Hanging Curtains Over Vertical Blinds?
If youre going to take the vertical blinds down you can replace them with flat sheets. All youll have to do is sew a hem in them deep enough for the curtain rod to slip through. I buy all mine from Walmart (as they are the ONLY place in my hometown that sells...
Natural Baking Soda Toothpaste
While growing up and being raised by a single Mother with three children, she taught us to use equal amounts of baking soda and table salt to brush our teeth. After years of using commercial toothpaste with not good results, Ive went back to what Mother taught...
Buying Precut Plastic Canvas Crosses for Making Bookmarks?
Have you checked at JoAnn Fabric? They used to carry them but I havent checked lately?
Crocheted Casserole Carrier Pattern?
Try this site: http://www.crochetpatternscentral.com There are tons of patterns listed!
Crochet Christmas Stocking Pattern?
Ive seen the pattern before but dont remember where. I believe its a free pattern, but not totally sure. Try these sites to see if it is listed under Christmas or Holidays crochet: http://www.crochetpatterncentral.com http://www.redheart.com http://www.caron...
Amish Friendship Sweet Bread?
In answer to your posted question, yes it is! Ive made many of these breads and they are wonderfully tasteful! If youll scroll down to check out the archives section, they also have one posted titled: Friendship Bread by mkymlp, It is made without using the...
No Bake Apple Pie
Do you use Instant Vanilla Pudding or the regular Cook and Serve kind? Thanks in advance!
Name of Vintage (1974) Bonne Bell Perfume?
Thanks for all the feedback so far - so appreciated! However no posted replies are familiar yet. I neglected to say that it was an oil and came in a small flat sided small glass bottle - the same type as Skin Musk comes in. The scent lasted all day & night...
Tips for Dusting?
After buying a box of Huggies Baby Wipes at Sams Club and opening them at home, I was totally surprised at how big each package was and wondering how in the world I was going to keep them from drying out. I got out the gallon size zipper storage bags and put...
Finding the Correct Sized Organizer Bin to Use as a Cat Box?
We use the type shown in the posted picture for our five indoor cats, (all declawed, spayed and neutered). It is 11 inches tall. We purchased a plastic step-stool at Walmart and they jump on it to get in and out. Works wonderfully!
Round Table Cloth Crochet Pattern?
http://www.crochetpatterncentral.com has tons of crocheted patterns for all types of projects for free.
Crocheted Jack-O'-Lantern Pattern?
Go to: http://www.crochetpatterncentral.com and click on their free patterns, youll find many, many patterns of various things.
Losing a Damaged Fingernail?
I use a dab of Superglue on my nails when they get a tear anywhere on them. It keeps them from getting caught on something and ripping further causing horrible pain. It wears off fairly quickly with doing dishes, laundry, showering and/or bathing and washing...
What Kind of Glue Should I Use on Wood Furniture?
You can also try: Tite Bond Wood Glue. Many years ago a friend of mine made a frame for her waterbed and she used Tite Bond Wood Glue to put it together. She allowed for the correct drying time and when ready put her waterbed mattress into the frame. It held...
Keeping Raccoons Out of Campsite?
I dont know if this will work for raccoons but I do know it keeps the cats and dogs out of our trash when put out for garbage pick-up day. Just pour some ammonia (about 1/4 cup full) into each bag (which we use) or into your garbage can(s). They do not like...
Cami-Panel Instead of a Camisole?
Go to: www.vermontcountrystore.com They have camisole inserts to tie to your bra straps without the added bulk of another top underneath. They come in sets of two and have two colors in each set. They currently are listed @ $12.95 per set. The Item number is...
Buying Cheap One Gallon Glass Bottles?
Have you tried asking at restaurants? My partner had worked in food services for years as a cook. He says that you should be able to ask if they have any extras for free that they wish to get rid of. According to where he was employed, (hes now retired), they...
Baby Shower Ideas?
Have you tried typing in: diaper cake directions in your search bar? I dont know the exact site(s) to give you but I know Ive come across them previously on the net.
Reviews of Walmart's Straight Talk Cell Phone Plan?
I agree with MCW. I have had ONLY Tracfone since purchasing a cell phone in 1997 and wont even consider anything else! It is the cheapest plan; no contract to sign and can be renewed and updated (new phone) whenever you choose. Have had no trouble with them...
Crochet Dish Towel Top?
Check out these two sites: http://www.crochetpatternscentral.com (search under Kitchen) http://www.crochetnmore.com (search under Kitchen) Youll find lots of stuff listed on these sites!
Removing Lip Gloss From Tubes to Make New Colors?
You can try using a toothpick or a q-tip cotton swab stick (remove the cotton part first). Either one used can be easily wiped off with a tissue, paper towel or cloth for trying to get more out of the tube. Good luck!
