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The Bottom of My Tomatoes are Turning Brown?My tomatoes are turning brown on the bottom.


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Why is My Potted Palm Turning Yellow?My palm is turning yellow. It is planted in a large pot out doors.


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Maples Have a Fungus and Leaves are Dropping?My maples have pointy stalagmite type fungus and a ton of leaves are dropping as though they were cut at the stem. It looks like October there are so many leaves. What is going on?


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Queen Palms Damaged by Freeze?I have several Queen palms in my yard that appear to be dead from the freeze. One of six is showing signs of life. How do I know when to give it up?


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Stevia Leaves Turning Brown?I am growing a potted stevia plant. On windy days I bring it inside. A few days ago, I noticed tiny little bugs flying around its base. I have checked for them every day since and haven't seen them again.


Can Overwatering a Tomato Cause Leaf Curl?My Big Boy hybrid tomato was doing wonderfully. I may have over watered it recently. I only have one tomato plant, so I have nothing to compare it to. Could over-watering be the cause of the leaf curl that I am currently seeing?


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Bamboo Plant with Frost Damage?I have outdoor bamboo trees. This winter has been harsh, the leaves are all brown, but have not dropped from the trees. The stalks are green/yellow in color. Have they died or will they come good?


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Leaves Dying on a Calla Lilly?I have calla lilies growing outside; what makes the leaves turn yellow?


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Lilac Bush May Have Been Sprayed With Weed Killer?How can I tell if weed killer has been sprayed on my Lilac bush that is dying? The grass around it is also dying.


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Foliage Accent Palm Turning Brown?I have just been given an indoor palm (houseplant) that is completely brown and crunchy. I am wondering if I need to cut off all the dead leaves? This will leave it leafless. If I repot, will it grow back? Any advice at all? Is it a lost cause?


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Leaves on Gardenia Turning Brown?My potted gardenia has got some nice buds on it, but several leaves are turning brown at the tips and will fall out at a slight touch. The pot is located adjacent to a window sill on a radiator cover (no heat on of course).


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Lilac Flower Buds Turn Black?The buds on my lilac just begin to develop, then they turn black and cease to develop into blossoms.


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Lilac Bushes Leaves Turning Brown?We have 4 mini Lilac bushes (Tinkerbell) planted in a row in front of our deck. The two bushes on the left side are 3 years old and thriving beautifully, but the other two always die off and we have had to replace them 3 times already.


Butterfly Bush Not Leaving Out

Butterfly Bush Not Leaving Out?My Butterfly Bush is not doing so well this spring. There are some green leaves starting to show at the ground level, but usually it is totally green by now and thriving.


Sundamaged Christmas cactus.

Damaged Christmas Cactus?I'm an utter houseplant idiot. I thought a Christmas cactus could withstand direct sunlight and put it on my deck for all of last summer. When I brought it in, it was horribly sunburned and many of the "leaves" are withered.



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Planting Other Vegetables in Garden After Tomato Blight?My tomatoes had blight last year. Can I safely plant other plants in this spot, such as cucumbers? Thank you.


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Hibiscus Damaged By Cold Weather?We had the hardest winter in history, and now my hibiscus tree at my front door which is as tall as the roof, looks dead. Is it ? Should I trim the dead branches now ? Please advise. Thanks.


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Peony Had Few Blooms and Leaves Turned Black?My peonies have been lovely for several years, but last year the leaves started to turn black and the entire bush just produced a few small blooms. What do I do? Can they be saved?


Dying Cactus

Help My Cactus?My cactus is dying. Last Sunday it was still in good condition, but yesterday it seemed to be dying.


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Caring for an Aloe Vera Plant?I have two small aloe plants that I left outside overnight when temperatures reached into the 20s. Now they seem so limp, and their coloring has changed.


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Alberta Spruce Tree Turning Brown?We had a "dwarf" Alberta spruce that outgrew it's space after 15 years. We moved it and replaced it with a smaller one last year that browned and died. We replaced that with another this past summer and unfortunately that too is dying.


