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20 Posts | 508 Comments | Active Since 2006
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My Frugal Life - Frugality, Debt Reduction and Giving Back
God Bless you, Christy, youve done many good things for your family and community. We are still working on paying up our debts, so we dont have much money to put into charities (though whatever spare change I have I give to local people in need or Ronald McDonald...


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No Bake Treats for a Bake Sale?
I agree with the mixes in a jar. Some families are too busy to bake as it gets closer to school, and then they can make it up whenever they feel like it.


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Throwing a Grandma Shower?
I would put together a little odds n ends kit, especially if the baby lives close (for unexpected visits.) I saw Debbie52 mentioned sippy cups. Maybe a pretty bottle with a sample or small can of DHA enriched formula (parents choice has a sample promotion going...


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Easy German Recipes?
Stuff ANY poultry/game bird with Sauerkraut.....that is the only way it was done in my house!


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K-9 Advantix Reviews?
Thanks everyone....I used Frontline Plus on my dog, and he still scratches alot. I saw one spiderbite on him (not bad) and we have such an abundance of numerous pests! I was looking at the advertisements and thought about switching after this three month regiment...


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Cleaning Painted Wood Furniture?
Murphys Oil soap...When I was pregnant with my first child, we used my HUSBANDS bassinet. But my MIL didnt have time to clean it, so I did it. No fumes, nice olive smell. And it is great at breaking down dirt, not paint.


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Where do you put frozen bread at to rise?
I turn on the oven to warm (180 or so - electric) then shut it off while I prep it: oil pan, put dough in (barely thawed), oil plastic wrap on top THEN damp towel. I put it in the warm (off) oven, to save counter space. It holds the heat in for a long time...


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Do Commissary Stores Accept Expired Coupons? this is for overseas military and shows how you can send them out as an individual or group projects.


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My Dog Tries to Bite People That Pick Him Up?
Please listen to your vet...and start training (professionally) NOW! I had to put Hailey (doberman/lab, or rott/lab...our best guesses) down after almost one year of training and nightmare wrestling matches. Finally she bit the trainers 5 year old (who knows...


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Light Summer Meals?
All the recipes are great, and what we have done was cook dinner early in the day (kitchen faces west) or cook late at night for the following day in big batches. My MIL came to visit right when the big heat wave came (in Oregon) and we do not have AC, just...


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Light Summer Meals?
Sorry, almost forgot. Stock up on deli cooked chicken/meats (you can freeze some) and use those for quick meals. Rotisserie chicken is great for quick salad, fajitas, on pizza or as is. Tyson makes a sealed precooked one that is easy to throw in the freezer...


A Good Tree for a Wedding Gift
Oh, an apple or plum tree if they have the yard space. Fruit symbolizes fertility and abundance, and they could enjoy it for years to come! Maybe youll get pies or jam too ;)



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Poll: Do you have a guilty pleasure or something you splurge on?
I splurge on coffee (for home) as that is the fuel to run my home (and Love) Then it is DARK chocolate: for cookies, snacking, hot cocoa, you name it. When I DO have extra money leftover, I will scour clearance racks at any store. But they have to be at least...


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Cheap or Free Plastic Barrels?
Go to the Car dealers w/shops or any big Tire & Lube. They get their oil in the 55 gallon drums, but I am not sure if you can get plastic....some might have it. My DH used to work at a Toyota dealership, and snagged an empty one and made a BBQ grill out of...


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Carrying Kleenex in My Purse?
I keep mine in the diaper bag, so to grab it easier, I slip mine in a sandwich bag with the zip close thingy. That way it still fits in tight places, stays clean, and if they fall out of the original package, they still stay together.


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Removing Wallpaper From Baseboards?
Tina...try Basic H Cleaner by Shaklee, 2 Tablespoons to 1 gallon of hot will melt off! Use a plastic scraper to protect the wood!


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Popeye's Red Beans and Rice?
I know this may be strange, but have you tried Zatarains? The boxed DHs Godfather is from just North of New Orleans, and will only make Jambalaya from a box with Zatarains because it is as close to authentic as you can get!


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Cleaning a Mamasan Cushion?
If it is small enough to fit in a dryer (at home) you could use the at-home dry cleaning kit. They cost 12 dollars but can do a lot of clothes, and really work in freshening up heavy fabrics. You could also use baking soda/cornstarch, let it set, then vacuum...


