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Cookie Dough Ingredients Left in CupboardCan flour, butter, sugar, and vanilla that has been left in the cupboard for 3 days be used to make shortbread cookies. Is it safe to eat the cookies even though the ingredients were left in the cupboard in a bowl for 3 days?
House Trained Dog Peeing and Pooping in the House?I need some suggestions of what I can do to help my Shih Tzu, Maggie. I have had her for 13 years and she has always been a good girl. She would never mess on the floor or chew on anything and she was never aggressive.
Shopping for a Passion Fruit Vine?I live in Geraldton, and while it is a great place to live, sourcing something as specific as a "passion fruit vine" is rather difficult to accomplish. I have been searching, surfing the web, in order to find a seller of passion fruit vines here in Western Australia, but as yet have had no joy.
Value of Antique Car Grille Emblem?I have a grille ornament/emblem for a Apherson 8 automobile. Where can I find the value of this "item"? I need all of the help or suggestions I can get. Thanks.
Value of Young Student's Encyclopedia?What is the value of a set of Young Student's Encyclopedia (1980)?
Removing Cigarette Odor in House?How do you get rid of cigarette smell in your home?
Flower Safe Weed Killer?I have weeds that have come up. I pull them, but there are some that I can't get a hold of even after it has rained. So I wanted to know what kind of weed killer I can use that won't harm my flowers that are beginning to grow.
Front Load Washer Does Not Complete Final Spin?I have a Frigidaire Gallery frontloading washing machine. It moves through the entire wash cycle fine, until the final spin. The water will drain out of the tub, the digital timer reaches 7 minutes...
Plovers Making Noise Outside at Night?What can I do when you have annoying plovers outside at night?
Killing Weeds With Vinegar?When someone said to use vinegar for weeds, do they mean the white vinegar or not?
Dividing Coneflowers?My purple coneflowers reseeded and I now have a couple hundred seedlings coming up. Do I need to separate them or will they continue to grow the way they are and flower?
Everybody's Complete Encyclopedia?What Is the value of a 1937 version of Everybody's Complete Encyclopedia?
"Babies Don't Keep" Cross Stitch Pattern?I completed this particular kit when my nephew was born. That was 33 years ago. He has just recently become a new daddy and I would really appreciate locating this pattern so that I can make another one for his precious new daughter. Can anyone help me?
Cleaning Carpet?Is there any other way to clean carpeting other than hiring a professional company or purchasing and expensive carpet cleaning machine? I seem to remember someone on this site suggested using a sponge mop...
Real Estate Business Name Ideas?I am a real estate broker. What is a great name for my new company?
Uses for Small Bits of Hand Soap?I regularly have many bits of soap left over. What can I do with these? It is so very wasteful. I need a method of using the last little bits.
Repairing an Air Mattress?We have an air mattress with a leak somewhere. Where do we get repair kits? I have already used the one that was included when we purchased it.
Getting Rid of Crabgrass?Does anyone out there know a home remedy for killing crabgrass? I have used fertilizer with weed prevent in March, and also baking soda recently, but soda kills the grass, too! Crabgrass is taking over my lawns and my life. I do not know what else to try. Help me.