Metallic Crochet Thread and Other Fancy Supplies?
Have you tried looking in the embroidery aisle of any sewing center store? We have Joann Fabric and Hobby Lobby. Both have that type thread on spools in those aisles. Also, try Kreinik.com. They have a selection of metallic threads that perhaps would be what...
Small Clay Pots for Crafts?
The only place I know of that sells them in various sizes is a Michaels store. We used to have a Michaels here in Lima, Ohio, but ever since they left Lima it is almost impossible to find anything you need for crafting. We have Joann Fabric and Hobby Lobby...
Store Brand Cleaners?
Ive tried two different generic store brands of bleach over the past three years on my whites. They both did not get the stains out of the clothes. I had used Clorox Liquid Bleach prior to this experiment. After the result of the stains still in the clothing...
Cleaning Red Stain on Linoleum Floor?
My roommate had to replace some frozen, burst PVC pipes behind the tub enclosure this past winter. He used some dark purplish red stuff that had to be put onto the threads of the pipes to keep them from leaking when it dried. Well....you guessed it! He got...
Making "Fresh Brush" Toilet Bowl Cleaner?
For too many years I used bleach as a cleaner for the toilet. Two years ago I started using nothing but white vinegar - approximately 1/2 cupful poured into the toilet bowl. It cleans really well, kills all germs and is not contaminating the water supply system...
Cheaper Alternative To Swiffer Wet Jet Pads?
Other alternatives to use can be knitted or crocheted (if you do either of these). Check out both of these sites for patterns: http://www.knittingpatterncentral.com (search under Covers) http://crochetpatterncentral.com (search under Miscellaneous) If you sew...
Getting the Best Price on a Paper Shredder?
I, like other posts on here, purchased mine at Walmart also. Have been using it for 3 years now. After using for awhile you do need to let them cool down (dont know how else to say it :-) I try never to do two or more sheets at a time as it does tend to slow...
Grandma's Oatmeal Cookies
Hi! Was wondering how many eggs to use for this recipe since none are listed in the posting? Thank you! Editors Note: It must be 2 eggs, but we will check with Robin.
Advice on Buying a New Washer?
We purchased a Kenmore 90 Series washer approximately three years ago. It is the worse washer weve ever owned (so far)! My roommate has had to replace the coupler two times already (in that short time frame) and it sounds like its ready to go out again....exactly...
Printers That Are Inexpensive to Use?
You can go to: printpal.com to order your ink cartridges at a very reasonable price! This is the only place I have ordered ink from in over a year and a half. I havent found any place cheaper to purchase ink. However, since ordering from them, I havent looked...
Say "No" to Pizza Delivery
Hi! Just wanted to post what we do for pizza in our home. We buy the supreme from Walmart Deli section. It is a 16 inch pizza - really big one! When we arrive home we just add extra ingredients to it such as: pepperoni, bell pepper, black olives, onion and...
Easy Crocheted Flowers Pattern?
The following site has tons of crocheted projects listed. Just type: crochetpatterncentral.com into your search bar and scroll down the page to find flowers and click on it. Hope this helps.
Not Receiving a Magazine Subscription?
I too had the same problem about five years ago or so with Taste of Home magazine. I called, reported the problem and received the lost issues. Then the next delivery would not arrive. After five times of the same problem I called, canceled the subscription...
Cleaning a Hairbrush or Dog Brush
We have four cats that we brush several times a day. What I have found that does an excellent job of removing the hair from the brushes is to turn on the vacuum cleaner and place the hose onto the bristles. It sucks the hair right out and its clean again! Doesnt...
Removing Dried Blood From White Top?
For years Ive used 409 Formula cleaner. DO NOT dilute it....just pour it right onto the blood spot and rub fabric together until it comes out, then wash. If it doesnt come out on the first try, keep repeating until you can barely see the spot. Throw in the...
Marigolds to Repel Mosquitoes
I too am eaten up by mosquitoes (have been since a wee child)! The solution I found that really works well for me is B-Complex tablets. I take one faithfully each and every day during mosquito season. It is supposed to emit a smell from your pores that you...
Safe Candles for Power Outages?
I found an: AS SEEN ON TV product at our local Walmart store located up near the checkout counters. Its a Cordless Westinghouse StickUp Bulb and it does take 4 AA batteries to operate. I purchased four (4) for our home for power outages. With candles being...
Review of Indoor Water Fountains?
Teresa, I have a book called: tabletop fountains - Author: Rod Ferring - First published in 2001 by Interpet Publishing. The only places Ive been able to find information on it is: Amazon.com and Ebay. There may be others available elsewhere. This book is a...
Hardware to Hang Wooden Curtain Rods?
