
Removing Rust Stains from Fabric and Clothing

Silver Post Medal for All Time! 254 Posts
September 4, 2019

Small rust stains on a pair of denim overalls.I scoured the internet in search of the best way of removing rust stains from clothes. The method I ran into the most was rubbing salt into the stain with vinegar and letting it dry in the sun. Sadly, it didn't work. I feel like there wasn't even a slight lift of the stain with this method.


Next, I will try boiling it with cream of tartar.

Vinegar treating a rust stain on overalls.
Salt and vinegar being used to treat a rust stain on overalls.
Salt and vinegar being used to treat a rust stain on overalls.
Salt and vinegar being used to treat a rust stain on overalls.
Salt and vinegar being used to treat a rust stain on overalls.
Salt and vinegar being used to treat a rust stain on overalls.
Rust stains still present after treatment.
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September 8, 2004

Do not use bleach to get out rust stains. It sets rust. Watch those cleaners with bleach additives. By Diamondee



Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

January 30, 2018

I have an expensive Matelesse bedspread that is covered with rust like spots. Can a dry cleaner remove them? The suggestions to remove on clothing won't work as it is a huge surface. Thanks.


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts
January 30, 20180 found this helpful
Best Answer

Try rubbing fresh lemon juice on the spots then letting it sit out in the sunshine to dry.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
January 30, 20181 found this helpful
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I would take an expensive spread to a dry cleaner. I would try to clean a cheaper item myself.

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February 25, 2018

How do you get whites whiter when you have rusty water? Bleach doesn't work.


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
February 25, 20180 found this helpful
Best Answer

This may help you:

According to the site, it says you can install a water softener, phosphate feeder, or a chlorinating filter (but that can be costly) so a non-precipitating packaged water softener may help.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
February 26, 20181 found this helpful
Best Answer

You may have set the rust stains if you used bleach but no harm in trying other suggestions.

  • Please check the label on Rust X as it is for metal and other materials but it is not recommended for clothing/material.
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  • There is a product called Whisk Rust Remover that I have have used and it will remove rust stains from clothing.
  • Whisk is not always easy to find in Walmart, Target and similar stores so ask for it if it is not in the laundry aisle. Or buy on line:
  • (Affiliate Link)
  • Lemon juice and salt will usually work. Sprinkle salt on the rust stain then squeeze fresh lemon juice onto the salt and spread the garment in the sun to dry. You should have no problems with white or ecru fabrics. But, always test on a seam or inconspicuous spot.
  • It works best if material is kept damp and not allowed to dry in the sun (you can sprinkle with water).
  • Info from a web site:
  • Rust stains cannot be removed by normal laundering and using will make them permanent. If the stains remain after treating, repeat the steps. Do not put the stained clothing in the dryer because high heat will set the stains.
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  • Here are a couple of links with suggestions on using baking soda and laundry detergent.
  • Try different suggestions and see what works for you.

Information only:

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May 29, 2009

Does anyone know how to get rust stains out of (white) clothing?

By TJ from Knoxville, TN


May 30, 20090 found this helpful

I have been able to get out rust stains using old-fashioned rust remover. It comes in a rust-colored small plastic squeeze container. White lettering. May not be with the laundry aids, but in the cleaning section...most often used to clean rust stains on toilets, sinks, and tubs. It is very caustic, so use carefully and read the directions.


If it doesn't give info on fabric stains, then I believe that squirting some on full strength is what I did, but didn't let it soak long. My mother-in-law likes to use it in her white laundry loads because our water is so high in iron, that it helps keep her whites bright. Good luck!

June 3, 20090 found this helpful

Yes there is a little brown bottle called rust remover you can get it at Walmart or if you have a Brookshires
and it works. I use it all the time. All have u do is squirt it on the rust stain and you will see it go before your eyes.

June 3, 20091 found this helpful

I use a product from the laundry aisle called Whink Rust Remover. It works like magic. Seriously, you can just apply a tiny squirt and watch the rust dissapear. I just used it yesterday on my front porch carpeting. My darling husband left our snow shovel on the carpet this winter and I just squirted a tiny bit on and watched the rust literally dissapear.


I know, small minds are easily amused. LOL I did rinse it off with the hose after. It works on concrete too, and I keep a bottle with my laundry supplies. It rins about $6 for an 8 ounce brown colored bottle. You won't be dissapointed.

June 3, 20090 found this helpful

I would try peroxide. It does great on dried blood so it might take out rust.

June 3, 20090 found this helpful

You can saturate the rust spots with lemon juice, place the articles outside in the sun with the rust spots facing up toward the sun and the spots will be bleached out by the combination of lemon juice and sun. This is a tried & true home remedy that works.

November 19, 20090 found this helpful

I use bar keepers friend. Try it first on a tiny spot don't rub too hard you can get a hole in material. Best to you.

February 12, 20190 found this helpful

The comment/recommendation above to use "Bar Keepers Friend" is misguided... The BKF product is mainly used for metals, counter-tops, tile, cookware - not fabrics.


The problem is BKF contains Oxalic Acid, which activates when water is mixed with BKF. The OEM BKF container DOES NOT SAY if BKF is safe for use on fabrics.

