
Do Acne Scars Go Away?

I have pimples on my head and I am addicted to popping them. They leave scars that are darker than my skin on my forehead. I was wondering if these scars are permanent or do they go away if they go away? Is there something I need to do for that to happen?



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By Aman (Guest Post)
August 25, 20070 found this helpful
Best Answer

Don't use chemicals as listed. These will not suit your skin. Do a natural facial twice a week at home. Use apricot scrub on your face and keep on rubbing slightly for 10 min. Scars will definitely go away. Scrubbing removes dead cells on your face. I had scars 1 year ago and now they are gone.

By lilly (Guest Post)
February 2, 20080 found this helpful
Best Answer

As far as I know they just fade and keep getting lighter and lighter my mom has them on her face. Just remember looks are not everything. Who cares if you have little scaring, you are still beautiful.

By TV (Guest Post)
February 23, 20080 found this helpful
Best Answer

I had started breaking out badly on my face since last summer. And I tried the Clearasil Ultra and it is great. My acne is not completely gone, but it greatly improved.


There is no need for micro-dermabrasion. Use granulated sugar it gives you the same smoothness and results.

By Don't wanna say. (Guest Post)
January 8, 20090 found this helpful
Best Answer

Ask your doctor to prescribe you Retinol-A, it cost me about 50-70 USD but it was worth it. It makes your skin come off faster opening up pores so that acne goes away and layers of scar come off too. Also, always use a moisturizer like Aveno after you have a night of Retinol-A on because the dry skin comes up and you have flaky white stuff on your face. To prevent the dry skin from showing, always have a moisturizer.

This usually gets rid of acne in a month and scars get lighter and eventually go away.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 263 Posts
January 9, 20070 found this helpful

Yes, most of the scars go away in time. I used to pop mine with my Mamaw's hair pins. I only have 1 that didn't go away, it's on the side of my nose.


Not real noticeable to anyone but me. I'm careful when applying makeup that it gets covered or it'll show. So don't worry.

By Yvonne (Guest Post)
January 9, 20070 found this helpful

I had acne from age 11 years old until my late 20s. the scars that i had then and now are still noticable and they did not go away in time at all. i have had scars on both my cheek area and forehead since 11 years old and i am 51 years old now. so please be careful and try and not bother your skin and cause it to scar more than it will.

By (Guest Post)
January 9, 20070 found this helpful

Microdermabrasion can take them away because it actually removes layers of your skin!!! At the dermatologist you pay like $100 to have it done! You are red & blotchy for a week & they give you cream that is thick & it sits on top of your face (my friend had this done SO many times). The tool actually sandblasts your skin and sucks it up at the same time- harsh!!


My friend and I are now in Mary Kay and we have a micro set that consists of an exfoliating cream & a moisturizer. It also fights fine lines & wrinkles, refines pores and makes smooth skin. It is $55 and you get about 50-55 uses out of it so it is $1 per use!! Let me know if you are interested because I can give you a discount! God bless you! *Rachel* rachelnix AT

January 10, 20070 found this helpful

I think it differs for different people. My boyfriend has always had horrible acne, and it's just starting to calm down. He does have scars only because he pops his pimples as well. I think that is your main problem. You need to stop popping them, whether you have to cover them up with makeup or what, you need to stop messing with them. If you don't already use a cream to prevent them, I greatly suggest Proactiv solution.


My boyfriend has used it for years and it works miracles for him. If he doesn't use it morning and night, he breaks out really badly. It works wonders. And for someone like you, who you say you only have them on your head (My boyfriend has them all over his face!) Proactiv could probably get rid of all of those for you with normal use.

January 10, 20070 found this helpful

In my experience, all they do is fade. The redness that comes with a scab will go away over time, but you will still have pits in your face/forehead, and they won't ever go away. I have scars on my cheeks and it makes me very self conscious. If you HAVE to pop your pimples, use a pin (like a safety pin or a sewing pin) and poke a little hole in it, then squeeze very gently around the area.


It really helps keep the scarring down! I also use pure vitamin E oil, and that helps heal it faster, and keep scarring down. I agree that the microdermabrasion probably does help tremendously, but preventative care is probably best.

By Lynda (Guest Post)
January 27, 20070 found this helpful

I have Cosmotology licensure and much experience with my own acne as a young person years ago:

Watch diet (moderation in all things, very little grease/chips/chocolate/alcohol/sugar/cheese/dips/
ice cream/pizza/rich desserts/beverages. Try to neutralize your system by drinking mostly water or flavored water, no carbonation.

Use no hot water or bar soap on any part of your face, only tepid tap water and baby shampoo, with
a paper towel, or bleachable white face cloth , with soap washed hands, since acne pimple contents are contageous bacteria/virus/or fungus, easily spread by towels, pillows, and hands. Blow dry the face or any affected body parts afterwards, and use a q-tip to apply Perioxide to each tiny pimple. Air dry.

