
Noisy Budgies?

I have a couple of budgies that squawk all day and night, for no reason. I feed them and water them daily. It sounds like they are angry when they squawk. Sometimes they just chirp. I would like some advice on how to get them to quiet down.


If that doesn't work I'm considering getting rid of them and replacing them with fish, which are much quieter.

By kevin from Ontario, Canada

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May 26, 20101 found this helpful
Best Answer

We have budgies, and as much as we love them they can absolutely drive you crazy! They aren't melodious, for sure. Unless they're actually fighting they're probably not angry though; it's just their sound. Budgies aren't programed to be quiet, and they associate silence with nearby danger.

One tip I was given was to make sure they stay as occupied as possible. Budgies are like kids. Give them a variety of toys, and rotate them every week or so for a change.


Also try moving their perches and food dishes around, or relocating their cage in the house. If you can, let them out for awhile to stretch their wings. (just make sure they can't fly into windows or other dangerous places) I also agree with the poster who said to interact with them; they often seem quieter after we've had a little chat!

June 4, 20182 found this helpful

Hi there budgies are very clever I taught all my budgies from babies there all over a year now when I say shhhhhhhhhsh they are stop there noise and a lot of toys and a swing is a great way of keeping budgies occupied and covering them is also a great way of getting peace lol

August 17, 20230 found this helpful

I occupie them with different toys everytime. Even while eating they make sounds. It is driving me crazy because you can hear them even behind two closed doors. Any help?


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May 28, 20100 found this helpful

I am not trying to be mean but since you made the comment that maybe you should get rid of them and replace them with quiet fish, well, maybe you should! I am sure there are lots of people out there who would love to give the budgies a good home and then all you'll have to worry about is feeding and cleaning up after fish that don't need interaction.

May 25, 20110 found this helpful

If you do get rid of them (as you put it) try to find a loving, knowledgable person who has patience and can spend years with the budgies. Many birds can live a long, long time. Can you return them? It's scary to think what could happen to them. At the pet store, weren't they squawking?


I don't mean to sound mean or like a know-it-all... but it's what they normally do. I think the squawking is worse if they're bored, angry, frightened, or have a need that is not being attended to. Change out their toys. Birds are smart, and they need company and stimulation. Let them out! Just be careful of ceiling fans, stoves, toilet bowls, etc. Birds get bored. Fish are quiet but their environments are high maintenance. Be sure to do your research when deciding what kind of animal is best for you.

I read books and do research before buying any pet. You need to know about the animal's lifespan, needs, natural behaviors and tenancies. Many birds are noisy. Also, some birds need more interaction than others. They live a long time, so be sure you can devote time and provide love and a healthy environment for as long as he/she can live... otherwise you shouldn't buy it.


I think it's sad that people don't do their research before buying animals. They tend to buy pets on a whim because they're soooo cute and don't realize that it has needs and can live a long time.


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