
Nan Corpe

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7 Posts | 287 Comments | Active Since 2007
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Can Skin Oil From Dog Paws Fade a Leather Couch?
That repairman is just playing CYA in case you have problems with your furniture. He sounds dishonest.


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Buying a Stand Electric Mixer?
Base it on how much you plan to use it. Kitchen Aid makes several mixers. Of course, the most expensive is the best and it does everything. Cuisinart is another good brand, and there are others. Look them up in Consumers guide and see what they are rated lately...


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Stop Drinking Soda
I wonder how many colas you were drinking. I have a coke every day with lunch, but just that one a day because I know how bad it is for a person. Kids should never have sodas of any kind. They need to have juice or water.


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Product Review: NutriSystem
A relaltive was an area counseling manager for Nutrisystem back when they had meetings for dieters. They closed these places and now just sell food. I have a problem with anything that has so many chemical additives. Better to just to eat sensibly, get enough...


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Reducing the Cost of Orthodontia?
When my daughter was a little girl, I took her to an orthodontist to see if she needed braces because she had a tooth that was growing too high on her gums. He said Yes, she needs $thousands worth of braces. Just to be sure, I took her to her regular dentist...


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Using It All - Lemons?
I have a lemon tree and I do everything with the lemons. One thing you can do is make a great house spice called gremolata. It is made from salt, pepper, garlic powder, dried parsley and dried lemon rind. This is good on everything, meat, fish, vegs. The only...


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Aloe Vera Gel for Minor Burns
Take advice from a Floridian. The very best thing for painful, red sunburn is to open Vitamin E capsules and very gently pat the Vitamin E on the burn. It makes the pain go away instantly and it also helps lubricate the skin and keep it from cracking. I found...


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Saying "No" to Someone Who Asked You Out?
Just say you really appreciate the offer, but no thank you. If hes an adult and hes being bullied, hes got more problems than you need. If hes a child or teen, he needs to talk to a school counselor or his church pastor, etc. Dont start something you dont intend...


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Keeping a Dog from Being Lonely?
Youre supposed to be your dogs companion. Isnt that why you got a dog? I hope the dog isnt tied up outside all the time. Even a huge dog doesnt take up much room in a house. Just enough room to lie down in. If hes housebroken, the only thing you need to do...


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Buying a Shepherd Husky Mix?
Its not a mutt anymore. Its now considered a designer dog. You will probably have a difficult time finding one. It hard to say what the cost would be. Its always wise to check your local shelters or rescues. You might find a dog that is mostly shepherd and...


Cat with Urinary Tract Infection?
Thats a pretty old cat. Poor old guy. I had frequent UTIs and they were torture until I got to the right MD. I start out with every new cat giving them dry food with urinary tract protection in it. There are several brands you can get. If youre not using it...



Black puppy with Lab like ears and white feet.

What Breed is My Puppy?
I think shes part lab and part really cute dog. Its probably too soon to tell. Please ask the vet. He will know.


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Making Sure Pet's Shots are Up to Date?
Take her to a vet. He will know what to do. If you have had her for three years, shes overdue for protection for dangerous diseases. Florida requires yearly license and rabies vaccine. You can get a 3 year rabies vaccine in some cases, but the license is a...


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Treating a Cut on Dog's Ear?
I understand wounds on the ears bleed more, sometimes excessively, and are more difficult to heal. Why dont you want to take him to the vet? If he was injured by another dog, there could be other injuries.


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Young Child Raised By Grandmother Now Lives With Mom?
Your daughter is not helping the child to make the transition. She is jealous of her childs feeling for you which are not sick. She is naturally more attached to you since you raised her from birth as a favor to her mother. You should speak to someone confidentially...


Zoey (Siberian Husky)

Zoey (Siberian Husky)
She is a lovely girl. Your cat seems to like her very much. Pets are such a joy. I have q white husky and she is a sweetgirl. She loves the dog park. She goes every day and she knows when its time to go.


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New Puppy Not Eating Enough?
Of course you have taken the puppy to the vet. What did he say about his age and his appetite? If you havent taken him yet, you should do so right away. If you dont care enough to take him or if you cannot afford to take him, perhaps you should take him back...


