
Sandi/Poor But Proud

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975 Posts | 2,994 Comments | Active Since 2008
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Crushing Crackers or Corn Chips for Soup Easily

Crushing Crackers or Corn Chips for Soup Easily
Then my work here is done!! HeHe


A window covered with colorful fabric.

Super Fast Fix for Nosy Neighbors
Its a rental and they wont let us. I do like contact paper, as long as it lets in light during the day. My fav is frosted contact paper, but even if they let us, I can never get that last bubble out!


A window covered with colorful fabric.

Super Fast Fix for Nosy Neighbors
Yep. For now, this was what I had and it looks nice from either side. Also, it was folded in the middle like it was waiting for me to do this!!


A window covered with colorful fabric.

Super Fast Fix for Nosy Neighbors
When you do, please post for us? Thanks!!


A window covered with colorful fabric.

Super Fast Fix for Nosy Neighbors
Thanks. I wanted something they couldnt see through, plus the dowel was super cheap. It was just 1.39 at Ace and easy to cut, too. I also needed it to stand out from the door, as there wasnt enough room for a tension rod.


A coffee carafe.

How to Thoroughly Clean a Coffee Carafe
It sure does! Thanks. They are happy with the donation!


A coffee carafe.

How to Thoroughly Clean a Coffee Carafe
Thanks. I also figured out how to pull the handle off a spatula and clean both parts. Yuk!! We are as well as can be expected. Hope you are well, too.


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Recipe for Norwegian Tettemelk?
Thank you so much. This has been something cultivating (see what I did there) in my brain for years. And its soooooo simple! I knew you all would come through for me. PBP


A dish drainer with no bottom tray.

Finding A Bottom for a Smaller Dish Drainer
Yep, that has always been my philosophy. If I can find it at home, I save GAs, MOney and TIme. I should come up with a new word GAMOTI!!


A dish drainer with no bottom tray.

Finding A Bottom for a Smaller Dish Drainer
I agree thanks! So far it sure has.


Scrubbers Using "Scrubby" Yarn - finished scrubby with a hook and the darning needle lying across it

Scrubbers Using "Scrubby" Yarn
Glad you like yours. I am sure she will too. A friend of mine saw this and said Wheres mine? So here I go!!


Non-Traditional Foam Pumpkin Halves - the finished pumpkins with ribbon hangers attached, ready to hang

Non-Traditional Foam Pumpkin Halves
Thanks! More to come!!



Three skeins of yarn in a wire wine rack.

Reusing a Wine Rack for Storage
Yep, it sure is. I passed up a box of Mason jars today and of course thought oh wow, those would have fit so well in that wine rack!! HeHe


Making an Emergency Bug Out Box

Making an Emergency Bug Out Box
No, but I can see how that might be misunderstood. What I meant was the very strong wrapping these bundles come in. Slit the plastic so you dont have to tear it when you need it. Its very strong. In fact, if you have milk crates and want to cut the plastic...


A desk shelf made from recycled cans.

Major Shelf Over Desk Using Cans
Thanks! I love it. Now the scanner is accessable but out of the way. My Connor can sleep full stretched out along the side, and I can breathe!!


Paper scraps cut in the size of the box.

Note Box Using Recycled Paper
Thanks. Me too. I love everything miniature!!


No More Messy Bathroom Shelf - finished bathroom counter makeover

No More Messy Bathroom Shelf
You are right. I got my hacksaw at my local thrift stores man cave for 3.00, as the dollar tree ones will break almost at once. But yes, I even go to my local hardware store and they will even cut PVC pipes for me. Customer service isnt dead, although it seems...


No More Messy Bathroom Shelf - finished bathroom counter makeover

No More Messy Bathroom Shelf
Yes, he loves the room. And I dont have to keep picking things up what he knocks over! Thanks it did come out nice and enhances the room.


No More Messy Bathroom Shelf - finished bathroom counter makeover

No More Messy Bathroom Shelf
Thanks. The cool things about these shelves I do is that you more than likely have what you need right at home.


No More Messy Bathroom Shelf - finished bathroom counter makeover

No More Messy Bathroom Shelf
Thanks. Wait till you see my latest!!


No More Messy Bathroom Shelf - finished bathroom counter makeover

No More Messy Bathroom Shelf
Thanks! I love doing things on cans and jars. Wait till you see my latest!!


A wooden stick flag with wooden stars in red, white and blue.

Wooden Stick Flag and Stars
Yes it will. There are a lot of things you can make with these sticks like pumpkins and other holiday things. Heres a link you might like.


A wooden stick flag with wooden stars in red, white and blue.

Wooden Stick Flag and Stars
Just remembered something I forgot to add in the post. I buy my sticks for .10 each.



The baked pan of French Onion Chicken.

French Onion Chicken
I think it makes it French because you use a beef broth. Might be a google search for another day. The microwave safe container is for the butter. I dont know if you could use the package to replace everything else. I did google it but was routed to recipes...


