Truck AC/Heater Blower Working Intermittently?
This same thing was happening in my husbands jeep. It was the heater core that had to be replaced.
Dog Food Bags to Help With Recycling
Great idea! Never would have thought of it. I recycle all paper and cardboard, and it never dawned on me to put these bags in too! Duh!
Use Facecloths to Keep Cool
We here in the deep South truly know of this cool benefit! Try putting the rag in the freezer for about five minutes. It feels wonderful. Also, leave the cloth on your wrists as well as for cooling you down.
Garden: Wildflowers
Thanks for the link! I love wildflowers, and would be a great addition to our backyard.
Shopping for Open Bottom Bells for Christmas?
Hi! Are you looking for the large decoration type, or small bells for gifts?
How Can I Get My Laminate Floors Really Clean?
I have used laminate cleaners on ours. I dont like it. It leaves a film on the floor. And, it is a lot of work this way. I finally broke down and bought a steam mop. I use it for my tile, too. It may leave streaks, but at least my floors are clean! I am very...
Using Borax in a Front Load Washer?
I agree Borax is wonderful, but I thought front loaders can only use liquid cleaners. I just cleaned under the tray that holds the detergents, and it was awful covered in mold.
Scenery: Julian Alps, Slovenia
How very dreamlike. What a wonderful world we live in. Enjoy the beauty everyday!
Student Loan Options Other Than Federal Financial Aid?
I dont know what kind of loans you have, but have you tried Sallie Mae? That is what my daughter has. Do you have someone that can co-sign for you? I would also hit the web and look for all the scholarships you can apply for. There are a ton out there. My youngest...