
December 29, 2005

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Bernie (Bernese Mountain Dog) and Wilson (Great Pyrenees)This is a picture of my two boys after our first snow this year. The Bernese Mountain Dog is Bernie and he is 3 years old and the white dog is a puppy, only 6 months old, a Great Pyrenees - named Wilson. They had a great time that day!


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Scrapbooking for 21 Kindergarten StudentsI use hanging files in a metal hanging file holder. Each student has a file with a plastic zip loc bag stapled on the inside. I have files for scrapbook pages which are purchased...


Sunflowers From Bird Seeds

Sunflowers From Bird SeedsI feed all birds and they always leave me a gift of Sunflowers. I have hundreds of sunflowers, just from birdseed.


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Area Rug TipTurn your area rugs around twice a year to encourage even wear and tear on them.


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Violet CustardBake in oiled custard bowl in moderate oven until the custard is firm. Unmold, cool, and cover with fresh violet heads...


Pictures On Large Wall

Use Molding To Frame Pictures On Large WallsI had an extremely large wall behind my couch with cathedral ceilings and couldn't afford to buy large pictures to "balance" the room. We purchased very inexpensive wood molding from Home Depot, mitered it and attached to walls with finishing nails.


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Streaking JokeYou know sometimes I get the sudden urge to run around naked...


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Alternative to Microfiber ClothForget microfibre cloths and proprietary cleaners. Place a sheet of newspaper in a basin of water; if it doesn't disintegrate, it's ideal for cleaning glass (windscreens, mirrors, and panes).


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Running Short on Frosting?If you are short on frosting for your layer cakes, just fill in the layers with jam, jelly or marmalade. Tastes great...



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House Training a Declawed Cat?The problem here is that Lexi recently started peeing in my bed. My bed seems to be the place she is happiest, so I can't go and make her stay away from there. It is her sanctuary - where she feels safest. When she is chased by the other cat (Lily), it's to my bed that Lexi runs.


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Repairing Particle Board Cabinets?Can I get a tip on how to repair a wood composite kitchen cabinet? The door and hinge came off the cabinet base and tore a part of the particle board off with it. How can I repair the cabinet to get the hinge to stay in place? The hole is about a quarter inch larger than it should be.


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Home Organization Websites?I'm looking for suggestions from ThriftyFun readers as to some of their favorite websites to help with home organizing their home. I am familiar with, and I'm interested in what other sites people have found to be really helpful.


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Cleaning a Dishwasher with OxiClean?Can I use OxiClean to clean my dishwasher? Also, I have a front loading (clothes) washing machine - how can I use OxiClean in it? I can't open it up when it's full of water.


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Memory Rag Rug Instructions?I am looking for easy directions on how to make a memory rag rug using my husbands jeans, shirts etc. that requires no sewing or crocheting. I have one that i bought in a store but I am not sure how to get started. I would appreciate the easiest directions.


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Frugal Hair and Body Care Tips?I'd like to know of frugal hair and body care tips.


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Aluminum Foil Reviews?I want to know which is the best, Reynold's or Alcan foil.


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Sewing Lycra Fabric?Has anyone sewn with acetate/lycra fabric? I purchased some and it is so stretchy! The neckline particularly is a problem.


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Cheap Doll House Accessories?I am looking for free or cheap dollhouse furniture. I only need the kitchen and the bathroom. I also need little accessories. I would like a computer for my dollhouse, but could not find one. I got the dollhouse for Christmas and would love to accessorize it.


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Make Your Own Artificial Christmas Tree?I have an old artificial christmas tree and I would like to make trees from treated straight tree limbs by drilling holes in the tree limbs and inserting the greenery from the artificial tree. I have seen this type tree at Target this year.


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Creating a Lighted Brick?I am interested in creating a lighted brick. I saw the brick and it appears there is a hole in it and lights are inserted into the brick through the hole. Does anyone happen to have instructions for this brick?


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Baking Troubleshooting?Can you tell me what am I doing wrong? When I cook biscuits, muffins, cookies etc. they are either perfect on top and bottom but uncooked im the middle, or too brown on the bottom and uncooked in the middle and slightly uncooked on the top? I've adjusted racks, etc but still get same results.


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