
My Finch Has Laid Some Eggs

My female Zebra Finch has laid eggs (4) in the seed dish. There is a nest in the cage, but I guess she liked the dish better. There is still seed in the dish, although I put another food dish in. Should I move the eggs to the nest or leave them. I'm afraid that the babies will smother in the seed when they hatch. Help please ASAP as the eggs are over a week old.


Thanks, Trisha

By Trisha from Lockport, NY


My Finch Has Laid Some Eggs

Don't disturb them, not when or if they hatch either. Let her raise them there. If you disturb the babies she will kill them by drowning them in the water bowl. (11/19/2009)

By Karen Lawson

My Finch Has Laid Some Eggs

I had finches a couple of decades ago and the female laid eggs quite frequently, but none ever hatched.

Unless one or both finches are sitting on the eggs almost constantly they definitely are not going to hatch. It is also possible that the female was not fertilized before the eggs developed so the egg isn't viable ;-)

If they haven't hatched by the 14th day of laying then they certainly won't.

If they do hatch, the mother will not let them smother unless there is something wrong with them. If there is something wrong with them she'll simply push them out of the dish and let them die. (11/19/2009)


By Deeli

My Finch Has Laid Some Eggs

Lightly pick up the eggs with a Kleenex and set them gently in the nest, they will get too cold in the dish. (01/24/2010)


My Finch Has Laid Some Eggs

I have a society finch, an owl finch, and recently added a zebra finch. My zebra finch laid 5 eggs in an open nest in the cage. I left them alone and they all hatched and now I have 5 baby birds, so sweet! I thought that my owl finch was a girl, but now believe she's a he. Hope this helps. (04/15/2010)

By Rebecca

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