
Listening to Audio Books While Working, Exercising and Cleaning

I have a job that is kind of automatic so they let us use headphones to listen to music but instead I go to the library and get audiobooks. I'm telling you folks, it's the best thing since sliced bread. It makes my drudgery day go by faster and I look forward going to work the next day to find out what happens next. I also use them when I clean, exercise (which I don't do enough) and travel. I do not even have to go the library only to pick them up.


I just go online and choose at my leisure and click on the ones I want, then they call me and let me know they are ready. You can also re-check them out online. They have CD and tapes new and old. I don't have time to just sit and read anymore but being able to listen lets me read and frees my hands up at the same time. It is great entertainment that is free. They also have a lot of special programs for your children and grandchildren.

By MawMaw from Fort Worth, TX

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August 15, 20060 found this helpful

I admit it ... I have a book addiction, print AND audio ... so I have a membership with and I love it. I download books of all kinds, fiction, non-fiction, how to, inspirational, you name it, to my MP3 player and listen to them while I garden, do housework and while I walk the treadmill, or when I just need to settle down, kick back and do nothing but relax!


It's amazing how the time seems to fly by when you're listening to a good book! I love, love, love Audible!

By Marfie (Guest Post)
August 16, 20060 found this helpful

I also listen to books on tape, mostly when I walk my dogs. My big pooches demand 3 walks a day and it is so nice to have someone read to me while we walk. I get my tapes from the library for free!

By Margie Minard (Guest Post)
August 20, 20060 found this helpful

I used to work for a radio station and for 8 1/2 years I HAD to listen to music for 8 hours a day!! I have heard just about all of the popular music I care to hear. When I quit the radio station, I started to drive the Amish to doctor's appointments, to the stores outside the settlement, etc. I spend a lot of time driving an empty car and waiting in parking lots. I discovered the books on disc, and I am IN LOVE!! Have you ever listened to the Alexander McCall- Smith Number One Ladies' Detective Agency books??


There is a whole series of them and they are WONDERFUL!! I have also listened to the Grisham books and many, many others. I just visit the local library. If there is one you want to hear that your library doesn't carry, ask the librarian, and be sure to ask if there is an UN abridged version!!! Very often there is an inter-library loan that you can get for free. I have also learned how to copy the books that I love to hear over and over again. WOW!! You hit a real soft spot for me!!!

By angela (guest post) (Guest Post)
August 29, 20060 found this helpful

I saw Margie Minard's feedback about audio books and also about driving the Amish. I would like to start driving the Amish but don't know how to get started or what to charge, etc. I wonder if she would agree to correspond with me on this.



Editor's Note: We have Margie's email address. If you send us an email at we can write her and send her yours to see if she will correspond with your about it.

June 8, 20210 found this helpful

Yes !! I usually hear music whenever I work. But not in the time of reading. Listening to Music spoils my concentration on reading !!


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