
Valentine's Day Ideas for Long Distance Relationships?

January 26, 2005

I'm having difficulty coming up with something meaningful for Valentines Day for a very special girl. We are college age, and in a long distance relationship. We have been dating for well over a year, and nearing two, so we have used many ideas already. The trouble comes in with the distance. I cannot be there and I'm financially tight with being in school.


I'm trying to tailor something to her, and want it to be as meaningful and personal as possible. Any assistance would be great! Things she likes: dogs (pugs), softball, orange tootsie pops, helping people. She is an extremely caring person, family oriented, laid back.

Douglas from Tulsa


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
January 26, 20050 found this helpful
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My daughter's boyfriend took pictures of them together, and put them on a posterboard with cut outs from magazines, words, pictures, etc. and made a nice romantic poster for her. She got it a year or so ago and still loves it. He commemorated a lot of fun times they had together as well as places they planned on going in the future. It wasn't expensive but meant and still means a lot to her.


Another idea that would be virtually free is to send lots of email Valentines. Send a different one everyday for the days leading up to Valentine's day. You could do the same thing with snail mail cards but it could get pretty pricey. Because she likes animals, you might be able to find some with pugs on them.

You could make up a bouquet of Orange Tootsie Pops. You can usually buy a bag of them for not much, pick out all the Orange ones, put them all together, stems together and tie a bow around them. Put them in a box and mail them to her to arrive near Valentine's Day with a message like "Here's a bouquet I knew you would like."

Along the card line, you could send her a letter a day with a continuing story of your relationship together ending with how much you miss being away from her.


That's all I can think of right now. Maybe some other have ideas.

Susan from ThriftyFun

By j.i. (Guest Post)
January 26, 20050 found this helpful
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I don't know how far away you are, but this idea may work, or you can alter it to fit your needs. My cousin did this for his girlfriend. He gave her 3 inexpensive gifts to open. The first was a picture of the two of them and on the outside said "this is for when you miss me" The second was a phone card and on the outside of the envelope said "This is for when you miss me a lot" The third was a gas card and on the outside it said "This is for when you really really miss me".

By Rebecca (Guest Post)
January 27, 20050 found this helpful
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My sweetheart arranged for my friends to play our song during an intramural game over the loudspeaker. He even recorded his voice saying he loved me more then anything in the world.


It was an awesome surprise and I got to keep the tape. I loved it, and even the opposing team stopped to talk about how sweet it was! Good Luck!

By Fran Marie (Guest Post)
January 30, 20050 found this helpful
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My husband and I had a long distance courtship before we were married. The thing that meant the most to me was a shirt of his that he had already worn with his cologne still on it.

I slept in it at night and sent it back when I sucked every last drop of his scent out of it. He would then send me a new one. Sounds crazy but ask any woman how comforting her man's smell is to her.

A detailed personal love note is another meaningful thing to a woman. Being specific in what you love about her and your relationship together is important. Print out and attached to a hand created card. YES! Hand-crafted! It's VERY romantic!

A couple of dollar store treats add a special touch. Don't forget to decorate the box you send with Valentine stickers. I did this for our first Valetine's Day though we were apart, and although he got some ribbing, everyone told him how jealous they were of our relationship.


It's how you feel about each other and not what you can buy that makes a relationship special. Good luck. I know how hard it can be!

By Kristine (Guest Post)
February 13, 20070 found this helpful
Best Answer

Have a phone date. My boyfriend and I are about 3000 miles away right now so I came up with phone dates. You pick a movie and set a time to "meet". Then someone counts down 3,2,1 then you both press play. It really makes a difference to be on the line with each other during the movie. We have really enjoyed it and we get to spend time together. I think it is mostly about commiting that time to each other, it shows you wanna be with her. Note, it's Valentines: just say yes when she wants the cheesy love flic. Then after the movie you can flirt and talk into the night. Good luck, I know these LDR are tuff.

By Hayley (Guest Post)
February 2, 20080 found this helpful
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This year I'm giving my boyfriend a jar full of messages, it can be enough for a month to a year, with little quotes or reasons why you love them. Then tell them to pick one each day, that way your gift lasts a while.

By Karen (Guest Post)
January 13, 20090 found this helpful
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Last year for Valentines day I sent a homemade valentine with dollies to him written in cursive and then sprayed some of his favorite perfume on it. Then since we were far apart I created a power point telling the story of our relationship in the past year.


I had a romantic song playing softly in the background as he played the slide show. It was pretty cheap and easy to do.

By tanita (Guest Post)
January 29, 20090 found this helpful
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I am in the same boat here. Except I am the girl. My boy friend will be returning home in about 2 months. So, what I am doing for him is sending a sexy Valentine's Day outfit for me to wear and some Valentine's Day boxers for him to wear. Inside the box is Valentine's Day confetti and loads of candy. (Of course it will be sent out in the over night mail ). I also placed a coupon in there that I bought from a store called Spencers . It is a " anything, anytime you want it " coupon. I guess you could say it's cheesey but I know my guy will love it!

