
Morning Sickness Remedies?

September 29, 2005

Pregnant woman with morning sickness near bathroom sinkDoes anyone have a remedy for morning sickness? The kind of morning sickness I have thinks the morning is from 2am until about 8pm. Please, any suggestions?


Shannon in NC


By Kimberlina (Guest Post)
September 29, 20050 found this helpful

Hard ginger candies worked wonders for my friend, and for my sisters it was always that they needed to make sure they NEVER had an empty stomach- even saltines would do the trick.

By Sandy (Guest Post)
September 29, 20050 found this helpful

When I was pregnant the only thing that helped was hot water it must have relaxed the baby or moved her away from stomach what ever it worked so could function in the mornings.

September 29, 20050 found this helpful

I would try ginger -- either in the form of small pieces of raw, peeled ginger root, crystalized ginger, ginger beer or ale (both non-alcoholic,) or ginger tea. You could keep a small jar with crystallized ginger by your bed, so that you don't have to get up to go looking for it.


You could make the tea into an iced tea and keep a thermos full of it near your bed as well. I have used both raw ginger root and crystallized ginger for some majorly serious intestinal difficulties, and found it very helpful.

September 29, 20050 found this helpful

If you have a Trader Joe's nearby, they have amazing ginger gummi bears that are really delicious, and very full of ginger flavor. Unfortunately, I have never managed to find them anywhere but at Trader Joe's. They come in re-sealable packages, and the packages are small enough so that they don't take up a tremendous amount of space.

By Sherry (Guest Post)
September 29, 20050 found this helpful

Saltines and ginger ale does wonders for me!

September 29, 20050 found this helpful

Fruit worked for me. The more I ate watermelon, bananas and grapes, the better I felt. I couldn't stand ginger - anything.


I didn't like the smell, taste or anything. It just made it worse for me!

By KLS8800 (Guest Post)
September 29, 20050 found this helpful

With my son I was sick almost 24/7 for about six months. I blinked too fast I had to run to the bathroom. I found Ritz crackers in either chicken broth or chicken noodle soup without the chicken helped. I also cut out all caffene, chocolate, and spices. It made it a bit tolerable. I had also found that soothing music and believe it or not, getting a fish helps. Nothing exotic, goldfish or betta, a one or two gallon tank with air pump. Watch the bubbles while listening to the music. It is said to lower blood pressure, relax nerves, and help with naseua. Good luck. I know morining sickness is the pits.

By Mary (Guest Post)
September 29, 20050 found this helpful

Pretzels worked for me...still do when I hve an upset tummy!!! Helps for car sickness too...

By (Guest Post)
September 29, 20050 found this helpful

Chewing gum.

By Angela (Guest Post)
September 30, 20050 found this helpful

They do say the sea bands (wristbands) help with morning sickness. I suffered dreadfully with morning sickness when I was pregnant, mine was evening sickness, and I did not really find anything that helped, but I did find juicy sweets or sour sweets helped a bit.

September 30, 20050 found this helpful

Sometimes extra B vitamins can help - check with your MD or midwife. Try not to drink a lot at any one time - that "sloshy" feeling really seems to get to some people - just sip constantly. Like some people have already said, you really don't want to end up with an empty stomach, but you don't want to fill up either. Try breaking meals up into frequent healthy snacks about every 2 hours or so, rather than eating spaced out meals.


That way you don't really eat more than normal, but maybe you'll tolerate it better. Don't be afraid to try any suggestions, as long as they seem reasonable - different things work for different people. If you're really having a bad time, ask for medication for nausea. Sometimes it's necessary, your Doc won't give you anything harmful, and it can help if you're really miserable.

September 30, 20050 found this helpful

I had terrible morning sickness with my first--I was so sick, I couldn't even go to my college classes or work. What finally helped was Sea-Bands. They're stretchy bands with a little button. You put them on your wrists and the button presses on an acupressure point. Not very stylish, but for me, it was a miracle, plus it involves no drugs and no fumbling for foods in the wee hours of the morning.


You can get them in drugstores or in the health section of most big chain stores. They also work great if you get carsick, airsick or seasick (what they were originally made for).

Other things that helped (though not as much as the Sea-Bands) were ginger tablets and 7-Up.