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Overwintered Palm's Fronds Turn Yellow?We have a palm bush (not palmetto) that we have had for several years. We keep it indoors during the winter and set it outdoors during the late spring, summer, and early fall.


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Lucky Bamboo Leaves Are Turning Yellow?I have a Bamboo plant with a yellow leaf. I've had the plant for 2 years and originally it had 3 stalks. I keep it in my bathroom where the light is on only when someone is in the room. The window is shaded by a carport/breezeway, so it gets very little light.


Treating Plants with Powdery Mildew?I am very inexperienced in gardening. There is a white powdery look and white flecks on the underside of a sweet potato vine. Is this powdery mildew?


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Hibiscus Losing Leaves?I bought a hibiscus for the first time this year. It was so beautiful all summer. Many, many blooms. It is still blooming, but I brought it inside and put it in my bathroom. Now it is losing its leaves.


Full length photo fo avocado tree.

Leaves Dying on an Avocado Plant?Please help me I am in desperate need of assistance. I live in East Lansing, Michigan and have been growing an indoor Avocado plant since this summer. Everything seemed to be going very well until recently.


Tomato Stem is Bumpy?Can anyone tell me if this is normal or not? I was given the Topsy Turvy for mothers day. It is now Sept. 1st and I am starting to see a little tomato growing. The stem is having some issues though. It is brown, bumpy and some spots have tiny holes.


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Black Spots on Tomatoes?Can anyone tell me why my tomatoes are showing black spots and bottom rot? Is there a fungus in my soil? Is there too much moisture? Should I have my soil tested?


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Ficus Loosing Leaves?Can someone please tell me why all my ficus plants are dropping all their leaves and drying up?


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Treating Iron Chlorosis?My Autumn Blaze maple leaves are light green with dark veins. I understand this is iron chlorosis and needs chelated iron or sulfur. Can't find chelated iron, but used a regular iron fertilizer (has some sulfur). Any further info would be appreciated.



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Trumpet Vine Losing Leaves?Is it an old wives tale or the truth, that urine on plants will deter nasty bugs? I have a 3 year old Trumpet vine that is dropping a lot of leaves. Looks like something is eating the new growth at the base. We also are experiencing forest fires; a lot of smoke.


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Jasmine Leaves Turning Brown?I am new to CA and slowly trying to learn about all the different plants and gardening rules that differ from the northeast. I moved into my house last August and it had a beautiful Jasmine plant going up one of the columns.


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Growing a Japanese Stewartia?I planted a 6 foot Japanese Stewartia in Spring 09. I live in the Midwest, our soil is clay. Tree has a lot of buds, but there not opening? It is starting to loose some of its leaves. I did use high organic matter when I planted it. I am afraid to over water the tree.


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Over Watering Tomatoes?I think my Tomato plants are suffering from blossom end rot, how can I fix this? I'm afraid I've been watering too much, every morning until the soil looks wet. I don't want to cut back too much and shock the plants, what do I do?


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Lupin Leaves Yellow?Why are my Lupin leaves yellow?


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Powdery White Substance Causes Grapes to Shrivel?My trellis is covered in unripe green grapes. It looked as if we were going to have a bumper crop. One morning I saw that most of the grapes were covered in a powdery white substance. Over the next few weeks the grapes shriveled up.


White Stuff on Arrowhead Plant Leaves?I have this huge Arrowhead plant. It's growing beautifully and very full. However I've been noticing this white stuff around the edges of a lot of the leaves. It stays right around the edges of the leaves.


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Leaves and Flowers on Lilies Turning Brown?My lilies' leaves are turning brown and the flowers have brown spots on them. Do you know why?


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River Birch Leaves Turning Brown?My river birch leaves are turning brown. I planted it about 6 weeks ago.


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Arborvitaes Turning Brown?My arborvitaes are turning brown. Any ideas?


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Caring for a Japanese Acuba?My two Japenese Acuba's leaves are droopy and the new flowers that were coming on top are also gone. Do these plants get root rot and would cutting them down close to the ground help them out?


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Peonies Not Flowering?I transplanted some peonies 3 years ago. They come up and have a couple tiny buds, but then do not flower. Does anyone know why this would happen? Thank you.


