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Fried Peach PieTo make filling: Chop peaches and combine well with other ingredients. Combine above ingredients for crust and chill about 1 hour. Divide dough into about 10 small balls and roll out to 5 inch diameter. Place 2 tablespoons peach filling in center. Moisten edges with water.
Baked MacaroniPreheat oven to 375 degrees F. In saucepan, cook onion in butter until tender. Blend in soup and sprinkle crumbs on top. Bake 30 minutes in moderate oven until brown and bubbly. Serves 4.
GingersnapsThoroughly cream shortening and sugar; add the molasses and well beaten egg. Add sifted dry ingredients and beat until smooth. Roll into small balls (size of a walnuts); dip or roll in granulated sugar and place 2 inches apart on greased baking sheet.
Cheddar Beef PieCombine meat, egg, onion, 3/4 cup of corn flake crumbs, barbecue sauce and seasonings; mix lightly. Press meat mixture onto bottom and sides of a 9 inch pie plate. Bake at 400 degrees F. for 15 minutes. Remove meat shell from oven; drain. Reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees F.
Pecan Oven Baked HaddockMelt 1 Tbsp. butter in a glass casserole dish. Place the fillets down on the buttered dish. Mix together the pecans and bread crumbs. Sprinkle entire mixture evenly over the haddock. Add the remaining butter, melted over each fillet. Squeeze a few drops of lemon across each fillet.
Snowman SceneEasy for the youngest of crafters! First, make a snowman. I wanted to use big marshmallows dipped in paint to make the print of the snowman body, but we were out. Instead, we glued on cotton balls. I used the large type. Then use a marker to add a hat, eyes, nose, buttons, and arms.
Gardening: Dianthas, Hostas and Asiatic LiliesAsiatic lilies and Dianthas (Sweet William) grow great next to each other. Hostas also make an excellent background.
Organizing Tax SeasonEvery January I set up a new manila folder and mark it with the year. Then every time I have a receipt or statement I need to save, I just put it in the folder. Come tax season all the paperwork is in one place.
Use Turkey for Freezer MealsI make our own TV dinners so I can control the salt content and avoid other additives. I make up dinner for two on each plate, cover with freezer wrap and freeze. Whenever we are running late, we can take out a plate, heat it and dinner is ready.
Be SMART About Your MoneyThose who want to manage their money wisely and be smart consumers need only to learn a few basic rules. It's important to teach children these rules so they grow with the ingrained knowledge about how to care for their earnings and avoid difficult fiscal situations.
Use Ammonia to Clean ToiletTo clean the toilet, I use ammonia. I use a brush to get it all over the toilet bowl. Then I let it stay there for a few hours, or overnight.
Use Photos to Make Greeting CardsI have not bought a greeting card of any kind for more years than I can remember. How easy it is to make all kinds of beautiful cards with personalized photos from your own computer.
Remove Snow Buildup from Wheel WellsWith all the very cold weather most parts of the US has been experiencing, you may have noticed icy snow build-up in the wheel wells of your front and back tires. An easy way to remove it is to use a garden trowel or a putty knife to chip away at it until it falls off.
Leo (Domestic Shorthair)Leo is a 2 year old domestic shorthair cat. He was adopted from the PAWS in Philadelphia in August of 2008 along with Cleo and Moocher.
Organizing Housework for the New YearLooking back on last year and housework. Don't you wish you could make a new plan to keep things organized and the washing caught up? Trust me, it is possible! I'd like to suggest a few tips to frustrated and overwhelmed homemakers that I've used for many years.
Valentine's Day Cookie Decorating KitWhile my friend was recovering from hip surgery she was unable to bake and decorate Valentine's Day cookies with her granddaughter. Both of them were pretty disappointed. So I made up a batch of my sugar cookies, cut them into Valentine's shapes and baked them.
Puff Paint for Marking UnderwearIf your underwear doesn't have sizing tags, it's a very good idea to label them yourself. It makes it easier for you to know where to place it, in which child's drawer it belongs.
Use Dishwashing Liquid to Remove Candle GreaseTo remove candle grease from a tablecloth (mine was chenille), place cloth in washing machine on 60 wash, and squirt lemon washing up liquid into the soap dispenser.
Use Petroleum Jelly to Keep Your Skin Soft and SmoothI remember hearing this frugal beauty trick from both the late Eartha Kitt and Doris Day. Petroleum Jelly: use it at night as night lotion on your face. It does rub off on the pillow some. I also use it to take off makeup, too.
Puppy Ate Bra Straps?Puppy ate straps off 3 bras. Will he be able to pass these or should I start to worry?
Gardening Therapy for Someone with Alzheimer's?Does anyone have any information about home gardening with a relative with Alzheimers as therapy?
Beer Stains on White Leather Jacket?I spilled beer all over my white leather jacket. Any suggestions on how I can get the stains out? Would dry cleaning it even do anything?
Filling Out a W-4?I am a newlywed and a bit confused on how to fill out my W-4. When I was single my employee helped me fill out the W-4, later to realize she put 3 dependents on me so I had to pay the money back.
AM Radio Has Stopped Receiving a Signal?My 2006 Subaru Outback AM radio has stopped receiving signals. Has anyone had that problem and know a solution?
Wallpaper Border: Imperial Borders (2001) Frogs in Tuxes?I am looking for a border in the Imperial Borders book from 2001. It was on page 139. It was from the kids section. It had frogs in tuxes singing and playing instruments. My grandmother use to sing a song "Froggy Went a Courtin'" to us when we were younger.
Recipes for a Mini Crockpot?I purchased a mini crock pot at the local Goodwill Store, I couldn't resist, its so cute. However I can not figure out anything to make in it. I am assuming small appetizers and dips. Does anyone have any recipes they can share with me. Thanks!
Dog is Acting Strange Since Taking Rimadyl?Does anyone have a dog start acting odd after taking Rimadyl? The lab work came back OK but since my 17 old pit mix started taking Rimadyl, she goes off by herself at home which she never used to do.
Removing Fabric Softener from Washing Machine?I have a fairly new front loading Kenmore washer. The fabric softener dispenser is clogged and I can't get it out of the machine. It doesn't just slide out, like my last machine. How do you get it out?
What Breed is My Dog?Is my dog a Miniature Pincher mixed with a Chihuahua?
Gasoline Spilled on Gravel Driveway?I spilled 10 gallons of gasoline on a gravel drive. How can I get rid of the odor?
Sponge Painting Cabinets?I painted my kitchen cabinets a Cinnamon Spice color, but now they look bland and boring. Is there anything I can put on top of the paint, like a faux wash of some sort that would make them look better? Can I sponge paint another color over that?