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Other Uses for a Waffle Iron?
Because of this, I invested in a Krups waffle maker that has removable plates for a sandwich maker and pizzelle (italian thin cookie) which I still owe DFIL! I tend to use Jiffy or Bisquick recipe(I love Jiffy baking mix better, it is less expensive too) but...


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Poll: Have you driven the same car for 10 years or more?
AMEN Grandma Margie! I have a 92 Ford escort Wagon (we bought it last year) and a wonderful DH that is a natural born mechanic! We bought a new car when we first were married, and for commuting I put 120k miles on it in 5 years, and I could have driven it more...


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Storing Celery
I always clean it and store in cold water (same with carrots). I have an old Tupperware pickle server (with a lift up insert) that fits carrot & celery sticks perfectly. No one eats the celery! I only need a few at a time, so maybe Ill try it this way! Thanks...


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Caring for a Baby in Hot Weather?
Yes, wear only a diaper and comfy shorts or plastic overpants (my youngest always pulls his off!) Keep a portable oscillating fan near where he will be sleeping and playing. The new fans at WM and such will shut off if tipped over (found this out when my oldest...


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What does a priest say at a wedding ceremony?
Do you mean for a blessing or in general?


Ceiling fan.

Cheap Ways to Beat the Heat
I have what they called a swamp cooler I dont know if this is DHs co-worker bought it when he moved to Oregon from Tennessee, and it is a room AC that you fill with cold water to cool. It also has a fan option. We have that on along with our ceiling...



food cooking on camp stove

Food for the Family Camping Trip
Oh, the memories of that Coleman green stove! When I was a child, I thought that was the greatest thing invented for camping, and still do! My DH and I havent been camping in a long time (and we used a little stove to heat our Mountainhouse meals) and when...


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No Bake Peanutty Granola Bites
Chocolate Oaties (or No Bake, from Hersheys Box) 3 cups quick oats 2/3 c peanut butter 1/2 c chopped peanuts (opt.) 2 cups granulated sugar 1/2 c (1 stick) margarine/butter 1/2 c milk 1/3 c Cocoa 2 tsp Vanilla Line Sheets with foil; measure oats and peanut...


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Measuring Elastic for Clothing
Thank you....Im entertaining the notion of altering a dress into a skirt and jacket...the bodice is too big in the bust, and not well fit in the hips.


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Remaking a Dress into a Skirt
Another good one is taking too short teeshirts and adding a skirt (or one from the dress!)


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Transportation Problems?
A mechanic will give you an estimate (most are free, just ask for a quote) and check around for people who know people...if I lived by you, Id have you talk to my DH!


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Comments to Mothers-To-Be
I was big with both of mine for being small frame, and my first one was with Gestational Diabetes (but I was larger with the second!) She needs to remember all the babies that are born so small, that they need incubators, and thank God and the Blessed Mother...


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Reuse Cardboard Trays For Transporting Casseroles
About disposable litter boxes....those are good in an emergency kit, if you have to evacuate. I did that with my cat...was actually a hospital plastic basin!


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Applesauce-Oat Bites
Can you substitute real eggs and butter for the margarine and frozen egg substitute?


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Grape Apple Coleslaw Recipe
oh, the Chinese/Japanese restaurant back in AK made their coleslaw with apples...YUMMY thank you for the recipe!


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Help Dealing With Depression?
I have been off Wellbutrin XL since June 1st 2004 (ironically the time I concieved my 2nd baby boy!). I think pregnancy and time did it for me, because I feel more balanced though I still get some obsessive/compulsive tendencies. It is all one day at a time...


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Mush Recipe?
Try grits....Albers is the name. They are sold next to the Malt o Meal. Sorry, it is white Corn meal, but sold under that. ALso you can look up recipes on their locater through (Nestle) Click on the logo at the upper right hand corner.


My Frugal Life - Why I Love Yard Sales
Yard sales are just a great way to meet people and connect in your neighborhood, too. We moved in just last year and had our first one a couple of weeks ago at last minute. We met so many people, and got some extra cash and space too! We are planning one later...



bowl cover to keep pest out

Keeping Pests From Flying Into Pitchers at a Picnic
When I saw the title for this, I immediately thought of my 95 # dog flying onto a picnic table!!! Or drinking out of the jug! This is a great idea~ (b)Editors Whoops: (/b)It should have been Pests. I fixed it and now there is a picture.