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White Spots on Boxwood Plants?We have a lot of boxwood plants that were doing beautifully but now the leaves have all kinds of white spots on them and also the leaves are curling and with little holes. I am afraid they have mold and also some disease or bug problems. Any ideas? How can i get rid of it? Thanks.


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Lilac Bush Leaves Turning Yellow?I have a Lilac bush that appears to be dying. Some of the branches look like they are just budding out. Some of the leave on the branches that have leafed out are curled, withered and even turning yellow around the edges.


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Geranium Leaves Changing Color and Turning Brown?The edges of my geranium leaves are turning light in color and/or brown. It almost looks like a variegated variety, except the brown is throwing me off. Am I watering too much, or not enough?



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Norfolk Pines Damaged By Cold?I have some small Norfolk pines that have been hit by frost. Will they come back? I also have one large Norfolk pine in the yard that is very tall and about 8yrs old. Will it come back after the frost has done damage? It has turned brown, but is the trunk alive?


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Photina Hedges Losing Leaves?I have a row of red tip Photina hedges that are losing their leaves rather rapidly. Most years they stay evergreen with the red tips and may occasionally shed a few leaves. I just noticed they are almost bare now and beginning to look rather dead. What could be the problem?


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Geranium Leaves Turning Yellow?I am having trouble with my Geraniums. What am I doing wrong? About mid season the leaves start looking wilted and turn yellow. Am I not watering enough or too much?


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Rope Hoya Losing Leaves?I have a Rope Hoya that is pot bound and receives bright light. Since winter started, the leaves on several of the branches/ropes have been shriveling. Some are falling off closest to the soil. I've had this plant for 2 years. This is the first time I've had a problem. Does anyone know what is going on with this plant? What should I do? Thank you.


Plant's Leaves are Turning Yellow

Plant's Leaves are Turning Yellow?My plant is dying. I bought this plant in July and it was doing very well. Three months later (winter) its leaves started turning yellow and then drying out. I don't know it's name or how to treat it. I get no sunlight, so I provide it with artificial lighting. I began spraying it with water two weeks ago, but I see no change. Please help. The only plants that do well here so far are bamboo shoots.


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Spots on a Banana Plant?I have a banana plant with spots on it. What would you recommend?


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Weeping Cherry Has Small Leaves?I planted a weeping cherry tree a couple of months ago. Since then the leaves have not grown a bit. They are very small and they don't look healthy.


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Hibiscus Leaves Turning Yellow?I have a hibiscus tree that is potted and placed on my deck. It still has beautiful yellow blooms, but I've recently found the leaves to be yellowing and falling off the plant.


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Mammoth Sunflower Leaves Turning Yellow?I have planted mammoth sunflowers in a large pot and I'm having a problem with the lower leaves first turning yellow, then brown before finally dieing off. Am I over watering or what?


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Small Tomato Plants?Why are some of my tomato plants growing beautifully and others look like runts? They all get the same amount of sun, but are in different areas. The ones that look great I practically ignore.


Sickly Honeysuckle Plant

Sickly Honeysuckle Plant?Can anyone help me with my poor plant?


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Sunflowers with Yellow Leaves?Why are the leaves on my sunflowers turning yellow and then brown? The leaves are doing this on my geraniums as well.


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Curling Leaves On Stevia Plant?My Stevia plant has leaves that are curling, why? What should I do?


Kent Mango Leaves Are Browning?I have a Kent mango and the leaves are browning. Does anyone know what is causing this? Please see photos.


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Small Leaves on a Crepe Myrtle?How come one of my crepe myrtles has smaller light green leaves than the rest, who have bigger and dark green leaves?


Gold Nugget Loquat With Yellow Leaves?I have planted a new Gold Nugget Loquat tree (came in a 15 Gallon pot, about 5.5 ft tall), and after a month, leaves have randomly started turning yellow. I am not sure if this is due to excessive water or something else.


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When To Treat Rose Leaf Fungus?My roses have fungus on leaves. Should I trim them and treat them now or wait until spring. I am a real novice with plants.


