November 11, 2014

This page includes a list of all the articles published on this date. Use the navigator to select a different date.


several pieces of plastic canvas

Plastic Canvas Tips and TricksThis is a page about plastic canvas tips and tricks. This material is easily cut in desired shapes. Using yarn and a large needle, it can be used to create a variety of craft projects.


WetJet Package

Unclogging a Swiffer Wet JetWhen the jet nozzles on your Swiffer mop are not spraying correctly, they are usually clogged. This is a page about unclogging a Swiffer Wet Jet.


two rolls of Con-Tact Paper

Uses for Contact PaperThis is a page about uses for contact paper. An adhesive backed paper or plastic that is used to line drawers and shelves, can also be used for decorating a variety of things.


front of box

Magic Eraser Left Marks?This page is about what to do if a Magic Eraser left marks. These erasers can be helpful to remove a variety of things, but can damage some surfaces.


Cupcake Liners

Uses for Cupcake Liner ContainersThis is a page about uses for cupcake liner containers. The plastic cup that cupcake papers are often sold in can be helpful for other things.



BINGO Cupcakes

BINGO CupcakesI added candy kisses to a few centers when making a batch of cupcakes. The lucky winner who gets the cupcake with the candy kiss inside wins a prize!


Crock Pot Yogurt - finished yogurt

Crock Pot YogurtThis recipe makes inexpensive and easy yogurt in your crockpot at home. Basically; you heat the milk to 180 degrees, cool it to 110, add a bit of plain live culture yogurt to the mix and keep it warm for a few hours to grow, cool it, strain it and eat it!



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Drops for Treating Itchy EarsAfter reading hundreds of web pages and articles, I came across a site that kind of described my symptoms. I found out it was similar to summer ear. Then, after scouting around, I decided to try this.


Completed card

Snowy Trees Christmas CardMake a Christmas card with a row of Christmas trees against a winter background. Use Epsom salt to add some snow to the scene, and finish it off with a suitable mirror word. Make a few of these cards and you are ready to spread a message of "peace" to friends and colleagues alike.


blue and yellow macaw

Charlie (Macaw)Rescued her! She loves to dance, she talks/mimicks about 10 worlds. She is very polite, when I pick her up she says, "good girl".


cat upside down on tile floor

MamaMia (Tabby Cat)She was left on the box and the kids asked if they could have it, at first I did not want to because I had a bad experience with cats, but this one turned out to be the best cat/pet we have ever had.


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Remember Truck Stops for Emergency PurchasesI know in larger cities, businesses are almost always open. But for those of us in rural areas, shopping in an emergency can be tough.


Save Eating Out for Special Occasions

Save Eating Out for Special OccasionsWe were sitting at a buffet one busy weekend discussing how we needed another dresser but can't afford it. Then we paid the $65 bill and went home. It struck me how ridiculous it was to continue to eat out for convenience sake all the time.



black dress with glitter pattern

Glitter Falling Off Dress?How do I stop glitter from falling off my dress?



Paint Color Advice for Kitchen Cabinets,...Buying a new floor is not an option now, but painting is fine and replacing the blind slats. Please suggest colors for the tiles and cabinets. The walls will probably be painted a light tan to match the sofas. I included a picture of the colors I like for the lounge and a scatter cushion I have. Any advice would be appreciated.Thanks for reading.


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2010 Chevy S 10 Heater Not Working Properly?I have a 2010 Chevy S 10. The heater makes a loud scraping noise and sometimes it doesn't heat properly.


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Bugs Biting Me?Something is biting me on my arms, and I have never seen the bug that bites. I sit or lie on a leather sofa. My floors are tile with an area rug. I have three small dogs that are treated monthly with Revolution.


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Home Repair Assistance Agencies?Can you please tell me what I could do to get help with a heat/air pump and some floor repairs? I live soley on one check a month and I have a 3 yr old here 75% of the time.


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Babysitting Business Slogan?We are starting a babysitting business and we need a slogan, it is called: Little Bunny Babysitters.



Value of Antique Bisque Dolls?I would like to find out the value of these two dolls which used to belong to my grandmother. (I want to sell them.) By doing some research, what I know (or think I know) is that they are German, bisque, shoulder head, bisque lower arms and lower legs, sawdust stuffing, original clothing (sewn directly onto the dolls), probably circa 1870-1900, about 6" tall.


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Electric Blanket Replacement Control?Where can I find a replacement control for a king size Sealy electric blanket?


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Cleaning Wax From Brass Table?How can I clean wax from a brass table?


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Value of a Marie Osmond 1992 Courtnie Doll?I have a mint condition first edition Miracle Babies Collection what is value?


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Sweet 16 Birthday Ideas?In December I celebrate my 16th birthday. I 'm going to invite 10 to 15 friends to come to a party in the garden. Now the question is, what can we do? I have thought for a few days but come up only with rather boring ideas.Can anyone help ? I would prefer to do things that you can do with a whole (mixed ) group.


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Removing Dye From the Dryer?A new pair of teal blue jeans were washed then put in my new dryer. The inside of the washer is stainless, but the dryer is white. It is now teal blue, does anyone know how to get it off?


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Removing Stains From Crocheted Christening Gown?How do your remove the yellowing stains from a 31 year old christening gown? This gown is crocheted with white yarn, and has a white satin slip.


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