Natural Hair Moisturizer for African American Hair?
Cholesterol by Helen Curtis, I think, by at beauty supply stores, works great and is very cheap to purchase.
How Can I Join or Start a Craft Group?
Check out Meet Up .com for your area! Then post an ad to meetup with like mined and goals people in your area. When you get enough people together to do a meetup, you schedule it at a public place or wherever. Good Luck!
Why Does My Riding Mower Shut Off When Blades Engaged?
Our John Deer (DONT BUY ONE) does this also, we have to let it warm up some even if it is warm out, then it will stay running and the blades will operate ok. good luck! sometimes i have to try to start blades several times before it stops killing the engine...
Jeans Zipper Won't Stay Up
I could not count over the years how many pairs of jeans this has happened to. Makes ya mad. Best Idea I have seen in a long time! Thanks
Herbal Remedies for Post-Hysterectomy Problems?
Research the Sweet Potato / Yams creams and pills. Lots of potential help there, Mayo Clinic research has had some great results with it. Check local health food stores. Also check into DHEA at the health food store.
Cleaning Buildup Off Hardwood Floors?
I have had beautiful hardwood floors and always used small amounts of ammonia in the mop water every time I mopped. After getting them down to the real wood, I would wax, and start small amounts of ammonia mop water again to slowly strip off. They always shined...
Including Meat or Animal Products in Compost?
The only reason I know of is Parasites and e-coli. And trust me, you dont want them!
Spraying Apple Trees?
At garden center, wal-mart, Meijers, Fruit Tree Spray, its a concentrate #17.00. read directions close. used in the spring when leafing/flowering.
Making Fabric Water Repellent?
I have used Thompsons Water Sealer for decks on all type of fabric for outside use. I have even used it on a tent and silk flowers I placed in my garden. Worked great for me! I just pour some in a spray bottle and toss out the bottle when finished with the...
Copycat Recipe for Kentucky Fried Chicken?
If you go to and do a recipe search for that, they have one. they have several copycat recipes for KFC and many other favs. they have a very good free e-book you can download also. good site! hope it helps.
Making Adobe Brick with Cement Added?
You might be able to learn more watching videos on the topic on You Tube. many people there will QandA to help you. or you might just see how it is done from just watching people do it.
Cleaning Car Carpet After Water Damage?
Take a solution of household hydrogen peroxide and water 50/50 to scrub the carpet with a brush. You will not have to use a lot of water here. The purpose is to get the peroxide into the fabric. Then go to car wash and use the vacuum to pull water out really...
Removing Smoke Smell from a Coach Purse?
Take a glass or ceramic bowl half full of Household Ammonia. Place the bag with all the pockets opened and the bowl of Ammonia in a plastic tote with tight fitting lid overnight. Next morning remove bag and air out. This also works to kill the smell of smoke...
White Mold Growing on Plant Soil?
Same issues here, only I used my newspaper pots. I found this good fix and am using it in seed starting as well as in the garden. working great! They have a chart on site to show the mixtures for different needs.
A Plastic Bag Dispenser
I use two different dispenser, both can be decorated if you like. Even just with contact paper. 1. Take an old coffee can and make a cross cut through the top. Pack all the bags you can into the can, pull out one at a time, as you need them. I keep one in the...