
Remedy for Extremely Knotted and Tangled Hair?

I had washed my hair and it got really tangled and knotted up. I've tried conditioner, mayo, olive oil, washing it again with conditioner in it, detangler shampoo, and Vaseline and none of it helped. Does anyone know what I an use for my hair?


By Lea

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December 6, 20120 found this helpful

DHC, a mail order costemtic company, has a product that may work. I can't remember the name of the product, but I think you can find it easily on their web site. It is a conditioner put on after shampooing and left on. I have baby fine hair below my waist and the tangles slip right out. Something else I have found that helps is the old fashion brushing 100 stokes every evening. For my hair, it takes one pump, about 1/8 a teaspoon. Hope this helps.


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December 7, 20120 found this helpful

Have you tried wearing a shower cap with the lubricant of choice (mine is olive oil, does SUCH lovely things for hair!) thickly applied?

I apply a huge amount of olive oil then stuff all my hair under a thick plastic shower cap which I wear for up to an hour-sometimes two if I'm distracted by something, lol.


Then, while the oil is still in my hair, I gently comb through it with a wide tooth comb, then a finer toothed comb. Sometimes if it's been especially 'knotty', I'll put the hair back under the shower cap after the de-tangle (without washing out the oil) for another hour or two.

I do this once a month, it works a real treat. Good luck, I hope you find a solution that works for you!

December 7, 20120 found this helpful

I find that if I brush my hair out properly before washing there are hardly any tangles after.

December 7, 20120 found this helpful

Believe it or not a light trim goes a long way. I used to have hair down below my waist and noticed every time it started tangling really bad. A trim removing the split ends worked wonders.

December 11, 20120 found this helpful

Have you tried any of Sally Beauty Supply's Beyond The Zone brand. I love these products as I have naturally dark hair that I have bleached to a light blonde. I really love Beyond's Protein Cocktail spray, it is great & my stylist even noticed my hair was much softer & the straw like texture was gone!


I hope this helps!

December 20, 20120 found this helpful

I know this is a little late, but I just read your post. I've had this problem before with my hair and with my children's and grandchildren's hair, and what has worked wonders for us is using Frizz Ease hair serum. It is silicone based and helps to de-tangle even better than oil. I would put it on the knot and take a large tooth comb and start to work it out gently, even using my fingers to pull individual strands out as I was able. My one granddaughter said she only wanted grandma to comb her hair!

August 31, 20160 found this helpful

Coconut oil works wonders! Usually I will wash my hair then wait a day and melt some coconut oil and run it all through my hair and let it set overnight make sure you brush the oil through your hair very generously, and when I wake up I brush through it and then hop in the shower. Your gonna wanna shampoo your hair twice to get the majority of the oil out but there will still be enough soaked into your scalp to keep your hair really soft and shiny.


Be sure and condition. Do that about once a week and it'll keep your hair tangle free and looking super soft and healthy :)

February 2, 20200 found this helpful

How do I get a matted tangle out of hair


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