
Selling Items on Craigslist


Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

February 28, 2013

How do I know if someone wants to buy my things? I've recently posted things on Craigslist. I don't have an account and I put my email as private. I believe I've done everything right on there. I just want to know if they will b able to contact me even though Ii didn't give my #?


By Erika A.


March 2, 20130 found this helpful

Hey, I'm not too familiar with craiglist, but can"t you just leave your email in your ad?

March 2, 20130 found this helpful

I always post ads on Craigslist as you do, using the private option. I don't give out a phone number OR address for pickup unless I receive a reply. If the person answering my ad sounds spammy or the least bit creepy, I simply don't answer the reply. You may have to repost the items several times to get a buyer. Good luck.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
March 2, 20130 found this helpful

Hi - the only information anyone looking on Craig's list will be able to see is the info in the ad. Contact for any information goes to Craig's list and is forwarded to you. Then you decide how you wish to answer - if at all.


At lease that is how it works for me.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 969 Posts
March 2, 20130 found this helpful

All are good points. I used to live next to a KFC and would meet people there. No one should see your email address unless you unclick that option.
And yes, if the person has poor grammar, and makes over blown comments like "I have cash and must get it now" then you are better off ignoring them. Here's what will happen
They will have your email, and send you a response like this "Don't sell your precious items...visit this website to make money at home..."
Nothing is worse when you are trying to sell something than to think you have someone interested, only to find out you are being spammed.
Also, never offer to send something before it's paid for, 2nd party deals, or things CL doesn't recommend you agree to.


Here is my philosophy for your consideration.

Selling heavy stuff or things one has to drive away (sometimes you just have to tell people where you are but always have someone with you), are better for CL. You get cash, it's free and it's local so there is all that.

But say you have a bunch of jewelry you want to sell. Ebay might cost you a little money but more people see it than just the people in your town. It's light to ship, your money is instant and it's done.

You might also want to try other sites like and this google search

Good luck. Sandi/PBP

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October 3, 2010

How do I sell used appliances on Craigslist?

By Linda


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 168 Feedbacks
October 4, 20100 found this helpful

google and in the bar key in the state you want.
click on area closest to your own
Go to FOR SALE category


Now, log into your account or create a new one by
Fill in information
Click on Category that best describes what you want to sell
Fill in info: the title, price, location and description
Click ADD
Click BROWSE and then the RED X's to download pics from your computer of item (1-4 if desired)
Click CONTINUE and wait for downloads.
That's about it.

October 5, 20100 found this helpful

Please be careful - there was a story on the news in Milwaukee of a guy who was selling a big screen TV on craigslist. He made an appointment for a man to meet him at his home at 6:00 pm when he got off work to look at the TV. When he got home, the person had broken into his home and stolen the TV. I'd look and see if there is a local yahoo group selling in your area or something that might be safer.


A woman was recently on Oprah whose boyfriend posted an ad on her on craiglist and she was raped and beaten - that caused someone to order them to remove their adult section. Don't you have a local paper to advertise in?

October 7, 20100 found this helpful

I use CL all the time to buy and sell.Just be careful as you have to do anywhere now. I do not put my phone # in my adds or my address. They can reply to an ad through CL and give you their contact info. If someone is coming to your home, have someone else there with you. Never let a stranger in if you are alone. When posting, do not post your address, only the area that you live in. Have fun, but use common sense also. Kathy Lea

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February 16, 2015

Could you walk me through step by step to download pictures of my equipment that I have for sale to Craigslist or eBay?

By jes-real from Ft. Lauderdale, FL


February 17, 20151 found this helpful
Best Answer

It is very easy once you fine your picture on Craig's list just right click select copy image than paste it in a document. Or in Photoshop or you can do a screen capture hold down alt then click print screen then paste either in a document or Photoshop.


But if you do print screen you will get everything that is on the screen and you'll need to edit it.

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February 1, 2012

I have several new items that I'd like to sell on Craigslist. I've been told that photos need to be of almost professional quality so that the items will sell quickly. Since I have an average digital camera, but no lighting equipment, do any TF members have some good pointers for how I can take good photos? Thanks for your help!

By Casey E from Allen, TX


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 398 Posts
February 1, 20120 found this helpful

From what I have seen on Craigslist you have nothing to worry about. Most of the photos there are sub quality. (IMHO). (In My Humble Opinion).

Here is an article that tells what macro mode is on a digital camera. I didn't even know this. So, is a great place to find answers, just make sure it is on so you don't accidentally pick up any viruses or malware.

Also if someone offers to give you lots of money when you cash a check and they are a long distance away, do not do it, it is a scam.

Blessings, Robyn

February 3, 20120 found this helpful

My niece sells a lot of things on craiglist, and uses just a good quality digital camera. Having a plain background is good. I have a cardboard folding board-like people use for school for displays, but I've also just spread out a white sheet for a background.

What bugs me is when folks post their pictures upside down or sideways. Usually in your photo editing program on computer you can "adjust" that before posting. You want to get close up if you can. I usually post a couple of pics. Watch out for glare,etc.

I'm a little weary of someone coming to my house if I'm by myself, so I put in my ad that I can meet them somewhere-a very public place. Never say you'll mail something and they'll send money when received. Some folks will do anything to rip you off! What few sales I've made have been with good, honest people.

February 3, 20120 found this helpful

Thanks so much for your responses; appreciate your taking the time to do so!


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 282 Feedbacks
February 4, 20120 found this helpful

I've never sold anything using online pictures, but I have created a number of tutorials for my sewing students, using a cheap digital camera. I've learned (LOL) that even with the macro setting, the very best pics that cheap camera manages are the ones taken right by the window on a strongly lit day, or best of all, outside.