Smash between two spoons, one asperin, then mix
powder with neosporin and dab mixture on with q-tip, and apply a layer of toilet paper across the affected skin to protect it until medicine is soaked in, and FROM getting onto whatever you lay on.

Take one multi-vit/mineral a day, along with Vit. E,
and Calcium/D. Get plenty of water/sleep daily, along
with 10 min. of sunlight, even through a window. Try to exercise daily for 15 min.

Do NOT mash the erruptions because the infection spreads beneath the skin to hundreds of other adjoining skin cells and often forms new pimples, as well as gets into your fingernails, which is hard to clean.

Take special care not to get the acne contents
on a thing. Sleep on paper towel layers until no sign
of drainage is present, and you are healing/healed.

If on RX meds for acne, follow doctor's
instructions, then afterwards, take Acidolphylus from health food store once a day to help increase your general immune system gently, inexpensively and naturally.

Wash all linens in sm. amt of bleach added to your wash, but whites can take more, and do this regularly, using a new or freshly bleached white cloth or paper towel each time you must touch your acne.
Do not rub your face, PAT it. If the acne is draining, do not contaminate your cloths, use paper towels wherever possible.

Keep in mind that acne can come from dust mite infestation, so go on a dust hunt, clean whatever you can and keep it clean of dust, and spray it with alcohol if upholstery and washable, but remembering that alcohol does NOT kill acne contents that might have gotten on anything,
only antibacterial liquid soap such as Dial or Betadine rinse for washing hands not pimples, does this fairly well. If caused by a virus or fungus, you need to blow dry your face every single time after wetting with water.

Form a new habit of not touching your face when at a table, sitting, resting, or working. Learn what works, and try to use this regimine. Touching the face spreads dirt and dust TO the face...AND bacteria, virus or fungus BACK TO whatever touched the face. It's a cycle that must be addressed and dealt with if you hope to get well and stay well.

If you cannot bleach, you may not be able to get well
since normal soaps do not heal acne germs (Staflococcus) very well, leaving them to touch another part of the clean skin. A steady diet of fried foods, fast foods, french fries, chips, chocolate chip
cookies, candy, etc., is a disasterous trap for one to fall into.

I pray this will work for you. God bless and help you.
: )

Don't rely on expensive cosmetics, chemicals, or

By Lynda (Guest Post)
January 27, 20070 found this helpful

P.S. If you can address the initial pimple origin problem, you can then worry about the dark scars which will likely need Esoterica skin bleaching after you develop new and better habits from this knowledge that should help you. Deep scars take many years to heal from the inside out. Lighter scarring takes fewer years, but still a long time. Until
you can get your whole life under control and discover how to avoid these eruptions/contamination
and reinfection, anything you do will be a waste of time, in my opinion. I'd concentrate on learning these simple solutions, using common sense, staying alert to your old habits trying to reappear, but holding to a new pattern of behavior/eating/cleaning for at least six months so that you will not regress into the popping habit.

I believe with God's help, you will overcome this terrible condition. I remember it's no fun.

March 2, 20070 found this helpful

There is a group on Yahoo called "Pickaderms", for and about when you can't stop from picking. IT is a symptom of an anxiety disorder, when you get the thing that's got you stressed out taken care of, you will probably not "need" to pick so much.

By selena (Guest Post)
March 28, 20070 found this helpful

I am 15 and I never had a bad problem with acne but when I do get acne,I get black heads, and I can't help but pop them which eventually leads me to getting huge scabs on my face. I had a facial scrub that worked for a while but then my skin got used to it. I was wondering if there is anything I can get that works all the time or if I just have to alternate.

By guddi (Guest Post)
July 17, 20070 found this helpful

yes most acne scars do go away...use lacto calamine lotion daily morning and night as a face mask for about 3-6 months...and see the magic!!

By regina leach (Guest Post)
October 9, 20070 found this helpful

I'm just starting to use bio oil and it makes my skin feel so much smoother and it kinda helping my scars on my face look lighter, but I hope in time I can stop wearing make up. I hate wearing it, and only wear it because of my scars.

By TANiiA (Guest Post)
March 6, 20080 found this helpful

Well... My friend t0ld me that vitamin E helps the scars go away and I tried it and it did work very well. :]] Hope it helps <3

By Deanna (Guest Post)
March 29, 20080 found this helpful

Okay I don't know if acne scars do go away but I do have them. I have had acne since 3rd grade. I'm almost 13 now and I am more and more self conscious about them. Since I have had them for a while, I have gotten used to the way I get, but I hate them so much! Ive been using the clearisil ultra and it works so well I love it. Now I cant get rid of my white heads and black heads. And all I have is scars from my acne not the pits in your cheeks but red scars and I get red so easily and oily so it looks like I was in a gym for hours. It's disgusting! Any help?!

