
Using DVD Subscription Services

September 8, 2006

NetflixMovie subscription services like Netflix can be a great deal, but only if you use them. Keep track of how many movies you receive from them each month and divide that by the monthly service fee. Make sure you are actually getting a good deal.


By Fisher



November 16, 20080 found this helpful

I used both NetFlix and Blockbuster.coms..the turn around time was terrible once I had dropped my amount down to two at a time. Less money less dvds, I was getting maybe 6 a month. Now if we want to see a movie right aawy we use the redbox at our local WalMart, $1.00 a night. We have to go there anyway so not a big deal to take back, its only 10 minutes away. IF you sign up with them ONLINE you get an automatic free movie, then if you give them your Cell phone number you will get a free movie every Monday! Much better deal for us. I got one bad movie from them so far, I called customer service, they gave me a code to get another movie to make up for the bad one PLUS they gave me another code for a free movie! They have great customer service, how odd in this day and age when we hear of such lousy service from so many uncaring comapanies.

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