Closeup of Keesha.

In Memory Of Keesha (Keeshound/Shepherd Mix)
We had a dog that was Shepherd/Keeshond mix who looked just like yours except she was more blonde. She was a big girl like a shepherd and so sweet. Her favorite thing was chasing a ball and going to the park. We have lost dogs from old age, but losing her was...


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Product Review: Dryer Balls
I liked these, but my dogs kept getting hold of them and I kept having to clean them over and over before I could use them again. Finally they disappeared. While I used them, they worked.


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2 Year Old Toddler Keeps Biting Himself?
Theres something going on thats causing him to do this. Talk to his MD ASAP. It could be something at home, at daycare, etc. Meanwhile, Ill ask my daughter whose a professional in this area.


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Newly Adopted Dogs Urinating in House?
I have several dogs and even as puppies they never peed in the house. It might be because I have a doggy door. When a new puppy comes in it sees the bigger dogs go out the dog door and it just seems to follow and does its job outside. Are you in the climate...


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Weaning a Breastfed Baby ?
Good grief? Is this your own baby? If so, you should be asking your doctor this question. Dont take advice about your baby from anyone but your doctor or your babys doctor. We are strangers to you.


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Dog Has a Gas Problem?
Your dog sounds like he has a digestion problem. You should ask the vet about this. You didnt say how old the dog is. Some dogs, like Bulldogs and Boston Terriers, normally pass a lot of gas because of the way they breathe, but I havent heard of labs having...



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Lemons on Tree Not Ripening?
My Meyer lemons are ripening now, but not ripe enough to use yet.


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Dog is Tearing Up the Carpet?
I dont know what kind of dog you have, but he is having separation anxiety. If you give him a long walk (lots of exercise) every single day, especially before you leave the house it would help a great deal. In addition, you could get a kong toy, stuff it with...


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Treating a Dog with Yeast Infection?
What kind of vets are they that leave this little dog suffering with this infection? You should report them and go to another vet. Meanwhile, I have heard that yogurt is good for yeast infections. I dont know about curing it, but a little yogurt each day might...


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Getting Rid of Mouse in Car?
Heres a simple solution. Do you have a cat? If you do, just let your cat spend a little time in the car, and that should take care of the situation. If you dont have a cat, mayby you could borrow a neighbors cat for a short time.


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Campbell's Pepper Jack Soup Recipe?
Dont you mean Pepper Pot soup? We love it at my house but havent found it in a long time. I know it had tripe in it and it was spicy. Very good. I hope someone can duplicate that recipe.


Mia (German Shepherd)
I hope sweet Mia is feeling much better. I have a GSD female, and I have had GSDs for many years. I have never had one that had a stroke. My vet said the only pain med to give a dog other than prescripbed med is buffered aspirin, nothing else. Other things...


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Recommendations for Mattresses?
The best mattress I ever had was solid latex foam rubber. It was perfectly comfortable and kept its shape for many years. Now I have a good Stearns and Foster which is also very good, but I would rate the solid latex foam higher. Good luck. (Make sure that...


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Product Review: PediPaws?
I consider this as junk. I used it once and the sandpaper was too worn to use it again I wasted my money but leaned a lesson. I now have a battery operated dremel.


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Freshen Sheets Every Morning
Caution: All of these fragrant sprays, powders, etc. are made from chemicals that contain carcinogens that should not be inhaled. I would especially not use them on pillows. I use 1/2 a fabric softener sheet in the dryer rather than a whole one, with the same...


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Lumpy Comforter?
A queen size down comforter would be too large to wash in the average home washer. This should be washed (and dried) in a large commercial machine. Most laundromats have them.


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Dog Pees in Crate?
Be sure to take him out to the bathroom before he goes to sleep for the night. Also be sure you dont keep him in the crate too many hours before letting him out again to go to the bathroom. Dogs usually need to go as soon as they wake up. If hes going in his...


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Too Much Sugar in Turnip Greens?
Its so much healthier to just steam those greens and dont add sugar. Just use a little butter, salt & pepper on them when you eat them (light on the butter). They are loaded with iron and so good for you.



