
Making a Yo Yo Bedspread

June 6, 2008

I have been using old scraps of fabric to make the yo yos for this king size bedspread. It was a pastime while traveling and while watching TV in the evening. I found old clothing and fabric scraps at yard sales and remnants at the fabric store. I won third place with the bedspread at the Texas State Fair three years ago. All of this was hand stitched. I have since made two more. Yo yo bedspread.


Update: There were so many people who were interested in this bedspread and how to make it that we asked Vicki for directions. Here they are!


  1. On underside of fabric, trace a circle (I make a cardboard template) twice the size of your intended yo-yo, adding 1/2 inch for seam allowance.
  2. Cut out fabric circle; fold edge under 1/4 inch. Using a running stitch, sew along the edge of the circle, leaving a tail of thread. I use a pretty sturdy thread to be sure when I gather it won't break.)
  3. Gently pull on thread until the edges gather in the center. Secure gathers with a few good knots and cut the thread.
  4. To make the bedspread, I kept making hundreds of yo-yos so I would have diversity with my colors, then when I had quite a few, I would start sewing them together in strips of ten, then sew the strips together making a square of 100 yo-yos. Finally when I had enough squares, I sewed them together. Just keep making and sewing them together until desired size is achieved.
Detail closeup of spread.

By Vicki from Garland, TX

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

July 17, 2013

When making this quilt did you sew the yo yo's to a back piece?

By Karon from Fayetteville


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