Preserving Collard Greens?
Collard greens can be cooked and frozen as is and they will keep for months. I cook them in a pot of boiling water and cut them up into shreds after they are done. Pack in freezer bags or cartons. When I use them I defrost a bit and lightly grease a frying...
Freezing Summer Squash?
Its easy to do. Wash your squash and cut off the stem and the blossom end on the bottom. Slice into wheels about a half inch thick and blanch in boiling water for just a few minutes. The squash turns a slightly different color when blanched. Carefully dip out...
Can I Make Cream of Tartar?
It is a chemical that can be found in the spice section in the grocery store. I think you can usually substitute baking powder for it though.
Meal Ideas For Top Teeth Being Removed?
Soft meatloafs with gravy or non-spicy sauces, mashed broccoli or cauliflower with cheese sauce, mashed potatoes with gravy for sure, broiled fish with butter to keep them soft, spoon bread, soft boiled cabbage or any vegetable really that doesnt have a fibrous...
Iced Cone Candy?
This might be them but I am unsure about the size. I love looking at sites like this. They bring back so many good memories.
What To Do With Large Brick Fireplace?
My house was originally built by a brickmason as his personal residence. He went all out with the fireplace so I know what you mean. The fireplace is huge. It is natural brick. I wanted to paint it a light off white to brighten the room but my husband freaked...
Inexpensive Lucite Salt/Pepper Mills or Grinders?
My lucite pepper grinder exploded in my hand and more importantly in my casserole. I use them several times a day and apparently in twisting there was a stress point and a fracture and shards went everywhere. I had to throw everything out. Be Careful!!!
Trouble Downloading on the Internet?
To find out if you have Adobe installed, go to the START menu, click programs and click ADOBE and click the icon for it. If the box comes up searching and finds nothing, then it has been un-installed or corrupted and is no longer functioning. Attempt to un...
Preparing Food for a Thanksgiving Banquet? This site has a lot of stuff but there are ads too. So just pick through them or ignore them like I do!
Recipes Using Yellow Mustard?
Cheeseburger Meatloaf for Crockpot This meatloaf, cooked in the crockpot, is stuffed with cheeseburger toppings. INGREDIENTS: * 1 pound lean ground beef (ground round) * 1/2 pound mild bulk breakfast sausage * 1 egg, slightly beaten * 1 package dry mushroom...
Trouble Printing Pages on Computer?
If you are printing from a website, look at your PRINT PROPERTIES to make sure that the fit to page box is not checked. This will come up in a box when you click the print command. If it is checked, then uncheck it. Another solution would be to click File, then...
Trouble Printing Pages on Computer?
If you are printing from a website, look at your PRINT PROPERTIES to make sure that the fit to page box is not checked. This will come up in a box when you click the print command. If it is checked, then uncheck it. Another solution would be to click File, then...
Recipes Using Yellow Mustard?
FRENCH FRIES AND MEAT BALLS WITH MUSTARD SAUCE MEAT BALLS: 1 lb. ground meat 1/2 c. rolled oats 1 egg 1/3 c. lite evaporated milk 1/3 c. water 1/4 c. finely chopped onions 1 tbsp. parsley flakes 1 tsp. salt FRENCH FRIES AND SAUCE: 2 pkg. (9 oz. each) or 1 pkg...
Watch Turns Skin Green?
I had the same problem and had to resort to changing the band on the watch to leather. If you dont want to do it yourself, a jewelry store would probably do it for you. I also have a sterling silver band and that works great also.
Low Calorie High Fiber Sandwich Bread Recipe?
This one is good. High fiber, fat free and delicious. MACHINE FIBER BREAD 1 1/2 Loaf: 2 1/4 tsp active dry yeast 1/4 C rye flour 1 C bread Flour 2 C whole-Wheat Flour 1 tbsp gluten flour 1 tbsp oat bran 1 tbsp oats 2 tbsp flax seeds 2 tbsp wheat bran 2 tbsp...
Low Calorie High Fiber Sandwich Bread Recipe?
This one is good. High fiber, fat free and delicious. MACHINE FIBER BREAD 1 1/2 Loaf: 2 1/4 tsp active dry yeast 1/4 C rye flour 1 C bread Flour 2 C whole-Wheat Flour 1 tbsp gluten flour 1 tbsp oat bran 1 tbsp oats 2 tbsp flax seeds 2 tbsp wheat bran 2 tbsp...
Advice For Dealing With Dead Squirrels?
Squirrels can have diseases and viral diseases just like humans. There is a poxlike disease which left lesions on the fur that I saw as a child when my dad hunted squirrel. West Nile virus has also been found in the squirrel population. They are into everything...
Advice For Dealing With Chihuahua That Won't...
He is such a cute little guy and he looks like he has been so abused. My heart goes out to him and to you for rescueing him. There are so many things that could have gone wrong with him- attacked by a larger dog, whipped with a leash, choke chain etc. Does...
Substituting Wax Paper For Parchment Paper?
