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4 Posts | 14 Comments | Active Since 2011
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Using a Clothes Line?
I appreciate your idea but I am trying to cut back of power costs. I tried putting it in the dryer on a cold setting but it didnt do and good. I am finding that things will dry faster than I previously thought so that may be the answer. Just put in for a short...


A box of Irish Breakfast tea and three bananas.

Banana and Tea for Your Plants
One year I put the banana Peels in the blender with other compost items and put it in the garden just like it was. The plants went crazy and grew right before my eyes. Kinda! It might help to add a little water to this blend. See for yourself


A box of Irish Breakfast tea and three bananas.

Banana and Tea for Your Plants
I did the same with banana peels. Stuck the blended juice in one place and my plants did start to grow like crazy. Havent tried it lately so am glad you reminded me.


little birds

Helping Out Lost Little Birds
I bet you were crushed. I wonder if maybe we should just leave them on the ground for their mothers. Thanks for trying, you didnt know the hawk would come back.


bright blue basket

Spray Painting Garden Baskets
Great Idea. I will try this with my baskets that I keep inside and never use.


Brown eggs in a carton

Use Hard Boiled Egg Water For Plants
I like the idea of using left over water from boiling eggs and steaming vegetables.


Base of hummingbird feeder with shipping tape to deter ants.

Shipping Tape To Deter Ants
I dont like the fly paper because the flys get stuck and they struggle and their wings and legs tear off and I cant help but think they are suffering. I dont have an idea to replace it, but cant stand to see anything suffer


Birdseed Wreath with Red Bow

Homemade Birdseed Wreath
What makes the wreath stick together?


White cat.

Wee Ian (Manx)
I saved your cats picture to my file. What a wonderful pet.


Fluffy (Long Hair Domestic)

Fluffy (Long Hair Domestic)
Do you have any extra seeds so I can grow one fluffy kitty too? lol



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Kitty Litter Substitutes
I never put Cat or Dog fecal matter in anything but a plastic bag and then in the garbage. Not healthy. Thanks for sharing but not a good idea.


growing morning glory in pots

Planting Morning Glory in Pots
I find that morning glories grow from seed rather than the vines. Every year I pull all the vines up and throw away. The next year anywhere the black seeds fall, up comes a double leaf sprout. I pull these out of the ground as soon as I see them. The root is...


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