until I joined this site, I never ever heard of people having dogs with Parvo at home. In my area, if you dog has parvo, the vet keeps it until it is ready to go home, and parvo...


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Changing the Color of Horizontal Blinds?
Unless they are large ones, it may be cheaper to get new ones. Depending on the size, prices at walmart start under $10.


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Removing Moth Ball Odor from Washer?
Clean it, then leave it open to air out good.


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Name for Homemade Bath and Body Products?
MaMaw Jo Skincare Products


How To Clean a Popcorn Ceiling - clean

How To Clean a Popcorn Ceiling
I use the vacuum cleaner to clean mine. I use the hose with the brush attachment. That way, I dont have to deal with the dust falling.


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Removing Spray Paint from Formica Tabletop?
I have had success with nail polish remover as well.


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Cleaning Cat Poop Off Lining of Leather Jacket?
Clean it with mild laundry soap/water and a sponge. Then take it to a leather cleaner or ask your dry cleaner if they can recommend a leather cleaner (many dry cleaners send leathers to a leather cleaner, others just refuse to take leathers)


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Father Comes Over Unannounced?
I would keep the doors locked. Then he cant just walk in. Also tell him that as newly weds you need your privacy.



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Stiffening a 3D Crochet Project?
I wonder if you could encase it in a clear resin? They sell the resin at hobby stores.


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Removing Sticker Residue from Plastic Mug?
Goo gone or put an ice cube on it, get it very cold then scrape it off.


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Reusing Toilet Paper Tubes?
Check out this video using a tp roll.


Recovering or Repairing the Interior Roof of a Van - cracks

Recovering or Repairing the Interior Roof of a Van?
Have you checked with junk yards to see about getting a new roof off a junked van?


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Cat Urine Smell Coming from Vents?
It will only temp mask the smells. They will need to be cleaned or replaced.


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Teen Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
If that is the case, then you need to go to the social security office,


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Removing a Blistex Stain from a Polo Shirt?
I have been told in the past to try WD40 and mineral oil. Never tried it though.


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Inexpensive Vet Clinic in Lansing Michigan?
Sounds like she had an abscess and it popped. Antibiotics would be best, from a vet. If you cant afford a vet, go to your nearest farm store. In some states you can get antibiotics for animals without a script. Not sure if you can where you live or not, but...


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Treating a Six Week Old Goat for Diarrhea?
He has scours. Go to the feed store and get him the electrolyte packet (you mix it with water) for goats. He should also still be on mothers milk--if he isnt get some milk packets as well. Scours can kill a goat, sheep, cow or horse.


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Getting Rid Of Worms In My Freezer?
Judy is correct. They are maggots. Which means they were already in the freezer or you have a bad freezer gasket (seal) You can clean to get rid of the worms, but the smell is another story. I would replace the freezer or fridge unit.


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My Duck Laid Eggs in the House?
If you move them now, she may not stay broody. If you do, it has to be in a secure area, where she cant get out--and even then she may not sit on them. But, they only lay 1 per day, and then they dont sit until they are done laying. So, evidently you have been...


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Teen Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Does she pay your share of the food? rent or mortgage? insurance, car, car insurance? internet bill? water and sewer and lights? You said you have kids? Who buys their diapers? She may be paying a lot more than you think she is.


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Creating New Flower Beds Where Dog Pees and Poops?
After 30 days, the soil will be good enough to plant in. Meanwhile, retrain her to use another area.


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Puppy Started Pooping in Her Bed?
Any change in her diet? What time does she eat of an evening? Perhaps she is eating too close to bedtime?


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Treating Kittens with Eyes Crusted Shut?
kittens? As in more than one? That means most likely it is an infection. You can try using saline drops but to prevent spreading infection, each kitten would have to have their own bottle. You could try wetting gauze and lightly cleaning their eyes with it...


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Cleaning Soot from Walls?
You will want to clean and then prime. There is a play dough like product that you rub over the walls that takes up the soot.


What Is This Houseplant? dying foliage plant

What Is This Houseplant?
if she had it in a greenhouse environment, then it may need more sun and humidity.


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Abandoned Wild Mallard Nest?
Leave it be. They dont start sitting until they lay their last egg. I would give it several days. Dont mess with the eggs, that can prevent her from returning, as she will associate that with a predator in the area.


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Rooting a Lilac Cutting?
I have, numerous times, by using rooting hormone.


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Craftsman Riding Mower Won't Start?
You do have the fuel line open (choke or throttle)? Possibly a blocked fuel line?


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Mallard Duck Trying to Move Her Eggs?
She may have purposely left that egg out. Sometimes they know if an egg is bad.


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Attaching Storage Containers to Roof of Tent Camper?
Are you talking about a pop up tent trailer? I would not do it. Those are not designed to hold weight.


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Removing Plastic Handle Stain on Vinyl Car Upholstery?
Take it to a detail shop. They were able to get stains off my rear car seat that had been there for a couple of years from koolaid spills that nothing else would remove.


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Skin Peeling on Face from Sunburn?
just give it time. even if it didnt tan there as much, tans fade, so use sun screen and it will even out over time.


Is My Pit Bull Full Blooded? light brown dog with white on chest na feet

Is My Pit Bull Full Blooded?
Only a dna test will tell


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Finding a Free Dresser?
facebook swap shops, craiglist, freecycle and ask at thrift stores that are charity run. We have one here that will give products if you meet certain income levels.


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Rooting a Lilac Cutting?
It depends how long it was without water. You may need to cut up some to give it a fresh place to start rooting from.


