
Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

Any Halloween costume ideas for pregnant woman?

Jamie from Stockbridge, GA


Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

I was almost 8 months pregnant for last years Halloween and couldn't think what to do, then my husband suggested we go as a redneck couple! He dressed up in torn jeans and a plaid shirt, got a mullet wig and a trucker hat and I wore fishnet stockings and heels, tiny little maternity shorts (with belly panel and all!), a short t-shirt that showed off my belly and a plaid shirt!


It was a prize winning outfit, and got lots of laughs. It's the only time I've ever been proud enough of my body to wear anything like this. Show off your pregnant belly, it's gorgeous! (10/13/2006)

By Melanie

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

Hmmm, just tell everyone that you are the old lady who swallowed the fly? :) Wear a grey wig, and get little toy things from the song, a plastic fly, a rubber spider, a toy bird, stuffed cat, stuffed dog etc. Try to work it all in, or sew them to the tummy area of your shirt. Then spend the night "looking for a horse to catch the cow". :)

By Celeste

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

One year when I was 7 months pregnant on Halloween I went as Teddy Roosevelt. I got a pith helmut, some round glasses, a canvas jacket and pants, some black boots and put on a fake handlebar mustache. It was a big hit at the party. My belly looked like many men's middle aged middles.


Susan from ThriftyFun (10/13/2006)

By ThriftyFun

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

When I was pregnant I dressed as a man with a beer gut, and my husband dressed as a woman. (10/15/2006)

By sissy

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

Santa Claus..."His belly shook when he laughed like a bowl full of jelly." (10/21/2006)

By Matty

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

I was a pregnant cat for Halloween. I dressed in all black, glued six brown bottle nipples to my tummy, and wore a tail and ears. (10/24/2006)

By Amy

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

Deviled Egg. (10/25/2006)

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

I knew someone who wasn't very far along at Halloween and so she went as a skeleton, and then taped a picture of a baby skeleton to her stomach. It was her way of telling everyone that she was pregnant. It was way too cute!



By Kirsten

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

I know someone who went as a pregnant angel with a sign around her neck that said "The Devil Made me do it" and then her husband was dressed as a devil. It was pretty cute. (07/12/2007)

By Lilly

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

I saw a woman last year that wore a construction workers outfit with her tool belt filled with bottles, diapers, wipes, medicine droppers, and she wore a hard hat. Very cute! (09/15/2007)

By Erin

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

The prego can be the eight ball and the hubby can be the pool cue. (10/01/2007)

By Theresa

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

We actually used this costume idea last year before I was pregnant (and am sad I can't re-use it again this year, since now I'm 8 mos along).


My husband dressed as the milkman (white pants, white button down, little white hat, black bow tie, and we made a little "Mr. milkman" name tag and then a larger sign on his back that read "got milk?"). I went as a 50's housewife (flip hairdo, string of pearls, full skirt and sweater set) and stuffed myself with a pillow to look about 9 months pregnant and painted a milk mustache on my lip. Gross, but we sure got a lot of laughs! Would work great again this year, now that I wouldn't have to stuff the skirt, but a) I won't fit in that skirt, and b) we're going to the same party this year, so I can't re-do it. (10/16/2007)

By Ebone74

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

My girlfriend was 9 months pregnant 3 years ago. She wore a bathing suit top (she wore it over a wife-beater tank that we cut a tummy hole out of just for the modesty factor) and a sarong. I painted a beach ball on her tummy with acrylic paint. It was easy, cheep and really cute. This year I am about 6 months along and have found all suggestions helpful. Thanks! (10/22/2007)


By Karrisa

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

I am going as a ladybug~ very easy to do, and cheap. Get antennas/pipe cleaners, and wings cheap and wear red and black. Then you can paint black polka dots on a red maternity blouse, you'll be fat and stumpy like a lady bug is~ (10/22/2007)

By 9 months prego

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

My mom wore an old wedding dress and went as a shot gun wedding bride :) She was 6 months along. (10/23/2007)

By J-lo

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

I'll be 8 months on Halloween and still haven't decided on what to do, but I've had two suggestions to be Mother Earth-- wear green/brown/blue, some fake plants and paint your belly as a globe. (10/25/2007)

By Lily

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

I am 7 months pregnant this Halloween and I think that I am going as Homer Simpson! (10/25/2007)


By Jamie

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

I am 7 months pregnant this Halloween and I am going as a pregnant nun and my fiance is going as a priest. :-) (10/27/2007)

By Kellie

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

I will be 39 weeks and 6 days tomorrow. I am wearing black pants, an orange t shirt, and a black sweater. On the orange t shirt I basted a felt jack o'lantern face and stem. Easy, comfy, and only 43 cents for the felt at Micheal's! I waited until 10/30 to do it hoping I'd go into labor beforehand, no such luck. (10/30/2007)


Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

When I was 8 months pregnant, I painted a face on my belly and made a top hat with a card board box that went just below my chest, I cut out a place for my arms to come out and rest on the rim on the top hat and cut out a place so I could see, I put a jacket around my waist, and was a little man with a BIG top hat, I could have won any contest with this costume. Many people were pulling over their cars to take pictures. Very fun! (10/31/2007)

By misty

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

How about a planet? You could use a hoop for a ringed planet like Uranus or Saturn. Or a wire ring with Styrofoam balls to look like moons. (05/06/2008)

By Cheryl

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

I'm due right around Halloween time this year, a couple days later. We were having trouble trying to decide what to do so we went with one of my boyfriend's favorite movies. He's going to dress up as a predator from the Alien VS Predator series, or as close as he can get to it (so far he just looks like an Ominous Rastafarian =p) while I'm going to be the pregnant woman with an alien bursting from her belly.

