
Legal Responsibility for Mold in a Rental House?

January 14, 2014

Legal Advice for Mouldy Rented CottageI rent a cottage which is wet, cold, and damp. It has black and green mould growing everywhere, but mainly in the bedrooms where my children sleep. The landlord isn't really that bothered. Can someone advise me on the legal side please?


By from Havant, Hampshire


January 15, 20140 found this helpful
Best Answer

Definitely take action. This mold can be very unhealthy for your family, especially the children . Call the courthouse, your DHS OFFICE or housing authorities. No one should be forced to live in these circumstances. There will be people who can help. Do not fear this landlord. He is greatly at fault.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 282 Feedbacks
January 15, 20140 found this helpful
Best Answer

I live in Scotland and am married to a retired council officer (historic building conservation). He says he's not sure if you can take this to the Trading Commission but he strongly urges that you contact your local Legal Aid, your GP. Take photos and ask your doctor if the children's health is being compromised. Ask your MP for assistance in making your private landlord sort this right away.


He feels you have a good case. Based on the photograph you posted here he feels there is a structural defect causing extreme damp and that there may be other defects (wiring) in conjunction with the damp besides the mould. Your family could be in danger of fire, for example, in addition to the health problems.

The mould on the walls of your children's bedroom(s) should be carefully photographed to include a time and date stamp. Don't give up on this. Document everything you do.

Meanwhile, after, you've photographed everything, use white distilled non-brewed vinegar, full strength, to kill the mould. The mould will come back but it will help cut down some of the health problems.

Good luck, this is really awful and I wish you all the best in getting this solved!

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January 29, 2017

Over the last few weeks, I have got really sick, and had to discard everything I own in my apartment. It's difficult to explain, and my land lord is denying any possible chance of mold. Is This Mold?


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Is This Mold?
Is This Mold?
Is This Mold?
Is This Mold?


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
January 29, 20170 found this helpful

This is mold. You can destroy it with a bleach solution. However, a rental agreement is to provide you with a safe place to live in exchange for rent. He is not keeping his part of the bargain. You can take him to court. You can also notify the Department of Health. Years ago we had a landlord who didn't give sufficient heat.


We had the Department of Health come and take the temperature of the apartment. Once we had proof that we were right, we stopped paying rent until he fixed the issue. We moved out once we found a better place to live.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts
January 29, 20171 found this helpful

IT definitely is mold, from the looks of it. Plus your sickness is also evidence, and the fact you had to throw out your things.

You could sue for damages, upon having to do all these things because of the landlord's negligence.

January 30, 20170 found this helpful

I too am from Ontario. Please find a copy of Ontario's Landlord and Tenant Act, you probably get it on the Ontario Government website or an Service Ontario center. There should a Housing Authority near or where you live. Find out your rights fast.


Your local MPP should be able to help you as well as your local Public Health department. Any or all of these places should be able to direct you and even let you know if you can take legal action, esp. Housing


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
February 1, 20170 found this helpful

You definitely have mold and here is a site that will give you a small clue as to why your landlord is saying it is not mold:

Here is a site in Canada to order a test kit:

You should not be staying in a place that has this much mold.
If you get the test results you will have proof to take to your health department as well as your landlord.


I believe the health department will make your landlord furnish you a safe place to stay until your apartment is considered safe and reimburse you for any health related costs as well as for your furnishings.

You may just wish to move but consider the problems you have been living with and try to recoup some of your lost money.

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