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Perfectly Chocolate Chocolate Cake
Yes it does; I usually do it in a Bundt pan (my son always asked for circle cake) and it comes out a little runny in the center (but no complaints!) The recipe is also great for two 8x8s (square) if you want to bake up a quick welcome or comfort cake. This...


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Light Icing Recipe for Cakes?
They specify clear on the imitation...maybe to avoid color changes? Every real vanilla extract I have bought has been dark.


My Frugal Life - Free Produce... Saved From The Dumpster
Shealynn, my DH found me a food masher from the 50s at a garage sale, so I could fix my freezer jam full of seeds! I may take you up on this advice at my local store in town, which is so much more expensive than the one 15 miles away! Dumpster Diving: when...


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Storing Grocery Bargains
I get tupperware from my mom or the thrift stores (selectively) and store my snacks, rice, and other stuff in there. My garage hold the overflow non-perishables like juice and cans. My extra baking bags (flour, sugar, etc.) stay in the bags and sit inside some...


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DVD Player Reviews?
RCA and Toshiba are two of the best. The toshiba one I had had a drawer slot, and due to moving we gave it as a help out payment to a friend. It held up very well for the 3 years we had it (and another one like it came around again used with a tv, and it worked...


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Saving on Gas in Australia?
If you have a diesel, or plan on switching over....used cooking oil (filtered of course) WORKS! The show Mythbusters on Discovery channel proved it without converting the oil or the car, (with a 10% difference in miles or km saved) and there is a Thai Food...


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Make Your Own Chain for Eyeglasses? I typed in eyeglass chains into the search engine at, so this may be a starting point for you if you are crafty. Michaels or Joanns would be the best place I know of to...


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Cincinnati Chili Recipe
Thank you Granita, I am going to try this, but hesitant about the beans! I am not much for beany chili!


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Eat Half Your Entree
I have to do this with kids meals for my sons at sit down restaurants!


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Keeping the Floor Clean When Pets are Eating
I used a mat for my cat, Lupe. Scoop away litter had a promotion for a set, and they worked great! She liked to paw the dry food out and kill it. Sometimes she would scoop one piece up at a time with her paws and eat kibble everywhere! Luckily she...


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Know Store Return Policy Before Buying
I dont like to buy anything without a guarantee I can refund it, which is why I got fed up using name brand popular cleaners and OTC meds/supplements. I would find out later that they dont work, or had an ingredient I couldnt use, then I couldnt return it because...


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Ant Hill in a Flower Bed?
Cayenne, or Tabasco is supposed to repel them....maybe get a big bottle and pour it down? It shouldnt hurt the plants.


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Disinfecting Lettuce?
I wash my fruits and big veggies (carrots/potatoes) with Basic H by Shaklee, it is organic and lifts the dirt right off! It doesnt disinfect, but it gets under the wax, dirt and chemical residue without ammonia or chlorates found in other dish soaps. You could...


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Daughter-In-Law Won't Accept Used Items?
I would just say, well, if that is your decision and close it. When it comes to birthdays and holidays, stay in your budget, or offer to make something for them. We usually buy clearance, so just take off the sticker price. If you already bought the stuff, keep...


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Sunless Tanning Lotion Reviews?
Dove Energy Glow is a new lotion with tanners in it. You can get a free sample at (I think they still have it) and comes with some coupons. They also have a body wash and facial products. I used it on my legs and feet; they sent me one for medium tones...


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Removing Odors From Jar Lids?
I have never tried this on metal lids, but I use lemon juice (full strength) on my cutting boards after acidic foods (like onions, tomatoes, garlic, peppers) and I never have a trace of scent! I also rub it in my hands if the soap doesnt rid it. Maybe wet a...


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Decorating a Picnic Pavilion?
Wow, sounds nice already! Dont forget the Tie downs for the primary table covers! You can pick those up at dollar stores or walmart by the picnic stuff. The Lavender tulle is nice, or maybe some off white lace It would be machine made, but elegant from afar...


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Brownie Style Chocolate Cake Recipe?
The best is the Hersheys Perfect Chocolate Cake recipe (located on the back of the canister) and you must make the frosting! Ha found the link!