You can also use cup holder hooks that screw into the wood. Just be sure that your curtain rod fits into the hook part. These do come in various sizes, although they arent for really big rods. You can also bend them out to get the rod to fit in better if need...
Where Can I Post Complaints About Companies?
Just wanted to say THANKS for all the listings posted by K. Isnt it a shame what the Companies in the US of A have become? Sooo impersonal, non-caring and good luck at reaching a Human! Just my two-cents worth.
Removing Beads that are Super Glued to a Camera?
Ive read that the only thing to remove Super Glue is acetone. Its supposed to work really well. You can find it at any lumber store & Walmart may even sell it in the Paint Department.
Five $5 Gifts
Just wanted to say...a BIG THANK YOU for the $5.00 gift ideas. What wonderful suggestions for giving WITHOUT the strain of wondering where the money is going to come from. It helped ALOT!! Blessings to you & yours!
Removing Furniture Polish from a LCD Screen?
I would try some plain old rubbing alcohol on a soft cloth. Just make sure it isnt dripping wet when you try it. However, being unfamiliar with LCD TVs this may not be an option. Just a suggestion.
Easy Pattern For Knitting Ladies and Kids Slippers?
Hi! You can find MANY free crochet and knitting patterns on these two sites: www.knittingpatterncentral.com www.crochetpatterncentral.com Should be able to locate just about anything you may want to make. ...slippers, scarves, hats, afghans, kitchen stuff....well...
Recipe to Make Bisquick Mix
Donna, Upon looking through my Bisquick Best Recipes book (from 1996) I found two recipes that I think you may want. Here they are: Cheesy Turkey Pot Pie 1 jar (18 ounces) turkey gravy (2 cups) 1 pkg. (3 ounces) cream cheese, softened 3 cups cut-up cooked turkey...
Uses for Plastic Trash Bins?
My sister uses the Big trash container in her laundry room for a dirty clothes hamper. Works great! I use the wheeled kind for storing out of season blankets and clothes. They take up less space and store quite a large amount. Very handy!
Looking For Simple Zucchini Bread Recipe?
Hi Pat! I think the recipe you are looking for is called: Chocolate Zucchini Bread. My cousin gave me the recipe last year & it is my all time favorite for any zucchini cake or bread. Just type Chocolate Zucchini Bread into your search bar and you should be...
Making Homemade Pot Scourer?
Am writing in reference to the scrubbers. Go to either of these two sites and look under Kitchen Crochet or Kitchen Miscellaneous to find what you need: http://www.crochetpatterncentral.com http://www.knittingpatterncentral.com Both are wonderful sites to find...
Looking For Handled Casserole Holder?
If you crochet, just type into your search bar: crochet casserole carriers. It should give you different sites to check out. I made a 2 quart crocheted one four years ago with cotton crochet thread and it turned out very nicely. Good luck!
Making A Bridal Show Gift Cake?
Hi! Just wanted to say, What a lovely gift cake! It is so pretty and useful. Thanks for the idea! Im thinking of trying to make it for when my son and his girlfriend get married.
Warning About Lights in Jars
I just read this post & am wondering what the author is trying to convey? I have a large jar that Ive been using for over five years now with the same 50 strand count of original Christmas lights that I put in from the very beginning. I still have no discoloration...
Removing Vaseline Stains From Furniture?
After reading these replies, I was wondering if you had tried SPOT SHOT CARPET STAIN REMOVER? I use it on nearly every stain I find and have found that it works wonderfully. Directions are included on the spray bottle. Please note that I havent found any discoloration...
Removing Smell From Old Paint?
To get the smell of paint (or any odors) out of a room just put some vinegar into a small bowl, cup, glass or pan and set into the corners of the room (out of the way of children or pets). Leave in place for a couple of days, then dump that vinegar out and...
Tips for Dry Skin?
I have psoriasis and problems with cracked, bleeding hands & fingers. It is ALWAYS more severe during the winter months. With no insurance for Doctors or treatment, I have tried nearly everything on the market to no avail. However, a former boss let me try...
Using Extended Characters on My Keyboard?
Just wanted to forward two URLs to you to help with different character usage from your keyboard. It contains an immense selection of various choices to choose from. Please be sure to scroll down the page to find even more information usage. Hope this helps...
Looking for Melting Snowman Crochet Pattern?
Try Hancockfabrics.com and search under fleece patterns for a melting snowman...he is a sewn one. Then try: www.crochetnmore.com and look under Holiday. She has a crocheted one. All her patterns are free. Hope this helps!
Refilling Ink Cartridges
I happened to be in a town (other then my own) in November of 2007. We dont have a Staples in my hometown so I decided to visit theirs. After shopping and going up to pay for my purchases, I noticed they had an ink cartridge refill station. I asked how much...