My daughter wants a horse themed party. But all I can think of is pin the tail on the horse, and horseshoes. What kind of "meal" can I serve to a bunch of 6 and 7 year olds, as well as parents? She will be 7, and her cake will most likely be home made rather than store bought. Please help. The birthday is June 12th.
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
How about making a sheet cake with the top iced green for grass and finding a bag of little cowboys and horses to make a Horse Farm? If this is to be an outdoor party buy cheap red and white tablecloths, instead of party hats find inexpensive cowboy hats. Build a bonfire and roast hot dogs, marshmallows,S'mores.Kids love outdoor events like this. Good luck..hope I've been helpful. (04/17/2005)
By Sharon
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
Bulk barn in Canada rents character pans, and there is one of a horse with instructions. I don't know if they have anything like that where you are. (04/18/2005)
By Liz
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
Family Fun magazine has all kinds of themed birthday parties on their website. Here is one for a pony-themed party for a girl.
By Katie
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
First go to your local library and see if they have cake pans. Ours does and it cost you nothing. You might find a horse! You have to serve boiled corn, oatmeal cookies, and apples as horses love them. If you live where you can get square bales of hay for kids to sit on or to post your pin the tail on the horse game that would be fun.
f you are going to give party favors, wrap them up in bandanas, or get fabric with western print and cut into squares, which would be probably be cheaper. wish you were close to me, we would cut some cane that grows by the creek and let them make stick horses, any stick would work, get water pistols and just let them play, you might ask for each one to wear a hat and then they would be real cowboys/girls!justmyimagination2002 @ (remove spaces) (04/19/2005)
By martha pitts
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
Hey-why don't you buy horseshoe shaped sausages, such as chipolatas? serve hot buttery mash with them. Fairy cakes could be jazzed up with coloured icing and a horseshoe shape put on. It wouldn't require hardly any skill or time. (04/29/2005)
By BestofBritish
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
A great site for the cake recipe is // It seems easy and fun.. For food use corn on the cob and hot dogs. You can play games like calf calf bull (instead of duck duck goose), and have the kids sit on hay pieces maybe you could rent a pony for the day. Be sure to have the kids dress up in western clothes. (05/09/2005)
By Bridget
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
We are having a horse-themed party tomorrow. We are going to have horse coloring pages to start (from the internet-printed on cardstock with extras as favors), have a cowgirl relay (they help teammates change into hat, vest, boots & horse), musical chairs with western music, and pin-the-tail on the horse.Hope you have a great party! (05/16/2005)
By Mary
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
I did a western/horse theme party for my daughter's 1st birthday. I made western vests out of brown paper grocery bags. I bought silly-string at the dollar store, and one of our games was a "Silly string Shoot out". That was the most unique idea I could come with. Other than your basic horseshoes & pin the tail, etc. Her cake was made out of horse-shoe shaped cake pans. We asked all the family and friends to come in their western attire. It was a blast! (12/27/2005)
By Chrissy-NOR*CAL
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
For my daughter's 10th birthday we had a horse-themed party and we did barrel racing as one of the activities (inside our toy room as it was March in WA). I set up 3 chairs, gave them a big stuffed bunny to "ride" (as I didn't have a stick-pony and they didn't care). Then we showed them the pattern and timed them. The one who didn't knock over the chairs with the fastest time won.
I gave as a party favor a little booklet we had made all about horses (different breeds, etc). Since it was older kids they had a lot of fun (12/29/2005)
By Alissa
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
My daughter too is crazy about horses. We did a horsey theme last year for her 4th birthday and she wants another horse party this year. When the kids were arriving I set each up at a table to decorate a wooden horseshoe with jewels, stickers etc. We then went outside and did a scavenger hunt for plastic horses which I had hidden around the yard. I told them my horses had gotten loose and I needed help corralling them and asked them for their help.
They scurried around with paper bags collecting them - they took home what they found. We then divided into two teams the mustangs and ? can't remember the other name at the moment, and did barrel races on stick horses around upside down buckets on the lawn.