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Getting Rid of a Mole Infestation?
Have you tried the electronic devices? I used one once and it worked.


Easy DIY Plant Holder - cactus and succulents in pots sitting in plant holder

Easy DIY Plant Holder
Love this idea, how cute!


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Home Remedy for Fleas in the Yard?
i would use a pro. You dont want them in your home and many home remedies will kill your grass.


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Removing Urine Odor from Antique Armoire?
You could try to use kilz on the inside after you air it out well and deodorize it.


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Kitchen Paint Color Advice?
I think they grey would go well with red and gold.


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Basket of Encouragement for Cancer Patient?
When my sister in law and I fought our battles, we did not like people giving us that info. We heard it enough from the doctor visits we were at constantly. We needed a break from it. At one point, she even had a sign on her door: If you are here to visit, come...


Getting Hair Back to Natural Color After Dyeing

Getting Hair Back to Natural Color After Dyeing?
strip your hair or dye the ends.


Value of Encyclopedia Britannica

Value of Encyclopedia Britannica?
Sadly, they are not worth anything. My husband is a part time auctioneer and these are never bid on, and always thrown out. However, there are some neat things you can do with the pages (see pinterest) or you can hollow them out to use as a hiding spot for...


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Removing VapoRub from a Plastic Bowl?
My husband retired from a chemical plant where this product was made. He says this bowl needs to be dedicated for this purpose only in the future or throw it away. Due to some of the ingredients in it, it should never be used for food in the future, despite...


Value of 1924 World B ook Encyclopedia - embossed brown leather cover

Value of 1924 World Book Encyclopedia?
Sadly not worth much. My husband is a bart time auctioneer and these never sell and end up getting thrown out. Sometimes women will buy them for crafts.


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Removing Dye Stains on Baseball Pants?
If the store failed to remove the dye device, take it and your receipt back. They should replace them.


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How Parvo Is Transmitted?
Parvo lives in the soil for up to 9 months to a year, or even longer depending on your weather. Wind can blow it (especially if you soil has little to no grass, or is sandy). The best prevention is to have your dogs vaccinated for parvo before you even bring...


Remedy for Burnt Brittle Hair - dry tips

Remedy for Burnt Brittle Hair?
Condition it daily. Warm up your conditioner before you apply it. Wrap your head in a towel and leave the conditioner on over night.


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Several Appliances Not Working After Power Interruption?
Try flipping all your breakers off, then back on again. Sometimes they look tripped when they are tripped. Have an electrician check. You may have fried the appliances, in that case turn it into your insurance.


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Repurposing 50 Gallon Plastic Barrels?
If they are food grade, use for a rain barrel. We use some in our horse arena filled with either water or a large rock to keep upright for barrel racing.


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House Trained Dog Started Peeing Inside?
Did the previous owners have dogs in the house? He may be smelling that. New couch? Often they contain formaldehyde and animals find that smell disagreeable to them. I would confine to one part of the house, then slowly introduce him to the rest of it.


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Repurposing 50 Gallon Plastic Barrels?
We use them here on the farm in the arena for barrel patterns and for rain barrels. I also have one with sand in the bottom that I pour old used oil in and keep shoves, pitchforks and hoes in. Keeps them from rusting.


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Starting a Red Hat Society?
Why not start something different? Like the pink boa ladies??


Buying Crochet Doilies - doily with center medallion and multiple connected smaller ones around the center

Buying Crochet Doilies?
Cybergrannie I wish I could. We dont have JoAnns around here, and the nearest Michaels is an hour away. Kind of hoping for an online source.


Buying Crochet Doilies - doily with center medallion and multiple connected smaller ones around the center

Buying Crochet Doilies?
Sadly, we have no yarn, fabric or craft stores near where I live. Its 50 miles to the nearest one. We are in a very remote farming community. 1 grocery store, 4 banks, 1 carwash, 2 gas stations, pharmacy, several antique shops, feed store, county extension...


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Removing a Flea from Kitten's Eye?
She is going to have to go to the vet.


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Painting Faux Marble Bathroom Countertops?
Use a product that has a guarantee. I know several people who have done this to their counters in the kitchen and bathroom and it peeled and they ended up having to replace the counters.


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Mallard Duck Laid Eggs?
She will be back


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Laundering and Drying an Antique Crochet Bedspread?
You could try soaking it in the tub in cold water with some Woolite. Then, squeeze out the water, roll it up with towels and dry the best you can. Lay flat to dry (perhaps by covering you bed with towels then spreading on top of them with fans on it.


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Dog Peeing on Herself When Lying Down?
Often this happens if they have a uti


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House Training a Puppy?
That might just be her time. Just as some people always go at the same time everyday. Is she eating dry food or wet food? You might try changing that. You might also start getting up at 2am and taking her out. If she has already gone, then the next night try...


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Riding Mower Keeps Shutting Off?
You are closing the choke after starting it? (you should be). Also, it can get a vacuum like a car, so slightly crack open the lid to the gas tank.


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Treating a 3 Week Old Puppy for Fleas?
dawn is about the only thing you can use. at that age, vets are against using any commercial products.


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Bread Sticking in Welbilt Loaf Pan?
Add extra oil to the dough. Or try lightly spraying it before you add the ingredients.


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Re-dying Hair?
A light color wont cover a dark one. It will need to be stripped, then conditioned before recoloring.


Treating a Kitten's Eye Discharge - fuzzy grey tabby kitten

Treating a Kitten's Eye Discharge?
Do you have a vet school or animal shelter near you? Vet schools only charge a couple of dollars, and some shelters will help and have meds on stock.


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