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Sunflowers Turning Brown?Why my sunflowers turn brown from top to bottom as soon as they start to bloom?


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Pumpkins Turning Orange Early?My pumpkins have already turned orange. Will they last if I leave them on the vine until Halloween, or will they rot before then? I don't want to pick them yet, as the whole reason I planted them was for Halloween.


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Advice On Moving Outdoor Plants From Alaska To Colorado?I am selling my house and eventually moving into another house. I would like to take some of my outside plants with me. However, I will probably live in an apartment for about 6 months to a year before I find another house. Can I plant a Peonia into a pot and keep it indoors until I can return to a more permanent outside garden? Also, what about a Bleeding heart?


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Removing Pumpkin Mildew?There is white powdery stuff on my pumpkins. I'm assuming it's powdery mildew. The leaves are already turning brown, and I'm worried that I will loose my pumpkins before Halloween. Does powdery mildew affect the pumpkins themselves, and if so how can I save them from going bad? Please help! Thanks.


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Stuggling Rhubarb?Today is July 23, and just yesterday I was given some rhubarb to transplant, I have planted it in full sun, and have spaced the root out some. My question is today, just 1 day later, my rhubarb is limp looking, and I'm not sure if it is going to make it.


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Leaves Turning Brown on a Nyctanthes Arbor-Tristis?I have planted a rare plant two weeks ago. New leaves started coming, but suddenly from last 3 days leaves started shrinking and leaves are slowly turning brown. I would like to know the reason and remedy for the plant.


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Tomatoes With Shriveled Skin?What causes the skin on our tomatoes to look shriveled and the stems looks as if it is going to break on each tomato?


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Mold on Petunia Leaves?I have petunias in a hanging basket. It seems to have leaf mold. We have been having some hot and humid weather lately. The plant does get full sun and looks beautiful, but the center leaves are dying and the mold is spreading.


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My Day Lilies Have Brown and Yellow Leaves?My daylilies say to keep the soil moist, but the leaves are turning yellow


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Struggling Bamboo Plant?I have indoor bamboo, it is in a porcelain pot, with small rocks. As I said I have in indoors on a mantle that really does not get any sunlight, it is close to a window but does not get any sun. The leaves were light green.


aloe plant

Struggling Aloe Plant?I have one plant and I'm afraid I've over-watered it since it is a semi-desert plant. It just kept on getting browner and browner. One of the leaves has fallen off, so I immediately took it outside and put it into a bigger pot with rocks in the bottom, then sand mixed with fertile dirt ...


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Struggling Petunias?I have a couple of hanging baskets, they have pretty petunias. They have been in shade lately (whoopsie) and now they are very tall and sparse. (I assume from trying to get sun?) I have put them back out in a sunnier location, but how do I get them to fill out?


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Sunblock on Plants?My child sprayed my petunias and mums with sunblock, what should I do?


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Spindly Rhododendrons?Last year in early April, we bought a large ranch style home in the countryside outside Molalla in Oregon. It has 40 acres and the area around the house is wooded.


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Stressed Weeping Willow?I have a large weeping willow on a sloping area in the back yard. It has a number of dead branches and not a lot of new foliage. It looks stressed. Aside from pruning is there anything I can do?


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The Leaves of My Plant Turning are Yellow?Why are the leaves of my plant turning yellow?


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Woodruff Plant Turning Brown?This is the second year that shortly after my Woodruff plants blooms it begins to turn brown. Does anyone know if there are common woodruff diseases and how to get rid it.


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Bougainvillea Damaged By Cold?My bougainvillea froze last winter and now is just sticks but the stems seem to be getting red in color. Does this mean there's still hope? I trimmed some. Should I cut more?


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Honeysuckle Foliage Dying?I have long established honeysuckle growing on east facing fence and in early spring it appears very healthy, then much of foliage dies off. Any help as to why?


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Plants Damaged By Cold?We had the coldest weather a couple of weeks ago that hasn't been seen here in 100 years. It was below freezing after we had temps in the 80's. Everything was starting to leaf out and get buds, unfortunately the cold zapped most everything.


