
Older Kitten Attacks New Kitten?

I was just reading some of the posts that sound really helpful. I have an 11 month old kitten (Gizmo) and recently got a 6 week old kitten (Lilly), both females. They are fine when they are asleep, but when they are awake, Lilly tries to run around. Gizmo just tackles her and tries to bite her neck. Lilly meows and runs to hide somewhere. I'm worried that Gizmo is really hurting her but when Lilly is asleep, Gizmo jumps up on the bed, and licks her head and her body. Can someone please explain to me what is going on, because I have no idea what to do? Should I let them go at it or break it up?


By Jess R.

small kitten

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February 14, 20150 found this helpful

This is your older cat's prey drive. She's using the kitten like a toy. She thinks this is fun and likes the kitten, but the kitten isn't getting what she needs out of this relationship.

First, buy some toys such as Da Bird (feathers on a wand that looks like it's really flying) and play with your cat every day with it. Your cat needs active chasing and hunting type play. You might also try foam balls, jingling balls, pom-poms, and mice on elastic strings. Make sure you actually play with her by throwing the balls, making things jingle, "flying" the bird, and stuff like that.


Try to get both cats playing with the same toy if you can, but if your cat keeps getting distracted by the kitten at this time, separate them.

Put up a bird feeder in front of your largest window and keep it full. Put a chair or cat tree in front of it. This is one thing that can help distract your cat from its sibling when you can't be with them.

Eventually your little one will grow up and not seem like such an easy target. Until then, just try to keep your cat's energy drained and help her learn to focus on other "targets."


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