Removing Ink From a Document?
Hi! If the ink is ball-point, try immersing the document in brake fluid. It could take up to an hour, and some inks are resistant to this method. Take care that the print ink on the document in not fugitive, otherwise it will be damaged. Rinse well in cold...
Is a Staffordshire Bull Terrier the Same as a Pitbull?
The picture shows the result of an unprovoked attack on my little mongrel dog, Ben, by a Staffordshire bull terrier which the owner assured people was friendly. The injuries cost me £600 in vets bills. Admittedly, I have seen some very friendly Staffs around...
Why is My Cat Itching?
Try taking him off commercial cat-food. It can cause allergies in many animals.
Nothing Has Worked To Get Rid Of Fleas?
Gayle. Are you sure that it is flea infestation? We had a similar problem with our fox terrier, continually scratching and pulling out his fur. Tore holes in himself. Turned out to be canned dog food. We switched him to a fresh meat diet and had no further...
Pet Safe Slug Treatment?
Bury a dish up to the rim in the soil and pour in a couple of inches of beer. Slugs cant resist it. We use it all the time.
Getting Suction Cup to Stick to Smooth Surface?
Try a thin film of light oil before applying. Ive used this trick with success.
Advice for a Dog With Allergies?
The one thing I always suggest in cases such as this, is dont give a dog commercial food, either canned or kibble. Google something like Canned dog food problems and you will get some idea of what I mean. Good luck.
Buying Cheap One Gallon Glass Bottles?
If you are going to advertise for them, we call them demijohns in the UK and you might improve your chances of success using this word. Here, in England, they can be picked up for as little as 10p on car-boot sales. Not much use to you, of course.
Dog With Bald Spots?
We had a similar problem with our fox-terrier. He pulled lumps out of his fur. We then discovered what went into canned dog food and put him on a fresh-meat regime (adding vegetables for vitamins and minerals). He is now totally cured. No allergies whatever...
Make a Fence Look Nice on Both Sides
Sorry, but I just clicked the Thumbs down by mistake. Also did a Thumbs up to, hopefully, compensate. Great idea, though. Thanks.