I come here asking what brand my childhood bear teddy is. From what I have gathered he was sold rather at Walmart or Target and was sold swaddled in a blanket. There are no tags on him and his color has faded from what I assume to be his original color pink. (My parents re-dyed him pink occasionally when I was a kid)
My aunt purchased him for me when I was very young (between newborn and 2 years) so the date purchased was anywhere between 2003-2006.
I have scoured eBay looking up any key words that might help me find what his brand but I usually find nothing.
Details: embroidered eyes and nose as well as that small black dot above his nose. He has a small tail. He can also sit upright.
I remember similar bears and I believe they were called names like 'slumber, security, huggies' and always came with a blanket.
Do you remember if he ever had a tag? Are there any 'remnants' where a tag might have been?
I'm asking because the placement of the tag will help identify the brand/company.
You say that he sits up but does he have joints? Or is he limber all over? What are his measurements?
Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.
Hello! I'm hoping to find the brand of this stuffed animal bear of mine. He's a multicolored bear (pink, orange, yellow, green, blue, and magenta) with a blue snout, magenta paws and inner ears, a yellow mouth and nose, and sparkly yellow eyes. There is a picture of him attached to this post.
At first I thought he might be a Ty brand beanie baby, but I doubt it, as he has no beanie filling anywhere, and I've found nothing like him on the Ty website.
The only tag he has is a sewn-on tag that says 'All new material. 100% polyester fiber. Reg. No. PA-5022 (RC), MA# 1247' on one side and 'GOFFA International Corp. East Rutherford, NJ 07073. Made in Lianyungang, China. DOLGEN20003901L17' on the other. I tried searching for anything similar to him made by 'GOFFA', but again, I found nothingYour bear appears to be an older plush, but the brand is definitely Goffa. Your bear was probably one of the first 'rainbow bears' but some people will just call them 'multi-color bears'.
You did not provide any information about approximate age or size, but if you are looking for a replacement you will probably only find one with a visual search online, maybe Google as well as other sites.
Goffa does have websites, but most of those only deal with sales so vintage information may not be available.
Their main site has FAQ and info is listed below:
"Where can I find a replacement toy or part?
Locate the label (on the rear of the toy) and email us at info@goffausa.com with details written on it. If the toy is still on the market, we will be able to tell you where to find one. Sadly, we do not keep any of these toys in stock.
Headquarters: GOFFA International Corp. East Rutherford, NJ
I bought one of your products from a store and would like to purchase it again. Where can I buy this product?
If you email this site, they may be able to provide some information, but probably there are no duplicate bears available.
Your stuffed bear has a tag that says 'GOFFA International Corp. East Rutherford, NJ 07073. Made in Lianyungang, China.'
Here is the company website with address: 200 Murray Hill Pkwy, East Rutherford, NJ 07073, United States
I found a similar toy, but this is a dog:
Pay attention to the identical yellow shiny eyes, to the nose embroidered in the shape of a heart.
Goffa Int. Corp Big Eyed Rainbow Puppy Dog Plush 7" Stuffed Animal Soft Toy is listed at $3.94 www.ebay.com/
I recently lost this stuffed animal. It had hard eyes and a nose. It had a small tail on its bum. The tag was located near its bum and had something red as the logo. Paws were larger and had stitching to make them more 'realistic'. It was gotten around early 2004 from a local drug store if that helps. It was also made with PVC pellets.
Any help is much appreciated. Thank you and have a good day.
Looks like he has had a lot of loving over the years.
I believe your bear was probably made by TY - Beanie Baby and TY products were sold in drug stores for several years - some places still today.
It may be difficult to find the exact bear, but this one sure looks like a winner.
However, it is not in the US and will be expensive to purchase.
There are several TY bears that look a lot like yours. The main difference seems to be the color, as most bears are darker.
Of course, yours has probably lost some of its colors.
This seems to be one of the most popular bears.
You may have received it in 2004 but some years (like 2000) are still being sold new today. Check out Walmart:
ThriftyFun receives a lot of questions similar to yours, so check out some of the previous answers to see if any information can help you.
There is information on these sites that have links to toy forums where members try to help find bears and other toys.
Please help! Does anyone know what brand this teddy bear is or where I can buy it, I have lost mine that was a very sentimental gift and have no idea where I can get a new one, please any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
It's going to be difficult to find another plush bear exactly like the photo. This one is similar & is priced @ $10.45:
You might put an alert @ ebay & one may come up for sale:
I got this teddy bear as a gift from a stranger at a restaurant around 2003-2005. He won it from a claw machine and gave it to me. The bear is purple and white and his nose used to be a velvety red (which wore down to hard red plastic).
The stuffing inside appears to be cotton and is a golden color and there's beans in his butt. No tag, all help is appreciated!!Can you provide a reason you are wanting to know the brand name?
I'm asking this question because it takes time to do research and without a plausible reason no one will take the time to help.
I'm sorry to say this, but most of the toys that are in claw machines will be very inexpensive items and rarely will they be a brand name item.
The owners of the machines buy in large quantities from companies that buy/make inexpensive copies of brand-name items.