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Brownie Style Chocolate Cake Recipe?
And I just found on the Hersheys site that they have Special Dark baking cocoa (lovely!) But I get great results with the Dutch Processed, more dark than the traditional you find in the states.


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Printable Versions of the Lord's Prayer?
If you go into Word, and under Tools you will see Letters and Mailing or Envelopes & Labels. You can pick out a label size (like business cards) to use as a template and Type what you want on there. Just change the orientation of the paper if you want it on...


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Summer Sprinkler Fun
My favorite trip to the park with my sons was when it was 90 degrees (the heat index hadnt hit triple digits yet) and the sprinkler systems came on! THe baby was asleep in the stroller, so we parked him in the shade and by the mist to keep cool and we stuck...


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Tips for Styling Long Hair?
Do you remember the topsy-turvy tail? It is a hoop that kind of weaves your poney tail. I think that I may still have one, my hair is bobbed now (it was falling out like mad after I weaned my son, and had to chop it!) so if you email me your address, you can...


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Uses for Sippy Cups?
I donate mine to thrift stores or emergency services. Those are always forgotton in the emergency kits! I keep one cup in each bag for my little one. After wasting money on fancy ones, we went to the little cups with the lid, and because they chew, the lids...


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Are bugs bugging you this summer?
We eat garlic AND bananas in our diet (hard to give up bananas, they are so full of potassium and great to eat before going out to do activities, ie dehydration) BUT I use vanilla extract on my pulse points, including ankles, and no mosquito bites!


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Are bugs bugging you this summer?
Okay, when it comes to my house, I am PARANOID of infestations, particularly fleas because our neighbors got a lot of them thanks to a hay field in the back yard. My dog s food has brewer yeast, and he is supervised outside, with a small window of time (hes...


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Vanilla Pudding Mix
Because of the heat, I would try the splenda for baking....(half real sugar/half splenda) When I would make homemade hot cocoa and use splenda, it seems the splenda dissolved in the hot water, and lost the sweetness. But if you mix it good while cold, it may...


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Poll: How much is Regular gas in your area?
Ours is currently at 3.10/gallon, so I started playing the Conoco/Phillips instant win game for a motorcycle (my DH bought one to cut down on gas) and we won a 10 gas card! Ironically, we recieved 2, so maybe they felt sorry for our area?


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Spray Painting a Bird Feeder?
The spray paint shouldnt harm the birds as long as it drys completely. Rustoleum makes some great paints (at Walmart or whereever) specifically for the rusted over metals.


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Grease on My Dog?
Detergents can be so harsh on the skin! I use Basic H by Shaklee on my dog, and it helps kill any fleas/critters that he may have gotten into! You dont have to use anything else because it is organic, but be careful to keep it out of the eyes. It is SUPER concentrated...


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Strawberry Stains on White Carpet?
OH NO! There is a great cleaner at Walmart, called Folex (it is a little more expensive, but lasts longer, and has 100% money back guarantee) It may get the strawberries, but those orange oil based cleaners are quite another! If it doesnt work, and your carpet...


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Cleaning Out Your Toaster?
I agree, use the compressed air. But next time dont let anything like that in your toaster (unless it is a toaster oven) The hot oils can start a fire!


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Buying Vitamins Through the Mail?
I buy my vitamins through Shaklee, and now I am a distributor for them. Everything is 100% money back guarantee, regardless of how much or how long you use them. You can check out their products at or email me at healthy_home101...


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Buying Deer and Rabbit Repellents?
All I can say is get a dog ;)


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Traveling With a Newborn?
Jeggie, there shouldnt be much of a problem breastfeeding, as long as you mind your manners. I always carried a sweater or extra blankets to cover up. Be sure to have the car stopped when first! And because you are still in your post partum...


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Nutritious Meals for College Students?
A crock pot is great! You can get little ones farely inexpensive, and besides cheap cuts of meat and any kind of veggies, there is also a lot of recipes and some of those ready made kits. The only problem with cooking the meat too long is that it will fall...


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Pickle Juice for Dogs?
check out, you learn alot of cool stuff (especially health/nutrition) and get an assessment free of the dog. Definitely no chocolate, onions, tomatoes and potatoes (at least peels): chocolate is BAD for kidneys (some more than others) and the latter...