Sprucing Up a TV Stand - finished makeover

Sprucing Up a TV Stand
We are great minds and they do think alike! Thanks for the compliments. Yes, when something looks ratty and is right in your face every time you watch tv or even sit in front of it, it was a 30 minute fix. I agree, why not. It cost me nothing but time and that...


Soaking dishes in bleach water.

Bleach Water for Rinsing Dishes
Thanks. Yes, and if you can do it for cheap, all the better!!


My First Wreath - grapevine wreath with sunflowers and a tan burlap ribbon bow

My First Wreath
Its lovely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lids stored in a vinyl record holder rack

Vinyl Record Rack for Organizing Plastic Containers
Very cool. And the photos are good, too!


Red, White, and Blue Decor - decoration

Red, White and Blue Goblets
Yep, and there are more Americana and Red/White/Blue projects coming!! Thanks!!


Toothbrush Holder for Desk Supplies - closeup of desk supplies in a red toothbrush holder

Toothbrush Holder for Desk Supplies
I am so glad you got them out of the bathroom. That is a much better use for them. Great Job!!


Two wine glasses filled with marbles decorating a bathroom.

Happy Accidental Decor
Thanks! I collect them so they are everywhere in my little apt. How are things across the pond?


A Dollar Store lantern hung near a bed.

Keeping a Flashlight Close
That is a brillient idea! You should post it here. Thanks so much.


Protecting and Displaying Your Collection - finished shadow box

Protecting and Displaying Your Collection
I missed a finished photo with the lace corners done. My bad!!


Faux Egg Faces - two cartons of egg faces

Faux Egg Faces
Thanks. We can all use a bit of cuteness to our days, huh?


Yes Virginia, You Can Freeze Milk - bottles of frozen and thawed milk

Yes Virginia, You Can Freeze Milk
No. The rounded bottom happens anyway. I put them in the door so they stay upright. And yes, the ice cream in that list was kind of an um okay... moment for me, too. I have read your comment about your sister and the cosmopologist several times. If you were...



Yes Virginia, You Can Freeze Milk - bottles of frozen and thawed milk

Yes Virginia, You Can Freeze Milk
Well Hi Not Virginia. If you have found there is a difference, dont freeze yours. Many cant tell the difference, and we dont have a big glass of cow juice. I only have half and half in coffee, tea and hot cereal. I sometimes put some in my potatoes to mash...


Crocheted Carrot - carrot hanging below a seed packet garland in the window

Crocheted Carrot
Thanks so much. I am doing this more and more now. I am staying as safe as I can. Too much of that however, depends on other people who arent as careful as they could be. Will be posting a couple things in the next day or two. You stay safe, too.


Cheap Yarn Bowl Idea

Cheap Yarn Bowl Idea
Thanks. I have another I am posting today in crafts. Trying to keep busy.


Repurposed Easter Wreath - finished wreath hanging on a door

Repurposed Easter Wreath
Thanks. I love finding things half done at least in my mind, then giving them new life!!


Two cat pictures in frames.

Hanging Un-level Wall Art
Thanks so much. They both represent my Kizzy and Corney.


A tissue holder upside down to hold flowers.

Reusing a Tissue Holder
Thanks. I can always find another use for most things. If I cant, I give them to someone who can use them. But if you saw the inside of this, it was no wonder a box didnt fit. The work was almost as pretty on the inside, but the thickness was almost twice as...


Reducing the Bulk of Craft Ribbon - rolls of ribbon

Reducing the Bulk of Craft Ribbon
I agree. And the cardboard is recycled, too!


A desk filled with craft supplies.

Help: I Live in a Craft Room!
Thanks! I justify my stuff by making and selling things, or posting here. It really is a lot cheaper than therapy and my people all love what I make, esp if its for them!!


A desk filled with craft supplies.

Help: I Live in a Craft Room!
A sister from another mister!!


A desk filled with craft supplies.

Help: I Live in a Craft Room!
Hmmmmm how about one for shop? You may have inspired me!!


A desk filled with craft supplies.

Help: I Live in a Craft Room!


A desk filled with craft supplies.

Help: I Live in a Craft Room!
For me, I can never die! Hehe


A desk filled with craft supplies.

Help: I Live in a Craft Room!
Thanks! Send me a photo of what you do!


A desk filled with craft supplies.

Help: I Live in a Craft Room!
Thanks!! I sat down, and couldnt stop till it was done.


Funnel and Broken Jewelry Christmas Tree - finished tree

Funnel and Broken Jewelry Christmas Tree
Thanks so much! The irony is I found this set, which was 4.99 at wallys for 2.97 at Ace. But it was orange, and this color, while not green, worked better.


Making a Custom Bottle Washer - cut down bottle scrubber

Making a Custom Bottle Washer
Great idea. Arent we a clever lot?