Companies like this:
I really doubt you will find a brand name for your teddy bear but you can ask your question on sites like the following that help people locate their lost/damaged toys:
Be sure to provide a reason for the search.
I was hoping you could help me identify my son's teddy bear. He was bought at a second hand store 8 years ago and he is my son's best friend. I promised my son I would try to find information on him but I can't find him anywhere. He has no tags, the only similar teddy bears I can find are from the 1940's but I can't find him.
He has mohair fur and brown glass eyes. I'm pretty sure but not positive he has velvet pads on feet and mouth, only there are no pads on his hands. He can sit on his own. Any information would be highly appreciated.Very cute bear.
He looks like a Dan Dee bear to me but they made different bears almost every year; only making small changes so you may not be able to find the same bear.
You did not provide his measurements, so researching is just a guess.
I did find one that looks very similar but the seller does not provide much more information than you already have.
You can join Reddit and ask your question as you have very good pictures and these members are usually very good at identifying plush toys.
My mother recently got rid of my childhood teddy after moving away for two years, and I'm devastated. I would really like for someone to help me identify what it's called so I can order another one! She was bought for me the very same day I was born and I've had her for 20 years.
Some details: I know nothing about where it was bought from, although i think it might be somewhere in England. It resembles a Boxer dog, with long, thin arms and legs. It's 'arms' had square velcro patches attached so you could put its hand together, or pull it into a hugging position around your neck. It had plastic eyes that were mostly covered by its black heavy 'eyebags'.
These are the general details I remember, and feel free to ask any kind of questions! I'll do anything to know the name so that I can replace her for my mental well-being. I was extremely attached as she is nearly identical to an actual boxer dog I had who passed away when I was young, and I even named the teddy after my dog when I was old enough. This really means a lot to me, and thank you for the help
Looks like an English bulldog to me.
Several companies made long-legged monkeys, but a few also made other types of made long-legged plush animals.
I'm not sure what brands were available in England 20 years ago.
This was a major company out of Sweden that was a leader in this style but I could not find your dog.
Teddykompaniet, Sweden
Examples of other styles of long-legged plushes, but no dogs:
You can post your picture and story on these sites and I feel sure one of the members will be able to help you:
I'm just wondering if anybody can identify this fairly scary, grey, fuzzy teddy bear. He is about 35 cm high and 30 cm wide. He has a red ribbon with white circles on it around his neck. He has no labels, but has a red cap with a blue letter "P" on it. He has large googly eyes and pretty bad teeth with big red lips.
We believe he was a prize from a Nickelodeon TV show in Australia sometime just after 2010.
Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
This one looks very similar. www.google.com/
Hmm no tags? He looks like a target brand fuggler. They have been made for a few years now.
Do you know anything about him? What's is he stuffed with?
Cuteish monster plush has been around for a while. The cap is what I am puzzling over. I feel like if he is not a fuggler, the cap is the key. I will keep searching.
If you learn anything, post back. Thanks for sharing!
Hello! I had this when I was a baby, and life got busy so I ended up losing this wonderful friend. I really need help finding this guy again!
Can anyone please help me? I've searched and searched and found nothingIf there is no tag, it will be difficult to find another vintage plush bear like yours. You might try setting up an alert on ebay & one may turn up eventually:
You can also have another plush bear made:
It is always difficult to find generic plush toys without a tag, but sometimes the members on toy forums can provide more information.
I believe your plush's color description could be called by several names: Rainbow, multicolor, pastels,
Try joining several of these sites and ask your question. Try to provide as much information as possible; year you had him, size,
The tag is key to finding out who made it. Its going to be very hard if you dont have it.
These bears are a similar:
Vintage baby rainbow Teddy Bear Plush by Bestever, about 16" www.worthpoint.com/
by Kellytoy 16" www.worthpoint.com/
You have to search for a vintage "pastel rainbow" bear plush.
I think you have TY plush bear.
TV made many similar rainbow bears, but they varied slightly over the years:
This one is rainbow, but has purple nose
This one from 1998 is listed for $12.99
Ty 1999 Bearbaby Bear Baby Teddy Pillow Pal Rattle Stuffed Animal Plush W Tag is listed for $29.99, was $39.99 www.ebay.com/
Without the tag it will be really difficult to identify your
stuffed bear.
These companies are known for their teddy bears:
J.K. Farnell
Chad Valley
I would contact them.
There is also a good community 'Teddybears' dedicated to stuffed teddy bears:
You might publish your question on reddit.
Hello can anyone help me find a similar teddy to this bought in Ireland in 1982/83 thank you
I was wondering if anybody could help me find the original version of my baby. He was bought in the UK 2006. He was a girl and had pink fluffy fur, I assume he had a tag underneath his tail but it's gone now, he has little white beads in his arms and feet, he has white stuffing, he has pink paw prints on his feet, he has a small tail and ears, his nose is round and hard, the eyes are black beads.
If anybody could help find him it would mean the world to me.You have a good description - the only thing missing is the size/measurements.
He resembles a Gund, but I believe all Gunds have their logo on the foot bottom.
You might try posting your questions on these sites as they love to help to look for plush toys.