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I'm a "starving" artist by trade... I do Detailed Handpainted Botanical Pottery... Specializing in "Washington Wildflowers"... I also paint Custom Wall Murals & Handpainted (Fired) Tiles for Installation in people's kitchen & baths. I taught painting classes for beginners for many years, but had to stop several years ago when I moved to far away from my customer base. I sell & advertise my wares mostly at Saturday Art-Markets so my time working ends up being somewhat seasonal, which means I need to be extra thrifty during the winter months... That's the "off season" & it gives me time to sew, make jewelry & do other crafts. I also enjoy reading about other cultures throughout history. When I work (painting), that's ALL I DO... Day & Night from April thru Dec! Even though I'm in my early 50's, I'm kind of the "old-hippy" type of gal with my hair worn in long braids.... (Yes, way back when, I DID live in a school bus!) I enjoy all kinds of people, & am especially fond of people with open minds. "Free thinkers" I like to call them...

I'm a follower of the of Jesus & His teaching. I do my best to help people whenever I can & I believe it's important to try to understand others & to try not to judge others on the first glance... You never know, someone dressed in rags, standing on the corner asking for spare change, may be the sweetest person on earth! The motto I TRY to live by: "Treat others as you'd like to be treated". I also believe that life is short, so don't let the little things get to you...My motto: LIVE HAPPILY, LEARN as much as you can, LOVE OTHERS (& try not to judge) & ENJOY EVERY MINUTE of LIFE!
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Make Your Own Storage Pantry for Buying in BulkBuy yourself a tall $30 bookcase then, using two L-brackets, secure the top of your bookcase or shelves to the studs in the kitchen or garage wall. Next, simply wedge a spring rod inside the shelf about 1 inch from the top.


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Quick and Easy Temporary KennelDo you wish there was a safe, easy, and thrifty way for your pets to enjoy the fine weather? How about an easy up and easy down small kennel?


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Ideas for Used Birthday CandlesThese tiny candles work wonders for sticky locks and zippers. For sticky locks, simply rub the candle on the key then insert in the lock several times. For sticky zippers, open the zipper then rub the birthday candle on both sides of the zipper.


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Use Tin Foil To Make Your Own Sewing PatternsA friend of mine knows someone who sews "Knock offs" - Dresses that look just like those worn at the Oscars made by designers. The trick is aluminum foil. Yes! Plain old tin-foil.


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Use Shampoo to Wash WoolI've been a weaver, spinner and dyer of wool for years. One of the tricks I learned, was that because wool is hair, you can use hair products to clean it. When you wash your wool hats or sweaters, wash them with shampoo.


Smokey (Black Cat)

Smokey (Black Cat)Smokey is a 2 1/2 year old stray black cat. I got him last summer. He lives to eat and play, in that order! Mister Smokey Smokerson is the joy of our lives! We were looking for a "mouser" at the same time fools moved out and left him in the parking lot of my daughters apartment complex


Get Free Hedges and Plants By Propagating Your OwnI live in an area where I need privacy but can't afford to buy all the plants I need to grow a hedge, so I decided to propagate my own plants for free! All you need to buy is a container of rooting hormone (under $5) and several bags of playground sand.


Easy Scented Pinecone "Firestarters"

Easy Scented Pinecone "Firestarters"Because pinecones can be picked up off the ground at this time of the year this is a very inexpensive holiday gift for your coworkers, friends or family. Scented pinecones can be used as fire starters or just put into a pretty bowl or by the fireplace to make the room smell nice.




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