Recipes Using Pawpaws?
Whats a paw paw?


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Stew Is Too Sweet?
Too many onions or carrots will make it taste sweet.


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Inexpensive Security Locks?
How much is your safety or your life worth? When it comes to your security, you just cant be cheap. The bad guys know too many tricks.


Light brown and white puppy.

Information on Shepherd Boxer Mix?
Thats a cute dog. If it is shepherd/boxer mix it will need lots of exercise (at lease a solid hour a day). They need to keep their energy used up and their joints and muscles in shape so they dont get arthritis, etc. Dont feed your dog before you exercise it...


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Nothing Is Working To Get Rid Of The Fleas?
You need to (1) get some Capstar for all your animals which will remove all of the fleas right away. Then toss out all the stuffed animals which they are probably living in. (2) Treat your yard, every inch, and spray your house (I use Raid Flea Spray and keep...


Dog near beach.

What Breed is My Dog?
Shes adorable and if she hardly ever barks, she most likely has husky in her. They rarely bark. I have a white Alaskan husky. She almost never barks, but she occasionally howls if she doesnt want to do something. Siberian huskies dont bark either. Yours is...


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Preserve Food Using A Dehydrator And Vacuum Sealer
Brilliant idea and I wish I had done this a long time ago. Now I dont really have the need, but I recommend it to new moms starting out. It avoids all the chemicals and preservatives in store-bought foods which I really dont like to serve or eat myself. Its...


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Repel Houseflies With Bags Of Water
I wonder if that works for thos pesky little tiny flies that get into my citrus trees. I suppose I could try hanging a bag of water from one of the branches. I also have problems with webs on my trees, like spider webs, Does anyone have a home remedy for the...


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Dog Won't Go Outside at Night?
I have a dog that wont go out unless I go with her, so that solved the problem. I just go with her. Maybe that will solve your problem.


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Product Review: Individual Carrot Cake
Since we dont eat desserts like we used to, I still make them at home (to avoid the additives), cut them into portion sizes, and freeze them. I just make desserts less often.


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Ear Cropping and Tail Docking?
People dont breed their dogs anymore due to overpopulation of animals in shelters. Im really hoping that soon it will be a law that all dogs and cats must be neutered. Vets in FL refuse to trim ears anymore. I dont know if they still cut tails. It all sounds...


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Feeling Dizzy All the Time?
I hate to sound sarcastic, but your doctor knows. However, that happened to me once, and it was from low blood pressure due to anemia. It could be from something minor or something serious. You should have it checked as soon as possible.


Pup tent with blue tarp for dog shelter.

"Pup" Tent For Dog Shelter
Thats so cute and thoughtful for the dogs, but dont count on it in Florida rains. It would be blown away or flooded with the first good rain. However, I purchased a couple of nice igloo type dog houses at Walmart (I think they were approx. $75 at the time). The...


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Window Air Conditioner Trips Circuit Breaker?
I had an electrician do some work at my house, and he put a 220 line in for a window unit I have in a room that once was a lanai. I didnt realize I needed a 220 line for the window unit, and he was actually here for other reasons, so Im glad he did that for...


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House Training a Dog?
Take the dog for a walk where other dogs walk and it will go to the bathroom outside when it smells their pee and poo. It will enjoy the walk, and dogs should be walked everyday. After it gets used to doing its business outside, it will probably ask to go outside...


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Abused Dog with Separation Anxiety?
Its very helpful to get the dog a Kong toy and fill the inside, around the edges, with peanut butter, then keep it in the freezer. (Dont overdo the peanut butter unless you have a large dog). Give this to the dog right before you leave, and it will keep him...


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How to Use a DVD Recorder?
Ditto! I still dont know how to use mine.


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Freeze Homemade Broth in Ice Cube Trays
I freeze leftover fresh coffee. If I use ice cube trays, I place it in a plastic bag after its frozen. Its a good way to have a quick cup of fresh coffee or iced coffee. Sometimes I freeze it in cup size containers. I dont freeze old coffee. If its more than...


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Set Up Pup Pool for Summer Heat
My dog has a pool and she loves it. When she comes home from a walk she runs in the house, out the dog door, and into the pool. I live in Florida, also, and it gets so hot. Dont forget to change the water often as the water gets hot also in a small pool. I...


