I have a topsy-turvy plant that is about 18 to 20 inches long. It is having a problem with bugs. The leaves are getting eaten by a very small worm-like bug inside of the leaves. It seems healthy anyway but a lot of the leaves have this in them. What can I do? Please help. Thank you.
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This sounds like leaf borers. This is a worm that lives inside the two layers of leave surfaces, front & back. You can spray for them, but I don't care for insecticides, unless there is no other option. What I do, is check daily & remove the leaves with worms & step on them. They need to be destroyed. Pretty soon, they will be gone, but you have to check regularly for a while.
If the bugs are white and are on the underneath side of the leaves, they are probably aphids. Use the hose, start at the top of the pland and wash them off each leaf.
What is a topsy-turvy plant, and do you have a picture you could post? I've never heard of one before, but it sounds fascinating. Thanks.
BrendaSue, a topsy-turvy plant is a plant that is growing upside down. Here is a picture:
This is a shot of the bug that has taken over my plant since I last posted a message on your site about the problem. more than half of the leaves were like this tonight, and I cut them off, will this hurt the plant or kill it.
This is a shot closer to the plant which now I know that it was a leaf boring bug, more than half of the plant got this way. When I first posted my problem, there were only several leaves like this, and I did not know what to do about it fearing pesticides so I waited for a responce and did not get one till tonight from your website. I cut all the bad leaves off with scissors, will this hurt the plant.
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