These pets never have to be fed and no aquarium to clean!
Crafting Time: 30 - 45 minutes
What You Need:
- craft foam scraps
- permanent marker
- scissors
- plastic self-seal bag - snack or sandwich size
- hair gel in blue or green
- black construction paper or poster board
- cellophane tape
- paper punch
- yarn
- Draw and cut a couple of small fish shapes from craft foam. Add an eye and mouth to one side of each fish with permanent maker. Set the fish aside for the moment.
- HAVE AN ADULT HELP to put some gel into the plastic self-seal bag. You do not need to fill the bag to the top. When enough gel has been added, slide your fish into the bag. Seal the bag tightly and use your fingers to gently move the gel around so the fish are covered on both sides with the gel.
- Cut one inch strips of black construction paper or poster board.
- Cut small pieces of tape, roll each into a cylinder, and use these to attach the paper strips to the bag, creating a frame. Double-sided tape will also work, should you have some on hand. You will frame both the front and back.
- Punch one or two holes in the top of your mini-aquarium. Thread and knot a piece of yarn through the hole(s) to make a hanger. Find a place to hang your aquarium.
By Marie from West Dundee, IL

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Coreen Hart
Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 153 Feedbacks March 15, 20070 found this helpful
How totally ingenious! Thank you!

March 24, 20110 found this helpful
This is just too cute. What a great idea. My little grandsons would enjoy this craft.
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