Jeter (Yellow Lab)
Hes really cute. My German Sheps best buddy is a yellow lab. They swim together at the dog park and beat each other up for hours. Labs love water and they love to swim. They are such sweet dogs and can be clownish and bright. Enjoy your Jeter.


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Training a Dog to Stop Barking?
I trained mine to stop barking by telling him no bark and then giving him a tiny treat when he stopped. Now after enough times of this, he automatically stops when I say no bark and comes to me for his tiny treat. Im weaning him off of the tiny treat now and...


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Recommendations for Inexpensive Digital Camera?
Ive had experience with Kodak, but I much prefer the one that is not rechargeable. Its easier to just replace the batteries (2 AA). Otherwise, you have to stop using the camera until the battery is charged up again which usually means going to an electrical...


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Shading My Porch from the Sun?
If they will let you stick a trellis in the ground, you can plant a fast growing climbing plant or plant tall bushes on the side where the sun shines in the afternoon.


Coco (Beagle)

Coco (Beagle)
Awww! What a cute little dog! My German Shep plays with a beagle at the dog park. That little beagle just thinks shes going to beat her up every time she sees her, and its so funny to see them. My girl never hurts her, but she lets the beagle bite her face...


A white washer and dryer.

Buy Second Hand Appliances
I bought a Kenmore Calypso washer a little less than 5 years ago. It needed service about 2 years ago, and it quit recently again. The Sears service guy came and looked at it (for $70) and told me it would cost $500 to fix it. I decided not to get it fixed...


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Using Pool Chlorine Tablets in the Toilet?
Those 3 pool tablets are far too strong to use inside the house. Its not safe to inhale that much chlorine throughout the house. You could use a piece of it, however, maybe 1/4. FYI - I used a chlorine tablet (normal toilet tablet) and it plugged up my toilet...


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Don't Let Your Dog Chew on Corn Cobs
What the heck is peanut rice? I fed my dog lamb and rice when she had allergies as my vet suggested. I would stick with vet advice, not herbalist when it comes to pets. You might try another vet for a second opinion.


New baby birds in nest.

Baby Birds Just Hatched
Do you know what kind of bird they are? Every year I have blue jays hatching in my lemon tree and they make a lot of noise, but I dont mind. This year, however, I had a whole community of crows in the trees in the back of my house and they had babies. I love...


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What is A+D Ointment?
A&D works well to keep a babys butt healthy as long as the diaper is changed regularly, buy the product called Butt Paste heals wounds faster becaise it contains a good amount of zinc which is the healer. I have no babies, but I keep both of these products...


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Puppy is Acting Naughty?
Of course he will misbehave until hes taught how to behave appropriately. You need to let him know that YOU are in charge. Every time he nips or bites, tell him firmly NO BITE! You need to be consistent and say it every single time. He will learn pretty quickly...


What Breed is My Dog?
Ask your vet. He looks like he has several breeds involved, one of them might be chow. Maybe some shepherd, but if he were shepherd/wolf or malamute his ears would stand up. Hes a cutie in any case. If I were you, I would get a furminator to brush that coat...


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Black Snakes in Trees?
Snakes can certainly climb trees. Thats how they eat squirrels. I have seen one drop from the tree in my front yard. I dont walk under that tree anymore. I dont want to think a snake might fall on me. It was a good snake because it was a rat snake, but a very...


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Potty Training an Abused Dog?
Maybe you can try what works with my 3 dogs. I do everything as a routine, and each night at bedtime, I call their names in the same order and add Lets go outside to the bathroom. Its such a habit with them now that I dont even get all 3 names out before they...


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American Staffordshire Terrier Keeps Biting People?
I train my dogs from the start when they are puppies by telling them no bite every time they bite. Puppies tend to bite each other which is fine, but I have found they need to be trained to stop biting people. I have German Shepherds, and it works with them...


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Adopting a Labrador/German Shepherd Mix?
Thats a nice mix. Labs love water, and German sheps are protective and intelligent. That dog would require a good exercise routine or it might look for things to do on its own. They respond best to love and kindness and will do anything if affection (and a...