Even with flash and excellent artificial lighting inside, my cheap camera doesn't take a good indoor shot at all! I could upgrade but I like the camera.

I keep the sewing machine in a cabinet table by the southern exposure window so the lighting there is outstanding for 'on-the-machine' shots. But if I have something that isn't under the needle, I use the extended area to the left of my machine for the shots.

For anything I photograph outside needing to be seen under the needle, I use one of my vintage hand crank models. The outdoor snaps are actually rather charming to my sewing students-a couple of them have printed some of the snaps and put the prints up in their sewing rooms.

A previous poster is right, a lot of those online photos are rubbish, lol. Anything you can do to improve the lighting conditions, and the display value (as in 'oh how cute, I want that!') of the piece will be a huge draw.

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September 14, 2012

I have posted on Craigslist before with no problems. Now, after I fill in the details of items to sell and then I upload pictures, but there is: no "continue", "done" or for that matter anything at the top or bottom of the page to finalize my posting.

I have tried to contact CL help numerous times, but they are of no use and their phone number contact is also not helpful.

I have asked this question about a week ago, but the answers were to scroll down to the bottom of the page or to look for "I'm done" or "continue" and click. Perhaps the readers missed that those options were not available to me. Nor was there a tab to click to take me to the next page.

Please help. Thank you.

Please don't ask me to contact Craigslist help or to call them, neither option is any help. The help desk keeps sending me an auto response with no connection to my question.

By Tony


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 679 Feedbacks
September 15, 20120 found this helpful

Tony, I just posted something on the Long Island Craigslist and had no problems. Perhaps you just need to change the resolution of your screen? I have had to change the resolution on some websites I visit because the image they present is too large for my screen, so I click on the button at the bottom of the screen that says "100%" with the arrow next to it, and reduce the image to 85% or 75% or whatever makes it fit - you can customize the zoom to any number you like. Maybe this is why you don't see the "continue" button at the bottom? The alternate way to reduce the image is to click on "View", then "Zoom", then move your cursor to the %.

I had to click on a link in an email from Craigslist after I finished my posting, and had no problem there either - did you get a message and skip this step?

The last thing I can think of, is perhaps you could try another browser - sometimes I can do things in Interet Explorer 8 that I can't do with Chrome, and vice versa.

Hope this helps. If not, instead of Craigslist help, try eHow, or, or else Googling your problem.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 147 Feedbacks
September 16, 20120 found this helpful

If you recently downloaded the latest upgrade from Firefox that's probably the problem. Go back & delete it. Or, turn off your popup blocker. Or, worse yet you've picked up a nasty virus or Malware bug. That's what happened to me.

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September 8, 2012

I have posted on Craigslist before with no problems. Now, after I fill in the details of items to sell and then upload pictures, there is no "continue" or "done", on the page to finalize my posting. I have tried to contact CL help numerous times, but they are of no use and their phone number contact is also not helpful. Any suggestions?

By Tony


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 969 Posts
September 9, 20120 found this helpful

When you have done all the uploading, it should say Continue, Edit Text or Edit Images. When you hit Continue, your next page gives you the "your posting can be seen at..." then it's the link to what you just did. Every once in a while, they get a hickup like any other site.

Sometimes I forget that you now have to scroll down to the bottom of the screen, where as before you didn't have to.
As for contacting them, yeah, that is a joke.
Good luck.

September 10, 20120 found this helpful

They have now made it a 2-page process. the second page is for the images, after which you click on ""done with images" or something similar, then scroll down to the bottom for the "continue" and then another page comes up saying you are finished.

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March 16, 2016

I like your site and have searched the questions asked, but did not find what I am looking for. My question is in reference to the code I must place in the zip box address for my property. I have tried putting in my postal code, but that is rejected.

I have asked the question of Craigslist, but always get their pre-packaged response. I know one can post, but not without the magic code for Canadian properties. I appreciate your time and expertise.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
September 11, 20170 found this helpful

Craigslist has a Canadian site that you can use to post your property. You will need to choose the locations that is nearest you to do this. Here is the link you will need to post your property on the Canadian Craigslist.

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January 5, 2015

How do I present items for sale on Craig's list?



January 8, 20150 found this helpful

Go to the Craigslist in your area.You will have to set up an account with them in order to post.It's free.When you are ready to post,go to the area that you want your ad to appear in,furnitue,free,materials,etc.In the top right you will see a 'Post" .Click on this,then you will have to sign into your account.Follow directions from there.I suggest that you also post a picture for the buyers to see the item.Good Luck!

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January 5, 2014

How do you start when you sell an item on Craigs list?

By James


January 13, 20140 found this helpful

This will give you a step-by-step how to. Very good idea to show pictures of your item.

The instructions start out saying, "Follow the steps below to submit a free post to craigslist without using an account." (It is better to have an account, which is free, so you can edit your ad as needed).

I sold my car on Craigslist. You might sell your item fast, it might take weeks or not at all. You have to repost every so often. Also, you can either have people call you or text or email. Specify in detail what you want. NEVER except a check , only cash! Beware of letting strangers in your home, try not to be alone, or keep them outside. I wasted a couple of weekends waiting for people who called about coming to see my car, and never showed, didn't answer their phones when I tried to call back.

Hope this helps, good luck!

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March 18, 2013

I want to sell 2004 Baja Mini Bike with new tires, acto, color green. How do I sell it online?

By Ralph S.

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February 10, 2013

When selling a vehicle, it is important to be safe and thorough to avoid learning lessons the hard way. This page is about selling your car on Craigslist.

Selling Your Car


ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

October 3, 2010

How do I sell my car on craigslist?


August 10, 2010

Is selling on Craigslist national or for your state only?


August 13, 2009

How do I place items on Craigslist that I want to sell?

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