Wearing one of his old shirts, we cut a hole in it, and are gluing a head arm and part of the tail for the alien to the belly. He's going to draw the rest of the gore stuff. It was a bit different from the other ideas we've received and so far everyone at work (a customer care call center) is curious to see how it will turn out. (08/10/2008)

By Rat

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

I will be 7 months pregnant around Halloween and after much debate I am going to be a pumpkin (orange shirt, leafs in my hair). My husband is going to be Peter Peter Pumpkin eater, flannel cut off shirt, suspenders, paint around his mouth and pumpkin seeds. A little naughty but we thought it would be fun. (08/26/2008)

By Hillary

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

Last year I went as Fred Flintstone and my husband went as Wilma. I couldn't fit in the Wilma costume, so we switched. It was hilarious! (08/28/2008)

By Courtney

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

How about a cow? Like the cat listed on here do the same with the nipples from bottles and paint your belly pink and wear black and white with a cow bell around your neck, and ears on a headband. (09/03/2008)

By Amanda B.

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

My sister went as a black window and wore all black and painted a red circle on the shirt and made some legs and hung them with string from her arms. it was really cute (09/04/2008)

By Katie

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

When my mom was pregnant with me, she wore a white sweatsuit, patted her face with flour, and wore a big white chef's hat and went as the Pillsbury Dough Boy and took my older sister trick or treating. Ha ha. (09/07/2008)

By Michelle

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

My idea was to go as a gypsy with the belly painted as a crystal ball (I would have been 9 months pregnant at the time). I had the costume already, my 15 month-old was going to be the muscle man and my husband the Sideshow Barker. Of course due to some mild complications my doctor put me in the hospital and induced me on the 18th so I couldn't wear it. But it was a really fun idea, especially because you can incorporate your whole family as different side-show features. (09/16/2008)

By Rachel

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

I had a friend that went as a bottle of Prego spaghetti and the expiration date on her costume was the due date. Her husband went as the spaghetti and her kids went as meatballs. This is so cute and a great way to announce that you're pregnant too. (09/17/2008)

By Belle

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

I'm going as a care bear. I'm going to get a bear costume from target, cut the belly out, and paint the care bear belly on my belly :) (09/18/2008)

By liz

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

A friend of mine painted her belly with green paint and added a scary monster mouth with teeth and one big eye right on her belly. She wore a sign around her neck that said "Get in my belly!" (09/18/2008)

By Heidi

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

Last year, a friend cut out the belly of some overalls & painted her belly as a watermelon and she went as a farmer. She wore a big straw hat, too. Very cute! (09/20/2008)

By Brandy

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

This year I will be 7 months pregnant! I am super excited because I have the perfect costume and I can't wait to show it off. I will be a black cat. Ears, tail and the fun part of it, I will paint a fish bowl on belly with two scared fish. hee hee :) (09/23/2008)

By Yara

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

For Halloween this year, I'm painting my tummy like a globe and my husband is dressing up like a professor.

By Roxymama

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

My husband and I are going to be Juno and the boyfriend from the movie Juno. My costume is pretty comfy (tight shirt, hoodie, jeans, skirt over top, and a frown), but his is hilarious as the kid in the movie wore short track shorts, track shirt, sweat band, wrist bands, and tall socks (total 70's look)! Great costume for pregnant couple! (09/28/2008)

By Candi.

RE: Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

A friend of mine came to my Halloween party a couple of years ago as a basketball. She painted her tummy to look like an orange basketball, with all the lines on it, and then put a hoop around her tummy with a net. It was really cute. Her husband came as a basketball player. (10/01/2008)

By Jess

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

I think I want to go as a sumo wrestler! (10/03/2008)

By elizabeth

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

A few years ago (when I wasn't pregnant) I went as a knocked up Lions Cheerleader, and my husband went as Brett Favre. This year I am pregnant, and bummed I can't use this idea again. Substitute your favorite team's quarterback and rival teams cheerleader. (10/05/2008)

By Miranda

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

A cute idea would be "Mother Earth" or "Mother Nature" and paint a tree or earth on your belly. Embellish your hair with leaves and flowers! (10/06/2008)

By Leanne

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

I'll only be 14 weeks on Halloween so I'm thinking about getting a cardboard box and wrapping it in aluminum foil, drawing dials on it and hanging it around my body. Then cut a door out right where my belly would be and place a bun, or loaf of bread, there. The idea is to let everyone know that I've got a bun in the oven. My husband will be going as the chef who put it there! Ha ha. (10/07/2008)

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

If you dare, go as a " belly dancer". (10/07/2008)

By Rebeca Novotny

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

I'm going as a treasure troll. I'm wearing a tight nude colored shirt, and gluing a jewel on my belly button, then teasing my hair straight up and spraying it green. (10/08/2008)

By carrie

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

You can put a curtain rod above your belly (hung around your neck) and curtains hanging from each side of it with your exposed belly in between the curtains painted like a jack-o-lantern. It looks like a pumpkin in the window! (10/17/2008)

By jennifer

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

There are so many cute ideas here! I've decided to go as a "Fallen" angel all banged up with a crooked halo and a pregnant tummy. I'll barely be five months by then and my bump isn't huge so I can't really have fun with it like I wanted to. Oh well. (10/21/2008)

By Jordan S

Halloween Costumes Ideas for Pregnant Women

Well, I am almost at my due date but I love Halloween and I wanted to dress up as well. So I went and bought some clear garbage bags and put one over me like a poncho, just cut a hole out for my head and two for my arms, and then I filled the bag up with colorful balloons from the bottom and tied it off, then I printed out a Jelly Belly sign and instead of it saying Jelly Belly, I typed in Baby Belly and I am going as a bag of baby belly jelly beans! (10/30/2008)

By melinda jane

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