Can you tell me where I can get large quantities of the plastic soda can rings for free? I am a Girl Scout leader and I will be presenting a craft workshop at a training event where I plan to teach how to make the giant snowflakes out of the plastic soda can rings, but I haven't been able to find a supplier so I can have enough for the workshop. I'll need about 320 of them - & that's too much soda to buy. The person who taught me said that her husband stocked soda machines and saved them for her, but I have no contact info for her, and the places I've tried don't use them so I have no other ideas.
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You can join the following Yahoo group ...
There you can find lots of people willing to swap things such as this.
Ness, one of the contributors to this group, who also has several Yahoo groups, does swaps on the above group ... it seems to be working!
I would call your local distributor and tell them who you are and what you are needing...try asking the grocery store managers if they will let their folks who deliver their soda know. Repetition is a good thing! Ha ha Same w/ schools if they are not already out for the summer...
Call your local vending machine companies.....I am sure that the reps will be glad to save them for you.
don't do the craft. when people throw them out they harm the oceans! they can cause a chain reaction and the world today as we know it will be gone.
I have a bunch of plastic pop can rings anyone may have if you will just tell me where to send them.
Try a company called Grip Pak. You can get 400 new ones on e-bay for $22.
I work at a hospital in nutrional services and on each floor we have small kitchens which we store canned drinks, so you might want to try to see if they will save them for you.
Of course always ask your community recycling center if they have any extra cans and tell them that it is a good cause. I hope you get what you are looking for.
If anyone has some extras, my interior design firm is working on a green light fixture using these rings. We'd love any donations!
You can send me some. My dad has a convenient store...he buys them expensive every time. If ok with you, can email me: talha6k AT
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