
T-shirt Fold for Storage and Traveling

Silver Post Medal for All Time! 418 Posts

A perfectly folded orange T-shirt.This is a fun, quick, and easy way to fold a short sleeve knit shirt. I have seen it in a couple of videos on the internet. The first time, the folding was so fast I thought it was impossible and trick photography. After watching another video (several times), I learned how to do it. Now, I can pick the shirt up, spread it out and have it neatly folded in less than 10 seconds, and I'm just a beginner.



  1. Spread shirt out on a flat area with shirt neck to your right. Notice points A at top of shirt, B in the middle and C at the bottom.
  2. Folding an orange T-shirt.
    Folding an orange T-shirt.
  3. Using two fingers on your right hand, grasp point A and hold it in place. With your left hand, pinch up point B and hold it down.
  4. Folding an orange T-shirt.
  5. Lift point A (in your right hand) and bring it across your left hand and go to point C and pick it up with your thumb. Your arms are crossed and you are holding point A & C in your two fingers.
  6. Folding an orange T-shirt.
  7. In the middle of the shirt, your left hand fingers are holding point B in place. Pull point B out while bringing A and C up, uncrossing your arms. You have part of the shirt folded.
  8. Folding an orange T-shirt.
    Folding an orange T-shirt.

  9. Lay sleeve part of the shirt down and fold the body over into place.
  10. Folding an orange T-shirt.
    Folding an orange T-shirt.
  11. Lastly, this is what I do. Roll the shirt up for storage in a drawer or packing in your travel bag.
  12. A folded and rolled up orange T-shirt.

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Silver Post Medal for All Time! 254 Posts
June 4, 20174 found this helpful

Thanks for sharing. I have seen this in videos and I can't ever follow what is happen your step by step photos and instructions have made it totally clear to me now. Whoopee! Now off to fold some shirts. :)

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July 24, 20170 found this helpful

Where's the video.

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March 28, 20220 found this helpful

Love it! I hope I can get this done pat. Also, I am married to a MARINE & he Rolls everything! Lol. So smart.

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July 24, 20170 found this helpful

I've been folding my t-shirts like this for years.

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Silver Post Medal for All Time! 418 Posts
August 6, 20182 found this helpful

This fast and easy method of folding a shirt also works well for folding buttoned shirts.

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July 29, 20200 found this helpful

Many thanks for the written instructions on how to do this quick folding technique. I've seen this demonstrated in videos, but it's so fast without explanation that I didn't catch the technique.


I've been folding shirts almost as fast by holding the shirt up at the shoulders and draping the sides inward and folding in half or thirds. The three-pinch technique is quicker and neater.

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August 3, 20210 found this helpful

mabel_lee2, I fold my shirts the way you do - holding them by the shoulders, folding the sides inward, and then down in half, thirds, or even quarters. I've found that to work better for me than the "GAP fold" demonstrated here, only because with my fold you don't need a flat surface to spread the shirt out on before folding. I fold them in the air right out of the dryer and into the appropriate folded laundry stack.

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