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Getting Help With Past Due Rent?
Go to your church or local government welfare office. Most churches are prepared to help their members with financial crisis situations. If you dont have a church, local welfare offices should help. Tell them its an emergency. Good luck and God Bless!


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Shih Tzu Has Bad Breath?
You probably need to brush his teeth. You can get doggie toothpaste and brush and do it yourself or you can pay your vet to do a thorough job. I think its easier if you start when they are puppies. Dogs need their teeth cleaned just as much as people do. Many...


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Recommendations for Dog Grooming Clippers?
Look up dog grooming products with instructions for use on google. When you find one you like, see if you can get it on e-bay for much less in perfect new condition. Look at several until you find one that you think you can use easily.


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Preventing Tears in a Screen Door?
I put a pet door in my screen door and the pets come in and out without bothering anyone. The kids are a different story. I would just make them use the door knob.


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Reviews of Beniful Wet Dog Food?
Its not a good dog food. When you look at the list of ingredients, protien should be the first ingredient, with other good things, low fat. high fiber, low moisture, no junk fillers. Wet food is not good for their teeth. They should eat dry chunks.


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Telling Your Family About a Marriage Engagement?
You should take a good look at why your family doesnt like him. Do they have valid reasons? If they do, dont jump blindly into something you will regret. If you have always been close with your family and they have always had your back, talk to them about their...


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Video: Plants Poisonous to Pets
Thats such good information. Thanks for sharing that. I write a monthly newsletter for pets and I will include this.


Daijah (Pit Bull Mix?)
Now is the time to train the dog to stop biting. Be consisten every time she nips say, NO BITE! firmly. But give her some things she is allowed to chew, as puppies at 7 weeks have a need to chew. The biting is because they bite each other when they play. It...


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Grilled Mango Glazed Ham
FYI You can save yourself some work by buying pureed fruits and vegs in the babyfood section by Gerber, etc. All the work is done for you and you can store them in the pantry. I use these for many things. I especially use the vegs and sneak them in cakes for...


Kendra (German Shepherd Mix)
What an adorable doggie! How cute that she wants to share her favorite things with company. I love her to pieces. XXXXXX


What Breed is My Dog?
A veterinarian can tell you what breed your dog is. Have you asked him? I surely hope you have taken your dog to one.


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Cut Roses Not Opening?
I think I can tell you exactly why your roses dont open. Many florists keep them refrigerated so that they dont open in the shop (No one buys roses that are already open). If they have been refrigerated TOO long, they never open at all when you get them. You...


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Recipe for Lemon Garlic Salt?
I keep something on hand that I make myself. I grate the skin from some lemons (I have a Meyer lemon tree, so I have many lemons), let it dry, add garlic powder, dry parsley, salt and pepper. I use that on just about everything. Its like an Italian gremolata...


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German Shepherd Not Eating?
Dont wait when your dog is not eating, especially is she is throwing up. She needs to be seen by the vet immediately. It could be an obstruction, etc. Dont take the advice of anyone but her vet if you love her.


Room with Honey Colored Parquet Floors?
They look like oak parquet which I have also. That is an expensive floor if it is real oak. I have light creamy beige walls, chocolate leather sectional, with colors of aqua, blue, and green for sheers and toss pillows. I have a couple of area rugs, chocolate...


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Adopting a German Shepherd?
Shes precious. The vet should be able to give you good advice on her breed, etc. She certainly looks like a German Shep, and I have had many. Mine now is a female, age 22 months. Shes a big girl, 86 lbs., not fat, but big for a female. Train your puppy with...


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Chihuahua Yelping and Stiffening Its Neck?
Take her to her vet. Its definitely something he needs to diagnose. Try to describe it as accurately as possible and tell him how often it happens and how long it lasts, etc. TLC helps in the meantime, but get her in ASAP.


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Helping My Cat Lose Weight?
Weight control food isnt so expensive. I give it to my cat all the time. I give my dogs weight control food also. Its so much better for them not to gain weight for so many health reasons.