We also did a sugar cube on a spoon relay race as we all know horses like sugar cubes:-)
We did pin the tail on the appaloosa. Served trail mix and apples. Then finished with a horseshoe shaped cake. It was fun and the kids loved it even though at 4 it was a bit tough to get all the races. I would imagine age 7 would get it a lot more easily. Oh I also went to a farm and feed store and got pony horseshoes for each child to take home. Now I just have to think about what to do for this year. Hope this helps. (03/19/2006)
By Gwen
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
You have to write on the cake happy birthday from your horse pals and you can book her a horse riding party. (04/23/2006)
By Eleanor
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
I did a Horse Theme for my daughter and she loved it. I decorated with horses printed off the Internet. I taped them on a white table cloth and taped pictures to balloons and hung them up everywhere. Also red bandannas make great favors/gifts. I bought plates from $1.00 Store that said "Happy Birthday Pardner" on them. I made a square cake and decorated with with plastic fencing and plastic horses. You can make a water hole with blue frosting and crush oreo cookies up for the dirt and green frosting for grass. For a meal, it was the old Fireside Sloppy Joes, Kickin' Coleslaw and Spur Tater Tots. The drink of course was Sarsaparilla (soda). Hope this helps ya! (01/04/2007)
By Tina
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
Ok, I have something you could feed the children. A lot of times ranch people who have horses will eat mashed potatoes and chopped up hamburger mixed up with baked beans. Hope this helps,katie (01/12/2007)
By Katie
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
Its my sisters 10th birthday and she loves horses! I can't find any good horse recipes so I guess we'll just have to ice a cake green and put horses on it thanks for the ideas really helped me. (01/27/2007)
By Erin
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
We did a horse birthday for my daughters 5th birthday. The boys got cowboy hats and sheriff badges from the dollar store with bandannas. For the girls, I made them horse head bands: cut out ears from felt and glue them to a headband, then cut brown string and use them like bangs in front of the ears, then we cut long strands of string, hooked a lot together and these tied around the waist as tails. They loved these. She had a horse cake that a friend made for us. For games, we took stick horses and had races, etc. (02/11/2007)
By Karen L.
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
i'm throwing one for a friend. Perhaps horse plates, cups, etc.. and a pass the parcel themed on horses. You should keep them busy with colouring pages and western songs. (02/11/2007)
By Liz
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
Have a treasure hunt but they need to look for a paper horse instead of lollies. (02/18/2007)
By Niamh
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
Here are some game ideas for a horse/pony party:
Horse, Horse, Pony - Play just like Duck, Duck Goose
Trainer Says - PLay just like Simon Says but use horse things like trot, canter, eat an apple, swat at flies, etc.
Stomp the Fly - Tie black balloons to a 2-3' string and attach one to each players foot. Try to pop others balloons by stomping on them. Last one with a fly wins
Hold a horse show - Each kid pretends to be a horse. Use dressage terms like - Enter at A, Trot at C, Circle at H, etc.
Make horseshow ribbons from small paper plate and construction paper.Merry Go Round - Play like musical chairs. Each time a child gets out, they go pick their goodie bag to go home with.Have Fun! (02/25/2007)
By Tammi
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
Try a horse piñata, or horse plates and things, if you look through magazines then you might find something! (03/26/2007)
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
Here is the pony cake that I made for my daughter's My Little Pony birthday Party. (03/26/2007)
By Marta

RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
My daughter also wants a horse themed party. For her cake, I am making a 9 x 13 inch cake and icing it green. I bought some little horse figures and will put them on and make it a pasture. I also found some flower-shaped sprinkles to add as well. (04/28/2007)
By Horse Mom
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
One year I had a western/horse themed party, and we slept outside in a tent! It was really fun and everyone LOVED it! Hope this helps! (05/10/2007)
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
you could: Have each child make their dream barnout of gram crackers and candy like ginger bread houses "its fun"! (05/15/2007)
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
My daughter is having a horse theme birthday party on the 17th of June, she is mad about horses at the moment (she will be 4) She wanted, and so we are having, pin the tail on the horse with prizes of little horse toys for the children who get the closest, a horse pinata. We have organized for pony rides for an hour at the end of the party.
I made her invites with pink and aqua colours on brown card and used a horse shape punch so these are the theme colours. I also bought horse lolly bags a banner and serviettes off the net and have balloon streamers, plates etc in the colours mentioned. We are having a horse head cake the idea is from website. Lolly bags have horse stickers, little plastic horse figurines and of course lollies in them. I have also photo copied pictures of horses for the children to colour and will provide horse stickers with this also. Hopefully the day will be a great success! (06/11/2007)
By Toni C.