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Nursing a Lilac Bush Back to Health?I have a really large old lilac bush that is a sentimental favorite of my wife's. 2 falls ago I cut out a really large amount of poison oak that had been growing up though the center. The diameter of the main poison oak was about 4-5 inches and about 8-9 feet tall.


Help My Plant?Help My Plant. I have this plant that has sentimental value to me and it is not looking to good. It came in a funeral plant basket. I have no idea what kind of plant it is I do not know if I am watering to much or not enough.


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Wilting Geraniums?I am having a terrible time growing geraniums. My leaves start wilting and turn yellow. Am I watering too much or not enough? How much should I fertilize?


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Confederate Jasmine With Leaves Turning Brown?I have Confederate Jasmine on my fence. It has brown spots on it and the leaves are turning brown and falling off. Can you help?


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Help My Tea Rose?I have a tea rose/potted miniature rose that I think I may have killed. When I transferred it to a bigger pot it was really dry. I had been watering it but apparently not enough. All of the leaves fell off.


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Avocado Tree Damaged By Frost?What should I do with avocado trees damaged by frost. Will they grow back?


Two plants.

African Violets Damaged By Cold?I finally succeeded in getting one of my 2 African Violet plants to bloom several weeks ago. Before going out of town for several days, I rigged up a thermostatically controlled heater to prevent the sun-room from dropping below 60 deg or so, since I knew these plants are not cold tolerant.


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Rotting Aloe Leaves?Why do my Aloe plants keep rotting off the "leaves". I don't use the same pot or soil I buy them in. I don't water it too much. They just start rotting after I repot from the store pot.


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Hostas Damaged By Bugs?This summer, something got at my hostas. It looked like a squash bug. We powdered them, but overnight, these little buggers ate the leaves off, right to the vein. They look so sick and just awful. Should I cut them back this fall?


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Dirty Looking Hibiscus Leaves?My Hibiscus leaves on some varieties look dirty (maybe insect dirt) and grayish. Generally unhealthy, like they have been stung or like they have a disease.


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Struggling Peace Plant?This question regards a houseplant. It is a peace plant that I have had for about seven months. It was repotted after several months. It looked healthy and beautiful for a long time, but somewhere along the line, I started over-watering it.


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Sticky Substance on Leaves?I brought my bay plants in for the winter. They have developed a sticky, shiny substance all over the leaves. I don't see any insects but did spray them when I noticed this substance.


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Brown Scale on Crape Myrtle Leaves?I have several Crape Myrtles in which the under side of the leaves have a light to medium brown suede type scale on them. Almost the entire underside of the leaf is affected.


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White "Pods" Under Leaves?I have 2 flowering maple plants sitting on my window sill in my kitchen. I have noticed that there are small white "pods" or eggs (maybe) that are all over the underside of the leaves.


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Lichen on Tree Branches?I have Lichen on my apple tree branches. It's not removable with power spray. Can a copper spray be used? The lichen is a fine feathery type on slender growth.


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Mending a Split Tree?I have a three year old Crape Myrtle (Tonto) that has a fork at it's base. The tree split and fell to the ground due to the weight of the water from sprinkling. I staked the split back together with heavy duty wire.


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Saving a Plant From Weed Killer?What do you do if you get a weed killer on a plant you wish not to kill?


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After Picking Zucchini, My Plants Look Limp?After Picking Zucchini, My Plants Look Limp. We had a few zucchini ready for picking yesterday, so we picked them. This morning I went to check on the garden and all 3 of our plants are limp and the leaves look like they closed up for the night! What on earth is happening?


canna lily in pot

My Canna Lily Did Not Bloom This Year!My canna lily did not bloom this year! Moved from back yard sun (plastic container) to sun in a nice blue ceramic pot. I moved it from back yard sun (plastic container) to sun in a nice blue ceramic pot. This is a short plant (yellow bloom).


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My Calla Lilies Are Pulled Out Easily?New stems from my Calla Lilies can be pulled up from ground, as if they have been eaten just below ground surface. I don't know if it's caused by insect or if I have watered too much.


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