May 5, 20080 found this helpful

I've been using bio oil for about 6months now, it does work but takes time. Just rub it on morning and night. I've also heard that using honey as a mask for 10 minutes daily can work but i haven't tried it yet.

By nayla (Guest Post)
September 8, 20080 found this helpful

i have acne scars for like two tears already and i use cocoa butter on my face, it makes the scarring way lighter. also you can wash your face very often to keep it clean and that also helps the scarring go away

By Karly (Guest Post)
October 17, 20080 found this helpful

I'm a teenager and I use proactiv, it really works! I had some scars on my face from popping and heard about proactiv so my mom ordered it for me. Most of my scars were gone or faint from using proactive for at least 5 to 8 months. It takes a while but be patient it works faster than most products!! Also, when a pimple is REALLY bad and I want to pop it I will do it with not too much pressure and right after I clean the area and apply alcohol on it to prevent scarring, it also works! I hope this helps! :)

By Chels (Guest Post)
October 25, 20080 found this helpful

I use differin on my face for pimples but what it does is it make the acne worse then it dries them out and takes better charge of your oil glands in your face ( if you want to use this ask your doctor).

By (Guest Post)
November 6, 20080 found this helpful

My face has been pretty clear all throughout high school and I just started getting acne when i came to college. It has bothered me so much so I went to the dermotologist and he gave me doxycycline and SalAc facewash. I have been doing this for about a month now and my face has gotten a little better but I still have terrible acne scarring. It's real red covering both checks. I used to pop pimples but the scars always went away. I don't know why these won't. Do I need to give it more time or wlll my face be have scaring forever?

By katie (Guest Post)
December 5, 20080 found this helpful

I've had acne since I was in grade 6 and I am now currently in year 10. I couldn't stand them anymore to I went to my doctor. She gave me tablets all my pimples cleared up but I still pick my face. If one pops up I pick it and makes it so much worse and when I'm done I end up with my whole face scars with red blotchy stuff. It makes me so annoyed cause it's looking really good, then I get scared that my scars are never going to go.

By Meg. (Guest Post)
January 8, 20090 found this helpful

Acne scars fade over time.

I had clear skin all through highschool, but broke out in college for w/e reason. I went to the dermatologist and got Tetracycline pills that have helped clear my skin, along with a strong acne cream. My skin looks a lot better, however you have to wait about a month before you really start to see results.

Any scar remedy will help, go to your pharmacy you'll find something that will help heal scars.

vitamin E is very good for you skin, along with Aloe Vera, im obsessed with Banana Boat ALoe After Sun lotion, its pure aloe, vitamin e, and coco butter.

A cheap remedy that I always use is Lemon. Lemon naturally lightens your skin and can help dry it out, to prevent acne. Get a fresh lemon, and cut it up, take a few slices, and just rub it on your skin. It will leave you skin wet, just leave it for a few minutes and rinse it off with water after. Cucumber is also very good for your skin.

By -dangerous-delight- (Guest Post)
February 7, 20090 found this helpful

Pretty much all scars go away. But saying that the pits they create afterward don't go away isn't all true. It's weird but I'm crazy curious. So this one time I got a cut and I got blood on my finger and put it in the pit. The blood dried and was a scab. I waited a few week and didn't pick it. When it came of the pits thing was gone!. Yes, it's weird but it works . C:

August 25, 20090 found this helpful

Yes scars definitely go away over time. you have to be patient and don't let it stress you out. I've had acne for 3 years and it can be very embarrassing and really lower your self esteem. but remember that a lot of other people have the same problem and lucky for girls we can conceal it the best we can with make up so we got the lucky side of that deal! you have to not pick at your face. By popping pimples it will make it last longer and look 10 times worse but if you don't touch it and let it run its course it will be gone sooner than if you had messed with it. I know its really hard but you have to think of how your face will look in the long run. Also a topical cream such as differin or retin-a both work really well but you need to talk with a dermi to find out which one works best with your skin type. Also you can take a pill prescribed by a dermi and sometimes birth control pills can help with acne too. I hope you have gotten help you have been looking for hang in there it will all go away! Also pray, acne is hardest on your self esteem and can really make your confidence plummit but god can help you out of that, so just remember that and good luck!

February 1, 20110 found this helpful

For pete's sake. Scars don't just go away! You can use creams, pills, astringents, or whatever acne product you can get your hands on and it will make the acne subside, but it will never make the scar go away. I speak from 60 years of experience of trying everything from free stuff to very expensive medical/dermotalogical efforts.

October 5, 20120 found this helpful

Get Acne no more from Mike Walden google search it. If you really desperate in acne removal.

September 9, 20170 found this helpful

I have sensitive skin that reacts to most products (breaks out a lot), and I have not had a product that fades my back acne scars properlyy. Dermalmd scar serum is the only product that has successfully faded most of my back acne scars and any burn scars on my body. I've only used it for about 2 months or so, and it has been very effective!


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