However, the BKF container label warns, "May Etch or Dull DELICATE SURFACES". IMHO, you are taking a chance on a bad risk using BKF on *any* color of clothing or fabrics...

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April 1, 2005

I bleached a discoloured white cotton T-shirt and it came out beautifully but a small section was resting on a knob in the sink and now its rusted. I tried vinegar and more bleach on that area but no luck. Any help would be appreciated.


By ceil (Guest Post)
April 1, 20050 found this helpful

Try Whink...
Available at walmart in a small brown bottle

By shirley dobie (Guest Post)
April 1, 20051 found this helpful

Sprinkle the stain with salt, drip some lemon juice on it and set it in the sun.

By (Guest Post)
April 1, 20050 found this helpful

You could try some of "the works" toilet bowl cleaner. I got a rust stain out of a shirt that way,,,Good luck..Wendy

By Becki in Indiana (Guest Post)
April 11, 20050 found this helpful

Try dabbing a little bit of hydrogen peroxide (from the medicine cabinet) on the stain with a Q-tip. Let set for just a few minutes, then wash.

By Jen (guest) (Guest Post)
June 5, 20050 found this helpful

Any of the methods given below are safe for rust stains on white fabrics, but test on colored fabrics before use.

Lemon Juice - suitable for light stains on delicate fabrics. Spread stain over a bowl of boiling water and sprinkle with lemon juice. After a few minutes, rinse well and repeat if necessary.

Lemon Juice and Salt - sprinkle stain with salt, rub with lemon juice and place in sunlight. Keep moist with lemon juice till stain goes. Rinse well.

Cream of Tartar - (a powder, available in your grocery store spice section) for extensive staining, boil in a solution of 3 tsp. cream of tartar per cup of water. Rinse well OR if less extensive, dampen stain, spread with cream of tartar, hold in steam from boiling kettle. Rinse immediately stain goes. Do not use on fabrics that cannot be washed in hot water.


Hope this helps!

By kay (Guest Post)
November 7, 20050 found this helpful

That is the one thing that does work on rust on clothes,putting salt on then lemon then placed where the sunlight can get at it.
I tried this myself awhile back and it really did work..

November 6, 20170 found this helpful

Just did this, worked like a dream. Thanks so much.

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September 27, 2011

What is causing orange spots on my whites and how do I get rid of them?

By Lina


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 969 Posts
September 29, 20110 found this helpful

If your washer is a bit old, it might be rust. I hope you find the culprit. PBP

September 29, 20110 found this helpful

Yeah, it does sound like rust. Use a rust treatment. Water can have rust in it, too.

September 29, 20110 found this helpful

I had the same problem and noticed the receptacle that holds the bleach had deteriorated. It was causing rust spots on my clothes. I have a new washer and the problem is gone.

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February 26, 2012

How do I remove rust from cotton pants?

By Josie from Melbourne, Australia


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 398 Posts
February 26, 20120 found this helpful

Pour salt on the stain. Then cut a lemon into quarters and squeeze the juices over the salt on the rust stain.

Lay it outside until it dries. Brush off the salt.
Put the rust stained fabric on a towel.

Pour an enzyme laundry detergent on the rust stain.
Rub the detergent into the fibers of the fabric.

Launder according to garment directions or as usual.

April 27, 20120 found this helpful

I had two small rust spots on a white cotton sweater. I used Bar Keeper's liquid cleaner on it. I dabbed it on and let it sit a day and then laundered as usual. It didn't harm the fabric and completely removed the stain.

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December 17, 2011

How do I remove rust spots from garments?

By Ana


December 19, 20110 found this helpful

There is a product called "Whink" in the laundry aisle at most grocery stores. It is a brown bottle about 5 to 6 inches high. It is a thin liquid. Just quirt a little on the rust stain and then immediately launder as usual. I have used it on many types of fabric with success. Hope this helps.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 172 Posts
December 20, 20110 found this helpful

I agree with Jsham, Whink is the way to go...a wonderful product.

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May 20, 2011

How can I remove rust marks on my nearly new white Anorak winter coat? Please help.



June 23, 20110 found this helpful

I once lived in a house with a well that had terrible amounts of iron in the water. I discovered a product called Iron Out. I found it in the hardware department of Walmart. It is safe to use on clothing. I would just follow the directions on the packaging. I used a half cup in my laundry, but I remember there were other directions for spot use.

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November 8, 2010

How do you remove rust from the neck of a white shirt? The hanger it was on in the closet broke and rust from the metal part got on the neck of my white Sunday shirt.

By Earl Woodham from Moriarty, NM


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 297 Posts
November 12, 20100 found this helpful

Pour lemon juice on the rust spot and allow the shirt to sit in direct sunlight for at least 20 minutes. Rinse and launder as usual. Repeat if necessary.

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ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

November 17, 2009

I hand washed a pair of light colored pants, and when I went to hang them up to dry there were rust marks on the back of them from the hook and eye I sewed on.


November 8, 2010

How do I remove an iron pin stain from material? The pin was left in some material for a long time and it has left a brown stain on white/cream cloth.


June 21, 2010

We have rust stains on the inside of the canvas on our tent trailer. Is there a way to remove them? Thank you.

Home and Garden Cleaning Clothing StainsJanuary 18, 2013
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