
Dianna M.

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6 Posts | 15 Comments | Active Since 2007
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Using Expired Coupons
Warning! This may be illegal and you need to know that they Some stores actually do have a fraud squad looking for people using outdated coupons and those that use fake coupons. Dont just trust the person checking you out, always consult with the real store...


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Uses for Fan Parts
Your tips come at a good time. Thanks for taking time to share this info.


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Cat Peeing on Countertops?
Whatever you do, DO NOT use Mothballs it will injure your cats or cause death. See a vet its likely a kidney condition that can be easily and quickly treated. Good Luck!


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Storing Paint Cans?
From tips, I have read and recently started using. 1. Use cereal wax paper cut in shape of the can lid or just a little bigger, place over the top of the paint to prevent film build up and dust and dried paint from falling when you open the paint after having...


Name Ideas for a Pet Food Pantry?
Second Chance Pet Food Pantry - I feel this is great name and it pretty much says it all and very self explanatory. Can you tell me how to start one in my area? Of course I will have to name it something else too! bigfootblooper AT


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Oil in Lawnmower Gas Tank?
Someone mentioned 2 Stroke, what does that mean or how can one tell if their newly purchased USED lawnmower is a 2 stroke? No, I am not blonde just learning something I did not know.


baby crib bumper pad

Craft Ideas Using Crib Bumper Pads?
Here are some ideas for you. 1. Recover the foam with other adult prints and take them to nursing homes they make great bedrails guards for those that thrash and bump their legs and arms and helps prevent bedwounds and bruising that can be painful for the elderly...


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Ideas for Decorating Bedroom in Tool Theme?
I dont know how you feel about this one but it just occured to me and I got excited. I am not sure what age he is but you decide if it fits his age. Here goes! For his tool hanger on door or where ever... you can hang these items 1. tool belt loaded with basic...


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What to Do With Coke Bottle Caps?
Make a square piece of cloth or felt maybe 6x6 can be larger, cut 4 pieces of zig zag trim the length ot the fabric youve cut, with this make a tic tac toe lay out- by gluing the trim (lines) onto the fabric. Now gather those bottle caps for a game of tic tac...


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Knitted Hockey Socks?
Heres some of my ideas... * collect them and take them to the senior centers for those who have poor circulation in their feet and legs. They are usually loose enough to keep from cutting off any circulation plus keep them legs warm and comfy - if they are...


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Post Phone Number on Garage Sale Signs
Real bad idea. Think safety first!


Uses For Drapes and Curtains

Uses For Drapes and Curtains
Once, I had some really nice light weight drapes (separate sets) that had small stains only on the lining side. My idea was with the pleats left in place that they would make a lovely skirts for the most part they were just the right length. I finally passed...


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Preventing Your Car From Rolling Over
Sometime back going 10-15 miles per hour coming to a stop light behind some other cars on the road I hit a slick oil spot as it was wet with grizzling rain and I hit my brakes to prevent hitting the car in front of me I cut my wheel towards a ditch and slid...


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Easing Aching Legs With Rubber Bands
Bad advice putting rubber bands on the legs. Reason, even if its not tight its a restriction to the blood flow. Poor blood flow poor heart health. Your also hurting your vital organs and brain cells as blood cares oxygen. Some people with leg problems already...



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