This brought back so many memories. My mother also used wax paper to line her cake pans. She did it for sheet cakes and any tube pan cake she baked. I remember cutting the circles for her. She always baked from scratch and called them her puddins. So you can...
Puppy Throwing Up?
Take your puppy to the vet or to the emergency vet as soon as possible!! Your pup could have a bowel obstruction or a virus named parvo and needs to be looked at by a vet. Puppies dont have alot of reserve and hours are of the essence. Please take your dog...
Preserving & Cleaning Old Reversible Silk Jacket?
I dont know the answer to your jacket but I would ask a professional dry cleaner. An option might be to take the beautiful parts of the jacket and frame them under glass. I have seen framers such as Michaels Crafts do a beautiful job with such things. That...
Fund Raising Ideas For Pet Organization?
We volunteer at our Humane Society in the fundraising part. They have 3 big events each year. One is a huge rummage sale of donated items that are collected throughout the year. They run a thrift store year round and get alot of donations. Every summer they...
Who Sells Arborio Rice?
You can get it on in the grocery section or probably at any of the high end grocery stores. I know that DeLallo Risotto is one brand.
Inexpensive Slipcover For Square Ottoman?
I saw this on HGTV and it wasnt actually that complicated.,2041,DIY_14099_2273829,00.html Here is another site that you might like.
Required Documentation For Bringing Dog Into USA?
To bring an animal into Canada you have to have proof of current vet records showing current shots and rabies vaccination. We looked into it to go to Nova Scotia. We drove to Canada as American citizens. Had no problem getting into Canada but a terrible time...
Riesentruabe Tomato
They are beautiful and thanks for sharing them. I am going to be on the lookout for seeds and think they will be a great addition to my garden tomatoes.
Foam Can Holders To Keep Eyeglasses
I use one of the foam can holders in the console of my SUV to hold my glasses case which is a hard shell case cause we have a rough and tumble lifestyle. It holds sunglasses when I have clears on and vice versa. It holds them so they are easy to grab and they...
Gluten, Egg and Dairy Free Picnic Menu Ideas?
Three bean salad or any marinated vegetable salad. cole slaw with a vinegrette based dressing. Any cold fruits. A good resource might be to look at vegan or vegetarian websites for recipes and suggestions.
Removing Black Urine Stain On Hardwood?
Try getting some rags and soaking them in hydrogen peroxide and laying them on the stain. Let them dry and repeat as needed. When you take the rags up some of the stain should be on the rags. We have used this to remove dog urine stains on old hardwood flooring...
Switch To Using Aluminum Cans
We love to recycle aluminum! We pop off the pull tabs and give them to the DAV (Disabled Veterans of America) as they have a program where they get a donation for every pound of them submitted. My understanding about the concerns about Alzheimers is that the...
Do chickens eat raspberries?
I live on a farm and grew up with my dad raising chickens -laying hens and bantams. When they free ranged, they ate about everything they came across and caught their eyes. If only just to peck at and not necessarily clean off the whole bush. Chickens can fly...
Need Suggestion for Portable Dishwasher?
I have a Whirlpool and it is wonderful. It cleans very well and the dried stuck on stuff comes off. I just use a powder detergent, no spots on the glasses ever. I like the portable because it gives me a work station in the middle of the floor. I use it for...
Something is Burrowing Holes in My Deck?
I live in Virginia also and it sounds like carpenter bees. They are making holes to live in and are large black and yellow bees that look a lot like bumble bees, but the stripes are different. Usually they just fly up to us and are not aggressive and just hover...
Used Cat Litter In Mole Holes
My neighbor gave me an education in moles and voles. He finds the hole that the varmints come out of at night and uses a baited mouse trap using peanut butter as bait. He then places a bucket over both the trap and the hole and leaves it. He said he caught...
Dog Odors Under Our Deck?
We use pelletized or powdered lime to get rid of doggie doo odors and it works wonderfully. The pellets are easy to throw in areas and they dissolve with a little bit of water. They also improve the soil and a 40 lb bag is inexpensive and goes a very long way...
What kind of dog do you have?
We have 3 dogs: Duncan, a westie that was a breeder male for a puppy mill. He was rescued 5 years ago and has developed into quite a little plucky personality. Then there is a bichon named Fozzie Bear who was rescued 3 years ago after being tied to a tree with...
The Tops of My Feet Are Red?
Im not a doctor but here are some thoughts. Several things come to mind. One is that you have an allergy that can be caused by your laundry detergent, or your fabric softener or even your shower soap or shampoo. Residue can be left on and act as an irritant...
Getting Dogs to Sit Still for Nail Trimming?
We have 3 dogs - 2 bichons and a westie. I just gave up and let a groomer handle it. My nerves were too frayed. We use benadryl everyday as the bichons have so many allergies. It is wonderful stuff and quite safe.
Are Mushroom Bad for Dogs?
