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Hi! I'm 83 years old and something that really bugs me is seeing our beautiful roads littered with trash. I promote litter prevention and encourage people to take pride in their community and keep it litter free.

I'll never forget the day in 1987 when I first noticed litter. It was a real eye opener, an ugly sight. I felt the urge to clean it up and I have been picking up litter ever since.

Later on, I was inspired by an article I read written by a lady that picked up litter while getting her walking exercise. "Hmmm," I thought to myself, "I can do that." So, I started keeping our neighborhood clean by picking up the litter while getting my walking exercise. I found that with my reach extender, I can grab the litter and put it in the bag without even breaking my stride.  The challenge made it fun and the exercise got me motivated to walking daily.

This keeps the road clean and gives me something to do that makes a difference. I call this; exercise that produces quick results! It makes me feel good.

Take a look at the roadside in your community. If it is littered, cleaning it up can be so rewarding. If it's too much to handle by yourself, organize a community cleanup by asking your friends and neighbors to help.

Contact your county Dept. of Transportation. Most likely they will be glad to furnish you with orange trash bags and safety vest. If you notify them, they will pick up the bags of trash for disposal.

Little by little, big jobs get done. Together we can clean up the world. Let's do it!!

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