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
Thanks so much it all helped! I'm throwing a surprise horse party for my sisters 6th birthday, and all the ideas helped so much! (09/10/2007)
By Kaylee
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
How about Bob for Apples? It's A classic with a horses favorite treat. (12/22/2007)
By Allison P.
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
Hey Sue, think of making horsey decorations, buying horsey gifts, buying great horsey paper plates. You can also decorate the cake with plastic horses. Play games such as home made horse memory. Let the guests and the birthday girl play toy horses. make a horsey cake along with decorating it with horses, like horse shaped. (03/14/2008)
By em
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
I'm doing a horse themed party for my daughters 6th birthday. I got all the paper goods, pinata and favor boxes from Birthday Express (look them up on the internet-they are great because you can return all the unused items). They have a lot of great themes for everything you can imagine.
Next I am trying to come up with some great games for them to play and Thank you to all the previous posts because I am getting some great ideas. We will do a horse race by drawing boxes on the lawn and rolling a dice to see who gets to move when and how far, a lasso contest by making them lasso a stump in our yard, and a scavenger hunt (the details I have not worked out yet) and now possibly the apple bobbing. And of course pony rides for all! If anyone has any other ideas, I'll be checking this site all the way up to her party on May 17th.Yeehaw! (04/21/2008)
By Tracie
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
My daughter wants the same thing. My birthday is June 12. I am getting a horse shoe cake tin and making her cake. I found the tin online. For food I would do a BBQ so to speak. hot dogs, corn on the cob and fruit kabobs. Simple and the kids will love it. I am getting bean bag horses putting them in a bandanna with a couple other goodies for treat bags. The nice thing about our party is my sister has horses and will bring one over. Good luck. Email me if you have or need any ideas. w1hutsen2 AT (05/25/2008)
By Wendie h
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
I'm having my daughter's 5th birthday in September and the theme she picked is Horses. Lucy to be more specific, the horse she rides. Since she takes English riding lessons the whole western thing just won't work. I also need to have it in a party hall or on my backyard because I'll have over 30 kids and the stables near us just wouldn't have enough horses and if they did it would cost a fortune.
I found a tire swing shaped as a horse at ACE hardware and we will use it on the swing set. I'll have goody bags with plush horses for each kid with gummy carrots and mints as horse treats. I plan on having galvanized buckets instead of coolers and place baby carrots and apples on the table with tags saying HORSE FOOD. I'm still working on more ideas. I know I'm obsessed. (06/18/2008)
By Gabriela
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
You could buy plastic unpainted horses, and everyone could paint their "dream horse" (07/28/2008)
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
Visit where you'll find pony party ideas, including help with decor, birthday cakes, menu, activities and favors for a horse theme party, such as a cowboy party, a pink cowgirl party, Kentucky derby party or horse racing party, Western party or other horse party.
Don't have a horse or pony for the party?
* Visit a local carousel, or petting zoo
* Watch a recorded rodeo, horse show or horse race
* Have stick horse races
* Play a board game, like Horse-opoly
* Play an animated horse racing game
* Have a bicycle rodeo
* Decorate or paint horse figurines and have pony grooming contest
* Decorate real horse shoes (spray paint and have guests adorn with glitter and gems)
* Make story time with a selection of your favorite horse books (08/21/2008)
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
Hi! This website helped me plan my party! I own two horses. I am splitting up my guests into two teams. Team Spirit and Team Ben (my horse's names) and they get 2 minutes and the best groomed horse wins. (09/05/2008)
By Horseygirl
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
My son is having a horse themed birthday party in 2 weeks - he is turning 3 and is horse mad! So far I have a horse cake planned - horse cake recipe - looks easy & yum! For games we have 'Horse, horse, pony" (like duck, duck, goose); apple bobbing & shooting candles out with water pistols.
One of the presents he is getting for his birthday is a set of rubber horse stamps, so the goody bags will be brown paper bags decorated with the stamps, with little plastic horses, horse stickers, temporary horse tattoos ( ) and of course lollies! I will read horse stories (he is getting 4 new horse books for his birthday!) and the kids can play with model horses & maybe have a water pistol fight in the backyard. The kids coming to the party are a 6, a almost 4, and a 2.5..
Fingers crossed it all works out! it is his first 'party' so hopefully it is a good one! (02/05/2009)
By Eliza
RE: Horse Themed Birthday Party
Have a cowgirl party! (07/09/2010)
By Theresabentley