Puppy is Pooping in Cage?
I dont like cages for dogs. So many irresponsible owners leave them in the cage far too long. Where ever your dog gets used to going to the bathroom will become his toilet, so take him to an area outdoors where you want him to go, and be sure to take him to...


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Carpet Cleaner Product for Urine Odors?
Before I put down wood floors, I used a little Woolite with a bit of Clorox 2 and some white vinegar. That usually cleaned the rug very well, didnt remove the color, and got rid of any bad smells. After my dog got sick and had diarrhea and vomiting both at...


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Homemade Dog Bed?
Go to a thrift store and buy a fom rubber mattress pad. Cut out a size a little larger than your dog when he is reclined. If he is the right size, a good pillow cover or sham will do for a cover. Velcro the end closed. You can wash the cover, and the foam rubber...


Paint Colors for Kitchen With Blonde Maple Cabinets

Paint Colors for Kitchen with Blonde Maple Cabinets?
You might be on the money with the gold tones. I heard yellow is the big decorating color for china, etc. these days. Maybe you could take the photo to the paint store and ask a knowledgeable person.


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Min Pin Smells Bad?
Your Min Pin might smell bad because his ears need cleaning. You can buy a cleaner from a vet or make one from mixing equal amounts of white vinegar and warm water. Gently squirt it in his ear, let him shake it out, and wipe his ear with a cotton ball or something...


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Dog has Dry, Crusty Skin Patches?
Take the dog to the vet, but in the meantime, always use NEEM dog shampoo on your dog. You can get it at the health food store, online, etc. It works wonders for any skin problems they have, even mange. I heard of it on this site and I dont use anything else...


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Product Review: Ponds Clean Sweep Towelettes
Thanks for that review. I really like my face clean also, and I try to use product that dont clog my pores. I will definitely buy some of these and so will my daughter. Thanks again!


plant that looks like flame

What Is The Name Of This Flame Plant?
Does anyone know where I can get one of these plants? Im on the east coast of FL. It should do well here


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Ask Butcher To Make Sale Roasts Into Ground Beef
This is the only way I buy ground beef.


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Freeze Whipping Cream In Ice Cube Trays
I never tried to freeze whipping cream because I buy heavy cream in the pint size containers. I know its mostly animal fat, so how could it freeze well? Doesnt it separate when its thawed? If so, can it still be whipped?


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Wash Cloth for Phone Space Around Toddlers
Oh, oh! As a child advocate, I need to say that if a toddler is up and about, the mothers attention should be directed to the toddler and not the telephone or anything else. It takes an instant for a toddler to get seriously hurt or worse if you take your eyes...


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Save Energy Using Night Lights
Be careful when buying these electrical items. Be sure the are UL Listed and safe to use. I am leery of buying off brand electrical products.


Dukane on back porch.

In Memory of Dukane (Doberman)
I share your pain. I lost a German Shep a year ago and a dachshund last spring. Its just heartbreaking to lose them. I always stencil a stepping stone in the yard in their memory. It seems to make me feel better. I love my pets. They make life so much better...


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Thick Noodles for Soup?
Sounds like homemade noodles. Simple to do. One egg to one cup flour plus a 1/4 tsp salt. Mix together to make a dough you can roll out. Knead it a little and then roll it out thinly and slice it as wide as you like. Let the noodles dry before boiling them...


Fern looking plant.

What is This Plant?
It looks like a fern and I think they perfer low light.


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Curtain Color Advice?
If you plan to use draperies, I would go with white draperies and yellow sheers. Im not a decorator, so you will probably get better advice. Everybody likes my home decor which I always do myself. My floors are also wood (oak). My walls are very light beige...


Can Excess Exercise Cause Puppy To Have Diarrhea?
Exercise is good for dogs, but remember, she has very small legs. You shouldnt make her walk too far and you need to make sure the pavement isnt too hot. She might have eaten something that doesnt agree with her or she might have parasites (worms). Take a stool...


fluffy white dog

Homemade Detangler For Dogs?
Where did people get this idea of using Dawn soap on animals? Its very bad for their skin. Use only dog shampoo on your dog. If your dog is matted, it must need the mats removed by a groomer. It shouldnt cost too much for a small dog. Please see a vet about...