Inexpensive Ways to Prepare for Hurricanes?
I found some good types for any kit at which also sells military surplus and survival gear. There are also some archived tips of the week. Water is the best in that situation, and what I do for my family is after we finish milk/juice...


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Summer Fun On a Budget?
For in the sprinklers. Its not just for kids! Take advantage of the parks in your area, and note when their sprinkler systems come on (much cooler!) We work a lot in the yard or other outdoor projects (and help neighbors with theirs as well.) Indoors...


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Cheap Summer Drinks for Kids
If you buy soda by the 2 liter, look at flavored water instead. On the west coast, Talking Rain is a carbonated water, with only fruit oils added...NO SUGAR or SUBSTITUTE! And it costs the same as store brand sodas. Or I buy soda water and mix it with fruit...


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Cheap Summer Drinks for Kids
For parents with kids allergic to food coloring! I am not advocating kool aid, but they do make a kiwi strawberry with no color! I havent tried it yet, but it came in a special pack with the big bag of splenda and a fun yellow spoon. If we do have koolaid, that...


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Wedding Day Survival Kit for the Bride?
Wow, wish I knew this when I got married! We went without a hitch, but the oil blotters would have been nice! I would also add that baby wipes make a great shoe cleaner (for leather too) and gives a nice shine!


acupuncture and aroma therapy paraphernalia

Alternative Medicine For Pets
I do preventative maintenance with nutrition....Gods Medicine! I have to defend acupuncture though (from a well trained individual) because I have met people that have had dramatic results (same with reflexology...if you have a headache, find a sensitive spot...


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Gift Recipes? is the Nestle website, and has both company tested and donated consumer recipes. Very innovative and different for bars, cookies etc!


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Making Healthy Spreadable Butter
You can also buy a french butter crock or butter bell, you put a stick of butter into a bell, and put water (ice cold) into the large container: the butter stays spreadable for up to 30 days, provided you change out the water every 3-4 days. It works by creating...


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Deodorizing a Couch?
We used Arm & Hammer carpet fresh with cinnamon for a microsuede couch with massive smoke odor (apartment fire.) DH covered it and it sat for 2-3 days in our smoke smell apartment, then he vacuumed it (detailed) and moved it in to the new one...NOT A TRACE...


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Deodorizing a Couch?
I worked in a nursing home for awhile....but old people smell in a personal home would not quite be that! My experience (and I spent a lot of time with my Dear Grandma growing up) was a special blend of muscle rub (like mentholatum), makeup and coffee! To top...


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Deodorizing a Couch?
*smile* I miss it too...especially when I cut celery! SHe always cut celery on the farm for stuffing and snacking!


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So Many Ways to Save
Crunchy hit it right with the surveys! I also take classes online, so I combine all my survey/email/school duties in one or two times a day (usually nap/quiet time and after bed!) I fit the same demo, and I know the casserole kit you mean, I am...


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Keeping Track of a Toddler at Disney World?
I agree with all others...use the harness! And have an umbrella stroller with you, especially one that has a mesh bag for goodies! The harness will not wrap around people if you keep it wrapped on your hand AND hold his hand. My boys were taught to hold hands...


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Fly Strips for Spiders
Sticky strips! I got one for my apartment from the maintanence, and put one under the refridgerator. That night (in footie pajamas) my three year old got stuck! Luckily they were the 2 piece, and I salvaged the pajamas by soaking the feet in mineral oil. I...


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Poll: How many televisions do you have in your house?
I was rather surprised by the number of people that have 2 or more tvs!! We have one, and one computer. I may budge and buy a small portable one, after I spent two days on bedrest and my children wouldnt sit with me! Other than that, we all watch shows together...


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Finding the Electrical Boxes for a Sprinkler System?
Mine is by the back patio, and it is plugged in to and it looks like a little power or telephone box. There is a cord (painted same as exterior) that runs from the box (labeled Rainbird) and plugs into an exterior outlet. Most important, it is installed next...


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Cleaning a Wood Stove?
Since it is probably cast iron, I would check through the manufactures reccomendations for cleaning (though something gentle, like Murphys Oil soap, and then dry may be sufficient for dirt and grease) then sand down the rust with a fine grit sandpaper, and...


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Poll: Do you cook most of your meals from scratch?
Yes I do too; Id rather feed my kids food than MSG, Red #40, and high fructose corn syrup!


