
Introducing a Kitten to Resident Cat?

I've been a cat lover since forever. I went to a lovely breeder for a Somali cat, she is 6 months old. Not everyone has heard of a Somali cat but they are beautiful, very loving, and very much demanding of your attention and are incredibly social (with humans.) All was going very well with her until I bought an 11 week old male kitten because I didn't want my Somali to be on her own for 10 hours a day. Unfortunately I've made 2 mistakes which I realise now.


1. The kitten is too small to be left alone with a older cat (he has already had a fever and a limp. I don't know if this was my Somali who did this or not).
2. I stupidly put them together straight away.
Obviously I want to accept responsibility for them both and I don't want to simply rehome the kitten. In a few days time my Somali will be being spayed. Hopefully this will help their situation, but the kitten constantly jumps on my Somali and nips/does something to her and this has therefore led to my Somali to wanting to chase, pin down, and kick (quite hard) him back. I know being a cat lover that my Somali has to teach the kitten lessons, but I don't want it to end up in injury. They eat together, play in the same room if I and my other half play with each of them, but if they aren't distracted for a second they go after each other. Any suggestions or an I doomed with 2 cats who won't ever get on? Ps I've only had the kitten for just over 2 weeks and I know it will take time.

By Coll42

Somali and small black and white cat

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Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
December 29, 20140 found this helpful

Your older cat has been "top cat (and only)" for years and now has to deal with an active little kitty. A bit of a shock! Your vet can help in this situation offering suggestions for helping the two cats learn to live with each other. There are also books for further reference.

You need help now and your vet should be your first step.


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