Making a Custom Bottle Washer - cut down bottle scrubber

Making a Custom Bottle Washer
I ask myself that all the time.!!


Button Lined Tray - finished tray

Button Lined Tray
Thanks. I cant imagine a world without buttons, at least not a craft world!


Yarn Wrapped Coffee Can Mummy Candy Dish - finished candy dish

Yarn Wrapped Coffee Can Mummy Candy Dish
I cant tell you how much I love inspiring others. When she does hers please post i! I cant wait to see what other colors you two pick!


Measuring spoons next to caps that measure the same.

Substitutes for Measuring Spoons
Thanks moms name BTW.


Measuring spoons next to caps that measure the same.

Substitutes for Measuring Spoons
That is so sweet of you to say!


Measuring spoons next to caps that measure the same.

Substitutes for Measuring Spoons
Me too! Or the ladies in my family would just do a pinch of this and a drop of that. No one ever went hungry or complained!! I am one of those cooks who mix it up some when it comes to recipes. My sister cant make something if she doesnt have one ingredient...


Measuring spoons next to caps that measure the same.

Substitutes for Measuring Spoons
Thanks. Sometimes my mind goes wait...I know people who might need this!!


Connor Allen (Tiger Stripe Cat) - cat under a rattan chair or couch

Connor Allen (Tiger Stripe Cat)
I agree. He literally was standing outside the door of the dollar tree like he was waiting for me! I initially brought him home to find his owners. But they sure do grow on us, dont they?


Connor Allen (Tiger Stripe Cat) - cat under a rattan chair or couch

Connor Allen (Tiger Stripe Cat)
Oh, that is so sweet! He is my purrrr-fect little man.


Connor Allen (Tiger Stripe Cat) - cat under a rattan chair or couch

Connor Allen (Tiger Stripe Cat)
I recently got a mirror, and he discovered there is a twin in the house!!


Yarn Covered Pumpkin - pumpkin with stem, leaf, and vine

Yarn Covered Pumpkin
I hope you do!


Sunflower Photo Frame - sunflower photo frame hanging on a hook

Sunflower Photo Frame
Thanks so much!


Sunflower Photo Frame - sunflower photo frame hanging on a hook

Sunflower Photo Frame
Oh thanks so much! Two of the most beloved thins...sunflowers and my cat!!


Black and White Fabric Strip Foam Pumpkin - finished pumpkin ready to display

Black and White Fabric Strip Foam Pumpkin
Thanks, me too! I used to have a black and red bathroom. Then one day, I saw this old cream colored pitcher in the window of a bathroom, and the curtains were moss green. I changed everything in mine and luckily, I was able to just repaint some things, etc...


A caddy made from recycled Maxwell House coffee containers.

Recycled Maxwell House Coffee Caddy
UPDATE! I found this little spice rack at the dollar store, and shored up the front legs (it tends to slant too much toward the front). I was able to fit 7 of these on it!! N-JOY!!


A caddy made from recycled Maxwell House coffee containers.

Recycled Maxwell House Coffee Caddy
They sure are. I love anything that isnt round, can stack and is free! I use them for food storage, too!


Pumpkin Jars - array of jars sitting on a shelf

Pumpkin Jars
Oh thanks! I am thinking of doing a line of jar crafts and calling them Lil Jarlins.


Mini Yarn Bag - bag hanging on a hook

Mini Yarn Bag
Aww thanks. I have loved miniature my whole life. Glad you enjoyed it!


Three balls of yarn that are in different containers to avoid tangling.

Crocheting with Three Strands of Yarn
You are too sweet! I posted one a while back that might help , too. If she has a tv tray or something she can put binder clips onto each side and in the middle and thread the yarn up through there. I hope that helps!


3D Fall Wall Art - faux pumpkin, leaf, and flower wall art

3D Fall Wall Art
This is soooooo pretty! I did this with my half pumpkins this year.


Mixing bowl stacked so that both handles show.

Show What Is Stored On a High Pantry Shelf
Very cool! Yes, I would change them if I could but I am glad you could and I am glad you like the tip.


Raising My New Cat's Dishes -supplies

Raising My New Cat's Dishes
Thanks from across the pond! I am too. Hes my heart!


Raising My New Cat's Dishes -supplies

Raising My New Cat's Dishes
Oh thank you! He is the best thing that has happened to me this year.


Raising My New Cat's Dishes -supplies

Raising My New Cat's Dishes
I love it too. It was like I walked out of the store and he was sitting there, looking at me like where have you been? So, we are now a team.


Raising My New Cat's Dishes -supplies

Raising My New Cat's Dishes
Thanks for the wonderful words. I do know that he has been a bright spot in my life, for sure. PBP


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Be Careful Using Vending Machines and Debit Cards
You are welcome. I am glad I didnt have to fight with them.


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