We have chipmunks that eat our mushrooms all the time and they are thriving. There are so many kinds of mushrooms and good ones can look the same as poisonous ones with just a minor minor difference. The thing that I would do is call a vet. The vet tech or...
Making Large Paper Mache Food?
That sounds like a tremendous amount of fun!! We made paper mache items for a float in college. The guys nailed 2x2s for a structural frame and then tacked chicken wire to hold the shape. We then did paper mache over the wire. Drying, painting and then shellac...
Making Large Paper Mache Food?
That sounds like a tremendous amount of fun!! We made paper mache items for a float in college. The guys nailed 2x2s for a structural frame and then tacked chicken wire to hold the shape. We then did paper mache over the wire. Drying, painting and then shellac...
Nurse Themed Party?
This brought back so many memories. I graduated as a nurse and the party was at my house. I hosted the whole class. The stress had been incredible and there was alot of imbibing and just chips, dip and finger foods. Crock pot wings and stuff you could walk...
Spaghetti and Meatballs ($10 Dinners)
This is a fantastic post! Thanks for all the effort and time that it took to make it. The only problem is that the food looked so good I am unbelieveably hungry now and must go in search of food.
Helping Someone With Hygiene Problems?
When I went off to college, my cousins church group adopted me - my hygiene was fine and I didnt know I was poor but to them we must have seemed that way. They sent me a box of stuff to take off to college and it was huge and contained grooming things -shampoos...
Locating Old Friends Online?
You might try the college alumni news. Also if you know what High School she went to, there might be a name and address for her on her class reunion information. Our high school class secretary has kept up with just about everyone in our class.
Allergic Reaction from Hot Chocolate?
I have the same reaction to anything that has cinnamon in it. My mouth and tongue start to feel thickly numb and my tongue swells on the side and will eventually in a few hours break out in raised red areas and they eventually blister and slough off. At this...
Buying Fertile Duck Eggs?
I would check with the people that sell grain/chicken feed -a supplier generally knows his customers and also with the farmers that sell at your farmers market. If they dont have duck eggs or ducks, I bet that they know someone that does. My dad had an aviary...
Decorating My Entrance With Planters?
I used the resin type pots that are made out of this stuff like a thick hard foam. They were much less expensive than the large clay or pottery ones and will not freeze and crack and burst in the winter like the clay ones. I used the 2 liter drink bottles that...
How can I easily hold up my Gladiolus?
Our Dollar Tree had bamboo stakes that were about 4 foot high. They were a dollar each. Greetings to Mebane from Ahoskie, NC!
Sewing Machine Keeps Jamming?
I feel so bad for you. I had a machine that did this until it drove me crazy. It was an older machine from Montogmery Wards and I found out later that it was a design flaw. There was a problem with the bottom bobbin and casing. I ended up getting a new machine...
Blue Wine Bottles?
We have a bottle tree made from blue bottles in our neigborhood. There are several sizes - wine bottles, the old milk of magnesia bottles and a smaller blue jar that I think Noxema skin cream came in. They are stuck on the ends of a dead small tree that does...
Patty Pan Squash Pudding?
Here is how I cook patty pan squash but it isnt really a pudding. I cut them in half so they make little squash bowls and scoop the seeds out. I take a bit of butter, a spoonful of brown sugar per half, and a dash of salt. I am allergic to cinnamon but a dusting...
Spaghetti Sauce Stain In Dishwasher?
I just load a full load of dishes with my normal dishwashing powder and pour about 1/2 to 3/4 cup of bleach in the center of the machine just before you close the door. Everything comes out white and bleached and you can believe the dishes are clean. Getting...
Ramen Instead of Spaghetti
We love ramen noodles but they are high calorie as they are precooked by frying before they are put in the package. The ones that are not are extremely expensive - about 3.00/noodle package and hard to find. We noticed that the codes on the Great Value (Walmart...
Filling Holes in Old Screens
Thank you so much for this idea. I am struggling with a holey screen porch.
Solution for Bad Smell in Chinese Antique Wood Bucket?
There is a spray that you get from pet stores that is called I think Natures Miracle that gets rid of urine odors using enzymes. If your cat pees on the carpet it gets rid of the urine smell so they cant find the spot and pee on it again. It works and if it...
Banana Peel For House Plants?
Banana trees in the wild digest the rotted fruit and the potassium helps the trees produce more fruit. If you have a potted banana tree in your home, it is a good idea to feed it in this way every once in a while. I dont know if this applies to all house plants...
Good Recipe for Seasoned Butter Beans?
Yum for butterbeans! I only use frozen ones as the ones in the can taste funny. I use 2 Maggi vegetable bouillon cubes for a large bag and add a heaping tablespoon of butter or margarine. As they are almost done, I add a tablespoon of sugar and then finish...
Add Cottage Cheese To Baby Applesauce
I love this stuff. I mix it in a bowl, half on one side and half on the other. I then pick up a little of each with my spoon. Good for you and refreshing and not alot of calories. I use non-fat cottage cheese and store brand applesauce and it makes a low cost...