
Potty Training an Abused Dog

We need help potty training a 1 year old dog who was abused and is still nervous. We've only had him a few days. Suggestions?

Holly from Richardson, TX


Potty Training Abused Dog

We recently adopted a 9 month old dog who might have been abused, too. We ran into some issues with him going in the house. So we talked to a trainer and got some great ideas. We crate our dogs, and he was going in the crate.


So, the first step is to give him treats (really good ones, but small) when he goes outside and give him one immediately after going potty. Praising him each time he goes outside, is necessary. Don't scold him if you aren't catching him in the act inside, but soon he will learn. 1 year old dogs can hold it for a while too, so it's not as bad as a really young puppy. We also switched to feeding once a day so his BMs were more predictable and it is working really well so far.

Hope this helps! (11/13/2007)

By Katie

Potty Training an Abused Dog

I'm moving through the same scenario as that which you described. May I recommend treats in ALL coat pockets!! Seriously, though, I've read on this topic and what I've found that makes the most sense and seems to help with my dog, is mimicking what a mother or alpha dog would do. When she behaves I nuzzle right into her and speak lovingly in a high voice - like a whimpering happy dog.


When she's naughty, I'll use a throaty growl voice and make eye contact. Mothers or alpha dogs will nip at most, nip an ear or place weight around the throat area. I've created a "safe haven" for my dog via her kennel. It's right next to my bed (because dogs/wolves sleep in a group) and she's exempt from all happenings when in her kennel. She's left alone, door open. Lots of ideas if you'd like more! (11/14/2007)

By Melissa

Potty Training an Abused Dog

You have to be very loving and patient with an abused dog. Take him outside every morning and make sure he goes to the bathroom outside. Then praise him and give him a small treat. Repeat this routine throughout the day and in the evening before bedtime. He will begin to understand the idea that he needs to go outside to go potty and eventually find a way to "ask" you to go out.


If he does have an accident, don't yell at him, just take him outside so he understands that he needs to be outside to go potty. You might also buy one of those sprays and spray the spots he goes to the bathroom in the house so he doesn't go there again, they don't like the smell of it. Any pet store should have it. (11/15/2007)

By Mythi

Potty Training an Abused Dog

My daughter took our pooch outside for a potty break every hour on the hour for 2 weeks until he got the idea. Lots of praise helped, too. She also made it coincide with 45 minutes after meal time.

Vet said he was a year old when she found him.


By Holly

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