By 8 Hours Apart (Guest Post)
January 30, 20090 found this helpful
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My boyfriend and I have a long distance relationship while we are in college. We are also tight on money! Last year he sent me a message in a bottle. He used a glass juice or pop bottle (like Fuzze) and took off the label. Inside he filled it with fake rose petals that you can find pretty much anywhere around V-day. He also wrote a beautiful love note to me and tied it up with a pink ribbon. He found a cork that fit the bottle perfectly and wrapped more ribbon around the mouth of the bottle.

He then shipped it to my roommate and had her put it in our toilet! She made SURE it was PERFECTLY clean when she did so! It was just a nice will surprise and I still carry it with me everywhere I go!

By Lindsey (Guest Post)
February 2, 20090 found this helpful
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My husband and I are both in the military and dated long distance for 7 years before we got married last month. We are apart for another year still so we have come up with ways to feel like we are closer together. Skype with a camera on your computer is a great way to be face to face with your person, we get on to talk all the time, and just to see each others face.

For Valentine's Day we both cook the exact same meal then sit down in front of Skype and eat it together, it's the next best thing. He also sent me one card a day in the mail leading up to Valentine's Day. It gave me something to look forward to. Just show her how much you care and how special she is and you can't go wrong!

February 1, 20100 found this helpful
Best Answer

My boyfriend and I are doing the long distance thing right now while I'm in London for a semester abroad program (we're in college). We'll be apart for four months, so right before I left, I made him a mix CD of songs that are special to us from records we listened to a lot or that he would play on the guitar. They are songs that I associate with certain moments spent with him, that we danced to once or just being with him and hearing a certain lyric that was perfect, and songs I like and want him to hear.

I made the case out of printer paper, decorated it, and mailed it to him with a letter containing a track list for the CD. Each song on the list was accompanied by a few sentences explaining why I chose that particular song. He got it a few days after I left and absolutely loved it. In fact, he's returning the favor!

So, pick some songs that have special meaning between the two of you, or songs that you personally love, for a mix tape. It costs practically nothing, just the price of a blank CD, and can be very thoughtful, romantic, and personal. It might be cheesy, but it's a lot of fun, especially if you trade mixes. I can't wait for mine to get here so I can hear the songs he picked out for me!

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

January 27, 2012

Heart stickers showing distance on a map.My boyfriend and I have been in a long distance relationship for almost 2 and a a half years. I need ideas for what to do/get him! We're both juniors in high school and I just want to do something really cute or something.

By Jasmine


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 186 Feedbacks
January 28, 20120 found this helpful

You are awfully young to have been in a relationship for that long. If I was your mother you never would have been allowed to date as young as you started. Just send him a Valentine card. Shipping is way to expensive to be sending gifts.

January 28, 20120 found this helpful

Write him a love poem. It doesn't have to be perfect. It can be cute, short and rhyming.

January 28, 20120 found this helpful

Why don't you hand make something for him maybe a memory book with pictures of the two of you together, or even bake cookies and send it with a nice card? What ever you do make sure you send him something boys are just as sensitive as girls when it comes to Valentine's day.

June 17, 20140 found this helpful

You must really trust him. I don't think I would ever be able to do a long distance relationship. But I'm happy for you guys I think you should do something that reminds you of the first time you met and send him a sweet love letter.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 255 Posts
January 7, 20170 found this helpful

I would just do a card and maybe a nice picture or video that you made.

January 30, 20180 found this helpful

Some people marry their high school sweethearts, Joan.

February 11, 20180 found this helpful

hope one day to become friends again happy valentine day may you have a wonderful day

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February 2, 2015

I was introduced to this girl through a common friend last Christmas. I have been communicating (flirting and getting to know each other) with her via text messages for about a month now and it has been going good, but I would like to move to the next level.

I would appreciate advice on what to do. This girl and I haven't seen each other physically, because she resides in UK, and I in USA. What should I get her for Valentine's Day? This is the day I intend to make my intention known to her.

By Alex M.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
February 14, 20150 found this helpful

Flowers. Easy to send.

February 4, 20190 found this helpful

I've had to spend considerable time away from my ex, I would write to her every day. yes, stamps do get a little expensive but I found incredible comfort in writing her and I would look forward to her replies. Something about handwritten letters. I now slip little notes on fancy paper to my wife, hiding the notes is half the fun. My best was taping it to the ice cream!

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February 5, 2015

My boyfriend and I have been together for 6 months tomorrow and I need a cute idea for Valentine's Day. He lives across the country and we are both in highschool. I wanted to go see him, but couldn't work it out. So basically I need a cute date idea for us to do (possibly over skype of FaceTime?).

By Jessica


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 255 Posts
January 13, 20170 found this helpful

My niece and her fiance do dinner and a movie over the internet. He is in the Army and stationed 1400 miles away. They watch a movie (not sure how they do that) and eat while doing it. I watched her once and her computer screen was split. She could see him on one side, and the movie that they were watching together was on the other side.

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