
April 13, 2022

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Vintage Sewing Machine ID and Date?Who made this machine for Montgomery Ward and when? This my great grandmother's sewing machine that I recently inherited. I remember sewing with it when I was very young. Haven't been able to find information, just some pictures.


A decorative vase of preserved flowers.

Replacing Evaporated Liquid in Preserved Flowers?This is a sealed vase that was my mother's. It was given to her in the late 30s-40s when she opened her first beauty shop. It has a cork that has fallen to the bottom, and appears is sealed with wax. I would like to replace the liquid that has evaporated. Would it be mineral oil? Can I just open it and add additional oil? I do not want to disturb the flowers.


A blonde Cabbage Patch doll.

1984 Cabbage Patch Kid?I found this CPK kid at my local thrift store today. When getting ready to clean it, I noticed it has 2 signatures on its bottom. The one on the right cheek appears to be faded and reversed. (Almost as if it has two layers of material)


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Shaving Advice?Hello, how can bump be gotten rid of for men with a light coloured skin and what is the best way of shaving and what is to be applied before and after shaving to smoothen the skin. I look forward to hearing from you.


A small stuffed rabbit toy.

Is This An Original Velveteen Rabbit?Is this an original Velveteen Rabbit?


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Disinfecting a Backyard?How do I disinfect my backyard? It is all dirt.


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Sealing a Gap at Base of Wooden Door?How do I seal the gap in the door where a small section has rotted away for the least amount of money.


A small decorative metallic helmet.

Identifying a Metallic Helmet Figurine?Not sure what this is just a decorative piece maybe? Or maybe something with some value?


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Dealing With Dog Phobias?Saw a post from several years ago from this site on Google about dogs being suddenly afraid of the TV and thought the advice was good but had more questions. Our dog is 10 years old. Our home flooded about 4 1/2 years ago during a hurricane which was traumatic for him and all of us. During the rebuild process, he became afraid of power tools which was understandable. We've always tried to minimize any exposure to this since then and he will just come inside when my husband uses them.


Value of Pie Crust Table?

Value of Pie Crust Table?Any idea what we have here? Cannot find any info on this pie crust table and can't find any matching images. Any idea of its value?


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What Is The Best Family Tree Builder App?I want to start a family tree and it all seems just too much and overwhelming. I'm sure there are plenty of good apps I haven't come across yet. Any helpful tips? Thank you!


The keyhole in an old cedar chest.

Missing Key for Lane Cedar Chest?I am missing the key to my Lane Chest. Any ideas where I can find a replacement? The serial # is 239090 and the style # is 44472x. Thank you.


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Low Calorie Vegetable Dip RecipesDoes anyone have a good recipe for a low calorie dip for vegetables.


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Illegal Craft Business?How can I report an individual who has a crafting company out of their home without a vendor's license and is not paying taxes? She uses PayPal and debit to charge her customers so there is a pattern of her selling the crafts.


A vintage white dresser with mirror.

Information About Bedroom Set?Can anyone help me identify the maker of this bedroom set? When it was made? And its value? The only marks I can find are numbers stamped on the back of the dresser and the back of the nightstand. I have looked in, on, and around every drawer. I have pulled out all of the drawers and looked inside both the dresser and the nightstand. And again the only markings are the numbers stamped on back, which I have shown in the pictures.


A red plow.

Information About Monroe Plow?I have a MONROE Type: NSSB16 Single Bottom Moldboard Plow (Serial # 1407). I got this information from the ID tag attached to it. I can not find any information online about this plow. I would like to know who manufactured this plow, when and where it was made. I would love to have an operating and parts manual for it. Any information would be greatly appreciated.


A stuffed bear.