What's A Cookie Cost?
Actually, if you think about the ingredients, they are very healthy! I use unbleached flour, half being whole grain wheat, and only semisweet chips with no artificial flavor, and the soy lecithin in the chips are a key nutrient in optimal health, besides the...


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Moving With Dogs?
I dont know if this would help or first big move with a dog was from Alaska to Kansas, and so we flew with our dog in cargo ($200) and we got meds from the vet, like muscle relaxers, to help him because of his nerves. He never pooped/peed in the kennel...


A Healthier Approach to Medical Costs
Please be careful with the meds by mail....Though you get a lot at one time, and may save a months copay, if your life depends on the meds, and it is susceptible to abuse (controlled substance) you may be safer sticking to a local pharmacy, just call and receive...


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Window Shopping
I window shop on the internet. If I need something in particular (a certain style) I check on the big store sites, then keep my eyes open at their clearance sections, thrift stores, and sometimes (they really get some FANTASTIC deals, but you...


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Poll: How much do you spend on prescription drugs each month?
My one prescription that I am down to is not covered by insurance anymore because they want all maintanence meds to be done through the mail. They send it 3 months at a time, and so you get a discount (pay copay for two months, get one free.) However, this...


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Removing Tear Stains From a Dog's Eyes?
My pediatrician told me to use a clean cotton ball with warm water, then dry with another clean cotton ball that is dry. Wipe from inner corner to outer. I would assume you would do the same for a dog. I wouldnt be surprised about the red dye...amazing things...


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Keeping a Master Grocery List on the Computer
I am not sure if this will post right, but gives you an idea....... PRODUCE/FRESH Apples Bananas Butter Carrots Cheese, American Cheese, Colby-jack Cheese, Mozzarella Cheese, Parmesan Cottage Cheese Cream Cheese Eggs Grapes Milk, whole Onions Peppers Potatoes...


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Keeping a Master Grocery List on the Computer
I am still working on restructuring the list to fit my grocery store, but the way they lay out stores is illogical to me! I tend to circle around (produce/bulk/meat/dairy) then hit the aisles for canned/boxed. But I havent gone over my limits yet!


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Looking for Switches for Craftsman "60" Drills?
I take it you called craftsman? I think all the products are on lifetime guarantee, including switches. They should be able to direct you to a replacement specialist for older models? I popped one of the model numbers in, and of course no more available. Heres...


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I Get "Blisters" When I Get Nervous?
I would say, help take care of the stress first....I can send you info on some great herbal stress relief tabs, that helps your body DEAL with stress, without kava or other harmful chemicals (but please check with doctor first) Please email me at healthy_home101...


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Decorating a Beach Theme Dance?
Check out the Oriental Trading Company (you can find them online) they have great inexpensive decorations, and I think I have even seen inflatable palm trees! Or make ones with those big rolls of craft paper and appliance cardboard boxes spliced together. Maybe...


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Where Do You Get Senior Discounts?
Its sad that you can only get them once a week! You all deserve it, IMO! Check out All I Saw Cookware online; they are a small specialty kitchen/coffee/tea/gift store in Wasilla AK. They ALWAYS give a senior 10% discount. Not all inventory is online because...


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Where Do You Get Senior Discounts?
I would ask over the phone before you try it with any company. It is hard to verify age online!


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Mother's Day Joke
I forwarded this to all the moms in my life, and DH so hed know some for the future (only child!) I have two boys, so I know number one is my personal favorite!


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Organizing My Kitchen?
I had a corner lazy suzan cabinet; I kept large, but lightweight pantry items that I regularly used on top, like vinegars, seasonings (little packets in boxes/baskets) extra flour/sugar. Then on the bottom I put light weight appliances like my slicer/grater...


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Bedding for 11 Puppies
My MIL had 11 american bulldogs born on Sept 11, 2003, and all survived - AMAZING! They constructed two pens in one empty garage, for ease of cleaning, and used clean newspaper rolls from the local paper. They sell these rather cheaply, and could be cut down...


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Saving Your Meat Drippings
Meat drippings are a great all natural flavoring for homemade dog biscuits, instead of high sodium broths!


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10 Month Old Won't Hold His Own Bottle?
Boys tend to do things a lot later than girls, and that is a difficult thing to figure out (especially the whole tilt the head thing!) My boys started doing that at 10/11 months, so he may do it before you know it. The cup is easier to hold, especially one...