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Making Homemade Baby Food?
If youre talking about beginning foods, you can puree fresh foods in a good blender. You will need to add just enough liquid to allow them to blend easily. You can precook meats and hard vegetables first, but most fruits can be pureed raw. Its best not to add...


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Minced Garlic vs. Fresh?
I use both. Bottled minced garlic is fine for many things, but fresh cloves are better for things like Italian sauces, etc.


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Older Dog With Dislocated Hip?
Listen to the vet you trust. Disregard what the doctors say. They are not vets. Yorkies usually live longer than 9 years. If he has a dislocated hip, he very well might need surgery. I suspect it would give him good quality of life for quite a few more years...


Fluffy (Tuxedo Cat)

Fluffy (Tuxedo Cat)
Pets are such fun, arent they? My 3 dogs go to the park every day and 2 of them want the same window and they stick both their faces out of it and bark at each other. People in other cars just laugh at them as we go by. One is a German shep and one is a beagle...


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Cleaning Your Teeth At Home?
Im getting suspicious of all the root canals being done these days. I recently went to a new dentist and when I walked in the office, I heard a woman in his office yelping of pain. I asked the receptionist what she was having and the receptionist said, a root...


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Should I Saute Onions for Spaghetti Sauce?
Onions make the sauce sweeter, so I dont use them. However, I use the entire bunch of fresh garlic cloves which is about 10 or 12. I make the sauce by first browning chicken parts, meatballs and Italian sausage in a small amount of olive oil with garlic and...


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Feeding Rescue Cats And Dogs Cheaply
Bless your heart for rescuing those animals! I know there are some veggies that are good for dogs and you might want to add to their food. Mine love raw green beans, but pumpkin is good for them also, probably raw, and some others. Certain beans can help also...


Dog's Eating Patterns Have Changed?
Just take him to the vet to be sure all is ok. He could have an infected tooth, an illness, or just less of an appetite due to age, climate, etc. Best to know for sure. Hes beautiful and far too precious to take a chance. Get the advice of the vet.


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Meals That Reheat Well?
Im with Grandma J. Unless hes helpless, he can fix himself something or thaw something out and nuke it.


mixed breed dog

Brooke (Jackobosador)
Brooke is the cutest! She must be a good sized bundle of energy. Cute, cute, cute!


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Safe Candles for Power Outages?
Candles are a major cause of house fires. You cant take your eyes off them, especially if you have pets or children. Its much better to get battery operated items. For night lights I use the battery operated timer candles that go on for 8 hours at the same...


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Getting Rid of Ticks in My House?
The simple solution to getting rid of ticks (and fleas) on your pets is FRONTLINE PLUS. You can also buy it in spray bottles for the house. I would get my money back from Orkin if I paid them to get rid of ticks and they didnt do it. You paid for a service...


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Removing Black Scuff Marks From Linoleum?
Another simple solution. Baking soda and a damp sponge removes scuff marks better than anything. Geez!


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Advice About Pyrenees/Bernese Mix?
Those are working dogs and they need mucho exercise. It would be a good idea to get a springer bicycle leash attachment and let them trot alongside on the bicycle. My German Shep loves to do that. Of course, she needed to be trained to stop at corners and not...


Housebreaking A Husky Mix?
Its not so hard, and you have an intelligent dog. How much time do you spend outdoors with the dogs? Thats important. Try to get her on a feeding schedule (same time every day). Be sure to notice when she goes potty and remember to take her out to the area...


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Can I Use Peroxide To Get Rid Of Ear Mites?
No! But you can take your dog to the vet and then ask him how to keep the dog from getting them in the future.


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Install a Locking Gate Around the Swimming Pool
In the state of Florida, you must have a fence around your pool with a lock to prevent children or pets from drowning. Its common sense anyhow to protect children and pets from drowning. It takes a second to be distracted for a child to fall into the pool or...


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Getting 2 Boxes Worth of Cake Mix
I find that bought cake mixes make much smaller cakes than they once did. When I make a cake I use a 9 X 13 pan, cut it down the middle, wrap half of it and freeze that half unfrosted. That way I always have a cake on hand. You get a much larger cake when you...


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