Identifying Brand of Childhood Teddy Bear?I come here asking what brand my childhood bear teddy is. From what I have gathered he was sold rather at Walmart or Target and was sold swaddled in a blanket. There are no tags on him and his color has faded from what I assume to be his original color pink. (My parents re-dyed him pink occasionally when I was a kid)


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My Feet and Ankles Are Itching and Burning?What in the world could be going on with my feet and ankles? They are itching and burning terribly! I've had this for quite some time now it comes and it goes the mark seem to be staying though. I wake up sometimes with these scratches on my ankles, sometimes they're on my arms. But my feet and ankles are itching so bad!


A wooden end table.

Value of End Tables?What is this worth, and what year are they? I do have two.


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Using Painted Ceramic Tiles?I have many small 2x2 ceramic tiles that have been painted by elementary art students. I do not know what kind of paint was used but it has adhered well. I would like to do an outdoor craft project with the tiles on cement or cinder blocks. What should I use as a bond like grout or mastics? What can I coat the tiles with to protect them from weather?


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Pattern For Flowers From 6-pack Rings?Years ago, I made hyacinth flowers from plastic 6-pack rings and wooden skewers. After completed, I spray painted them in pastels. Anyone have the directions?


A fuzzball on a light colored background.

Identifying Fuzzballs That Move?What are these tiny little fuzzball things I'm finding all over clothing, towels, rugs, blankets everywhere! These were in the bathroom rug they look like pieces of lint or strands but when you try to pick them up with a pair of scissors they're woven into the fibers of the rug with the long stringy things that you see them moving in.


A pink goblet style glass.

Identifying Depression Glass Type?Hello, can you identify shape, type, year manufactured, collection or manufacturer and value? I received after cleaning out grandmother's house.


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Crafts Made with Old Western Style Boot?How do I craft a six shooter holster using an old western style boot


A small wooden end table.

Value of Lexington Furniture?I am getting ready to redo this piece of furniture. It is a Lexington Sweet Dreams commode and I know Lexington is one of the top furniture producers. I don't want to paint this if it is a value. Does anybody know how much it's worth or how I could find out?



The completed bear with a bow.

Simply Stuffed BearsI am making these for a charitable donation to a local police station to give to children who may be facing a traumatic situation. They are simple to make and you can use small scraps of fabric and ribbon and a little stuffing, so they are inexpensive. Just requires your time.


Sticking labels together to dispose of them.

How to Dispose of Mailing LabelsThis is a tip for those that don't put their name and address in the trash. We get lots of free mailing labels in the mail. When I have an excess, I pull them off, a bunch at the time, and roll them up sticky side out. The name and address are hidden, and they are ready to go in the trash. I think it would be almost impossible to get them untangled.


A before and after of the painted cork board.

DIY Geometric Painted Cork BoardWe've had these cork boards up in the basement forever and I felt like they needed a little facelift, so I gave them just that. 


A tray of baked plantains.

Healthy Baked PlantainsA starchy relative to the banana, these healthy treats are easy to make.


Storing potatoes in a paper bag.

Keep Potatoes Fresher LongerTake potatoes out of their plastic bag. Double-bag then in paper, and close with a clip. Store in a cool, dry place for maximum storage time.



Information About Bassett Dresser?

Information About Bassett Dresser?My wife's family has had this Bassett dresser for over 30 years. Trying to get an idea of the value it has. Stamp on the back says 218-82-217 D OR 219-82-217 Dresser, Job 82 W Cherry Entre Group


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Finding Waverly Garden Party Pattern Wallpaper?I am searching for two double rolls of Waverly Garden Party Wallpaper, pattern GP5904. It is discontinued, but I really need to find two more double rolls. If anyone can assist, I would greatly appreciate it.


A collection of encyclopedias.

Value of Britannica Encyclopedias?How much are my encyclopedias worth? 1768 Britannica 24 volumes?


An old jukebox.

1957 Seeburg Jukebox Value?I have a 1957 Seeburg KD-200 Select-O-Matic Jukebox in very good condition. It works just fine (a few quirks here and there) and I use it on a pretty regular basis. Any idea what the value of it is?


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