A receipt from the grocery store.

How To Create A Monthly Budget For...
I have been doing this for 5 years, and redoing it every time we moved to a new area. I make almost everything from scratch (except for a few things for DHs lunches) and we give the kids watered down juice instead of fruit drinks. I am a big label reader, and...


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Environmentally Safe Grub Control
Basic H is an organic cleaner made by Shaklee with NO phosphates, that makes water wetter, I throw out my mop water (2Tbls to 1 gallon water) on my flowers in front, and the soil stays damp up to three days with constant afternoon sun. It can also retard whitefly...


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Become a Resident Assistant
I did this to help with my summer expenses, fun but can be stressful! Sometimes youll plan projects for a wide range of people, and it can really help your skills in organization and planning...and free board!


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Food to Have on Hand at College
canned and frozen fruit (frozen is by the ice cream); Juice concentrates (either pantry or frozen); With regards to pasta sauce, there are some REAL good low priced ones, like Francesco Rinaldi! Bagged salads are easy (check dates!); baby carrots and grapes...


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Buttered Noodles
I agree, the protien is SO important for proper brain function...get some Tuna! The butter helps, if you dont have cream soup, but tuna and canned vegetables cost less than the butter! And they fill you up and have the right fats: Omega 3 complex to feed your...


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Is it ever acceptable to strike a dog?
There is definitely a difference between one smack on the nose or bottom to reinforce a no (to be used in extreme situations) and striking a dog. Alot of times that is out of frustration, anger and no knowledge of how to handle a situation. If the dog is expecting...


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Doing Laundry at College
I dont know how you could stand the smell or wear anything if you save up your dirty laundry....most things can be worn more than once without washing, like dressy clothes and jeans, if you are not harsh with them. I would go to work/school and then come back...


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Is it ever acceptable to strike a dog?
I can see what you mean, woopy...I have had to smack my dog on the rump for mounting a child.....and that taught him quick. If you watch dogs in a pack, especially mom and litter, they do reprimand by butting with the muzzle and nipping. Positive reinforcement...


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Poll: Do you have a video games system at your house?
We have an XBox, we used to have the Playstation II, and use it as a dvd player when going to a friends house, or my DH used to take it to work during downtime. Now we dont play much, just too much to do! My son likes the computer better, and it is easier to...


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Flea and Tick Season
Unfortunately, those medicines can have bad effects on the animal, longterm or allergic reactions. Basic H by Shaklee has been used by breeders and ranchers for shampoo to rid of fleas and PREVENT THEM from returning, along with natural supplements. You can...


Beauty Recipes

Oats and Yogurt Face Mask
Can this work with the buttermilk substitute: 1/2 cup regular milk and 1/2 Tbls lemon juice or vinegar?


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Dog Urinates When My Husband Comes Home?
That sounds like nervousness; is he rough with her, intentionally or not? Animals can sense when one doesnt like them....My husband is not a cat lover, and when he was home alone with the cat, she never came out, even pooped under the bed. My husband grew to...


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Lemon Juice for Mold and Mildew?
You know, one of my favorite shows is How Clean Is Your House? Though it ends up like a commercial sometimes! They took a laboratory sample of dust on a ceiling fan (never cleaned of course) and it came back positive with penicillin mold, which can lead to...


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Subtle Creamy Yellow Paint?
If you can find an object or picture that has the color you want, take that with you to your local paint department and to the paint mixer (Home Depot is usually real good.) They will mix it until it is the color YOU want, and having that picture will help...


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Cleaning a Ventilation System?
Is there any way you can screw it off without alot of trouble? The cover with the little boxes. Then you can soak it with Murphys oil soap. Or vacuum it first and then give a good wipe down/soak. I take it you dont have a maintenance guy for the place? Maybe...


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Dog Urinates When My Husband Comes Home?
Animals will get nervous and exhibit behaviors like that, just when they expect the source. Its like a vicous circle. If he is okay with the sheltie, maybe talk him into building a relationship with her. My DH and late cat finally did, after a couple of years...


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Dog Urinates When My Husband Comes Home?
All of these suggestions are great, but I just remembered, dogs can hear their owners cars from at least one mile away, maybe longer depending on other sounds (sorry, lack of) so keep track of her behavior at certain times, or talk to hub on cell phone when...


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