By Marlene (Guest Post)
September 30, 20050 found this helpful

Things that worked for me: canned fruit in heavy syrup, lemon drops and peppermint candies, plain white bread with nothing on it.
Good luck to you, the end result is worth it!

By Cheryl from Missouri (Guest Post)
September 30, 20050 found this helpful

When I had my morning sickness, the doctor approved an over-the-counter nausea medicine called Emetrol. It comes in a brown bottle, is a thick syrup with a strong peppermint flavor. Worked very well for me.

October 1, 20050 found this helpful

I found the preggie pops to be quite helpful. I think you can get them online but I got them at my local Motherhood store. They contain ginger and come in a sucker or hard candy form.


Good luck with your pregnancy!

By jennifer (Guest Post)
October 14, 20050 found this helpful

I get sick still and i'm at week 30. the only way for me to prevent throwing up, is to eat something solid FIRST like a pbj or somekind of plain dry sandwich, EVEN BEFORE DRINKING ANYTHING. i can drink water first and then eat, but it has to be within like 20 min. whatever it is you eat first, DON"T LET IT BE SUGARY. no candy.

By Pat (Guest Post)
October 20, 20050 found this helpful

Are you taking prenatal vitamins? The iron is usually what got me wanting to heave. I took mine in the morning and it took 90 minutes to get ready for work, waiting for nausea to pass when moving. My doc suggested taking them at night. I don't know if this will help. Nibble on saltine crackers, or SIP Ginger ale or 1/4 tsp. of the ginger spice in a glass of water with sugar, stir to dissolve and sip.

By Mini (Guest Post)
November 11, 20050 found this helpful

You can keep lemon by ur bedside and smell it when you feel sick or even suck onto it.

January 15, 20060 found this helpful

1% chocolate milk right when you begin to feel nauseated.

By sandra (Guest Post)
May 20, 20070 found this helpful

im so miserable i end up in hospital every weekend my morning sickness is 24/7 my doctor prescribed me with cyclizine but that didn't help me much , i went through the same thing with my first child and it only stopped after i gave birth, i'm ten weeks now i and now thinking of ending the pregnancy because i'm so unhappy it's not just affected me physically but mentally as well and am tired. what do you lot think i should do?

By peter (Guest Post)
November 13, 20070 found this helpful

I suppose your wondering why a man is replying to this? Well I came across this site that has a technique that can help and get rid of morning sickness. I do have a lot of pity for all women who have to go through this nightmare. The technique is harmless to mother and baby. i wish the best of luck to all ye pregnant ladies and ye shall have healthy beautiful babies.

By Jennifer (Guest Post)
August 4, 20080 found this helpful

I would have to say that the thing that relieved my dreadful morning sickness the most was warm baths. I know this sounds crazy but it really took my mind off of that horrible nausea. I also use to put powdered ginger in my vernors. I am wanting to start trying again for a second baby in December but morning sickness is a pain and it kind is making me not want to do it.

By (Guest Post)
September 17, 20080 found this helpful

I just went to my doctor and she prescribed Zofran because I have to fly and do not think I can make it through the flight. Zofran is $30 a pill and very hard to get. I have not taken it yet so I do not know if it works. She also told me to try taking 50 mg of Vitamin B6 twice a day, and taking Unisom 2 to 3 times a day all with food.

The Unisom is in the sleep aid section at the drug store. It works but it will make you really tired. There used to be a prescription of Unisom and B6 that was prescribed...but they no longer have it. She said that was the safest way to start out and so far I am better but not feeling good enough to go do anything. I am just not overwhelmed with morning sickness.

There are Quaker Oaks Chewy Granola Bars that say "Protein" on them. Protein I guess helps get rid of the nausea feeling. I eat those all the time when I start feeling sick. They are good but the thought of everything makes me sick. There are also folic acid strips, you can buy at Trader Joe's that melt in your mouth. Also you can buy Ginger Candies at the grocery store that help.

This is my first baby, and a surprise too, I wasn't planning it and this just sucks. I also tried those motion sickness bands. I got them from REI and they did not do anything for me. Some people say they are great, but not for me. I am going to take them on the plane.

November 12, 20090 found this helpful

I found chopping up fresh ginger and putting it in hot water with a little brown sugar helped me a great deal!

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