This page includes a list of all the articles published on this date. Use the navigator to select a different date.
Saving Money on Dishwasher DetergentThis is a page about saving money on dishwasher detergent. Dishwasher detergent can be expensive and sometimes ineffective. Finding ways to save on dishwasher detergent should not impact how well the dishes are cleaned.
Making a PillowcaseThis is a page about making a pillowcase. Making your own pillowcases is fun and easy. Pillow cases make great gifts. They can be made with beautiful fabrics of your choice and are often cheaper than store bought cases.
Cleaning Paint RollersThis is a page about cleaning paint rollers. Painting with rollers can really save a lot of time compared to brush painting. However, getting the roller clean after you are done so it can be reused is sometimes a major chore.
Getting Rid of Fruit FliesYou just bought some bananas or other fresh fruit at the market recently. Now you are seeing tiny spots before your eyes. Your kitchen is enveloped in a haze of tiny flying bugs. You probably have fruit flies. This is a page about getting rid of fruit flies.
Peach CrispThis recipe is delicious and healthy. It is one kids will love as well!
Cabbage and Apple SaladThis salad is refreshing and very tasteful. I have had this recipe for years and have no idea where I got it from. It is one of my favorites.
Cookie PinwheelsThis is a unique and tasty Hanukkah cookie recipe. I have never seen any other cookies like these "draidles" in Christmas cookie exchanges.
Brunch CasseroleMy mom loved to make this kind of thing at Christmas time and have friends in to celebrate. Love the cheese sauce!
Cheddar ChowderGreat cheesy soup!
Snicker Apple DessertSnickers and apples - OMG! I like this because I have totally revamped this old recipe to make it one of my most favorite.
Jimmy, the Swagger SnowmanMake Jimmy, the swagger snowman, for your window sill and spread some Christmas cheer this festive season!
Old Credit Cards for Cleaning Stove TopMy Corning stove top always gets dirty when I cook on it and have overspill. I first use some Soft Scrub, then I take an old credit card and scrape it clean. Last, I wipe it with a soft cloth, and I have a clean stove. No trouble at all.
Pick Up Fallen Apples for HorsesIf you drive past a house or property where you can see they have apple trees and there are a lot of apples lying on the ground, ask politely if you may be allowed to collect the fallen apples.
Re-using Address LabelsWhen you get a letter in the mail, neatly cut off your name and address and you have free address labels.
Remedies for Dry HairHere are some remedies for dry hair. Change your products to moisture based shampoo and conditioner.
Recycled Carpeting Tube "Pillar"Here's a great use for that sturdy cardboard tube in which new carpeting is rolled. Decorate any way you choose to match your rooms decor.
Ammonia Soda for Baking?Where can I purchase ammonia soda for baking? I have a recipe that calls for ammonia soda, but I can't find it. A small jar was given to me with the cookie recipe, but now I can't find the ammonia soda. Can you help?
Visitation Rights and Out of State Travel?My daughter has a four year old daughter that she has custody of, but the dad has visitation rights. Dad wants to take her daughter out of state for 2 weeks and bring her back. Does my daughter have to let my granddaughter go out of state with him?
Cleaning Stainless Steel Sink With Baking Soda?Will baking soda mixed with vinegar scratch a stainless steel sink, if used for cleaning?
Biddeford Electric Blanket Controller?Where can I get a controller for a king size Biddeford electric blanket?
Bathroom Sink Drains Slowly?How does one unclog a bathroom sink in which the stopper cannot be removed from the sink?
Restoring Blank Shortcuts on a Hard Disk?I just recently added this old hard disk that was found in my house and that was a back-up disk for our Internet Cafe. It had so many files and among them were games. Sadly, I cannot open those games since they are blank shortcuts. The original file for that game was gone. How can I restore them?
Using Vinegar on Car Windows to Prevent Ice?How does it work when spraying vinegar and water on car windows to prevent icing?
Pet Hair Detangler?I have a 7 month old Shih Tzu. My pet's hair seems to be very dry and is tangling up a lot. Any suggestions?
Calculating the Cooking Time When Doubling a Recipe?I need to know how long to bake a chicken/cheese casserole when I double the recipe. I live at a high altitude - 6500 ft.
Discontinued Eddie Bauer Wallpaper?I am looking for a discontinued Eddie Bauer wallpaper. It is a vintage tea stain colored background with chocolate brown penned leaves, soft caramel, and light brick brush strokes. I have no idea what book it came out of.
LG Freezer Door Handle Disengages?Has the LG 795.7757XXXX side by side refrigerator/bottom freezer door handles ever disengaged while opening the door, suddenly?
Lounge Suite Colors to Coordinate With Dark Brown Carpet?I have dark brown carpet in my lounge room. I am am purchasing a new lounge suite, what colours would look the best?
Removing Mold from Unglazed Painted Ceramic Items?How do you get mold or mildew off ceramic items that aren't glazed without taking the paint off?
Stained Leather Boots?My mother accidentally washed my leather boots with soap. Now there are dark patches on the shoes which are light grey in color. How do I fix it?
Removing Ink Stain from Cotton Jacket?I need to remove old ball point ink stains from 100% cotton Carhart jacket. Any suggestions?
Knitted Christmas Stocking Patterns?About 40 years ago my aunt knitted Christmas stockings for our three children. I would like to knit similar ones for our grandchildren, but can't find the patterns. One had Santa in a jack-in-the-box. Another was just a Santa face with an angora beard, and the third was Santa in a chimney.
Bar of Soap Stuck in Toilet Tank Drain?My mom put a bar of soap into the tank of the toilet because the detergent thing has spoiled. When she flushed, the bar stuck at the hole. So now the flush lever has to be pulled more than 1 time (or could not be pulled) to fully flush. Anyone havwe any ideas?
Granite Cleaner Recipe?I am looking for a recipe to clean granite. Any suggestions?
Water in Fabric Softener Dispenser?Lately, I have noticed water is left in fabric softener dispenser after the load is complete. Why would that happen?
Reusing Dry Dog Food Bags?What can I do with the empty dry dog food bags?
Vinegar Fruit Fly Trap?Does putting a cup of vinegar on the counter catch and kill fruit flies?
Water Spots on Wood Table?How do you remove water spots on a wood table?
Brown Spot on the Base of Ripening Tomatoes?My tomatoes, as they ripen, acquire a black/brown area at the base. What is this? and how can I prevent it?
Closing Gaps Between Teeth With a Retainer?You know lots of kids have braces because they have straight, but not together, teeth. Well my daughter has that situation. So can she wear a retainer without having braces? Please let me know about your experiences, before 12/22, if at all possible. Thank you.
Toilet Brush Head Stuck in Toilet?I have had a plumber come out and taken the toilet off the floor. Several people have tried to get it out. The toilet base has several bends in it which makes it more difficult. Can anyone help as it seems I will have to get a new toilet?