
Asking Dad's Permission to Wear a Crop Top?

I really like the crop top style, and I've been working out so I can finally have abs so I can wear a crop top, and now I do have them. My mom said it was fine with her, but my dad would have a literal heart attack. Which he would. I'm 14 and my dad still makes my bed time 8:00, and I'm not allowed to have a phone till grade ten. I'm not even allowed to swear at all cause of him. Not even crud. I don't wear short shorts, mainly cause I don't like them, but I'm also not allowed that. I love my dad very much, but I don't think he'll understand that I'm not doing this for attention or boys or anything like that, I'm just proud of myself for achieving something and being happy with myself. I'd feel comfortable in it. And I'm not a bad kid, so he doesn't have any reason to distrust me or my actions. So would anybody know how to ask permission?


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June 3, 20161 found this helpful
Best Answer

Congratulations to you on achieving a fitness goal! Showing it off, however, is about more than simply being proud. People who look at you won't necessarily understand you worked hard to get where you are. They'll see a pretty girl displaying her midriff.

You dad might be thinking that wearing a crop top and showing that much skin is kind of like advertising. Please consider what people who look at you will be thinking, especially boys. You think your dad is strict and maybe old fashioned?


Perhaps he is, but you're also his little girl and he wants to protect you. He know what boys will think and probably say when they look at you wearing a crop top. What boys think about almost constantly is sex. And crop tops with nice abs are sexy. Boys your age are jerks and some of their comments might not be very nice.

So ... before you try to figure out a way to get your dad's permission, maybe give it another think?

June 3, 20160 found this helpful

You sound to me like you have a good relationship with your Dad. 8 bedtime sounds a little extreme but I agree with him about the crop top and he more than your Mother knows the minds of young boys. I think it would send the wrong message.


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June 3, 20160 found this helpful
Best Answer

Your dad seems a bit too strict in certain areas. He is not going to let go of his little girl until he has to. Some dads are like that. But, if he said no to the crop top, I would have to agree with him.


You seem to be model daughter any parent would be proud of. Do keep that image. Crop tops say a lot more than you might want to be saying to the world.

If you were sporting your abs while in a bathing suit at the beach or lakeside, I would say 'Nice, the girl's got moxie', but real classy chicks (you know, the ones with good taste and self confidence) don't use crop tops as part of their street wear.

Ask dad when you're sixteen, if it's still important to you, then.

August 4, 20170 found this helpful
Best Answer

Kids now days are growing up fast and are very smart. And, the world does have some bad elements out there. He's just trying to keep you safe and respectable. I think your dad does sound a bit strict but I hope you also try to see this from his viewpoint.


If you are going to bed each night at 8p. and doing the things he asked of you perhaps you could use this point as a good argument. If he still won't let you I would remember that you need to go by his rules until you move into a place of your own.

November 21, 20180 found this helpful

Wear what you want. It's your body. He can't control you forever. He needs to let go some. I recommend asking him his side of this. Then, make some rebuttles for his points, adding some of your own too. Maybe you can persuade him. He will also see that this means something to you (if it does) and how hard you work. If he says no though, leave it. Because he might regret saying no later and realise that he was being a bit much and if you are mature about him saying no, then he will realise he has nothing to worry about and that he was overeacting.

June 11, 20190 found this helpful

If you dont like to confront your dad ask your mom to talk to him and make him understand that your a 14 year old and your fully capable of deciding what is ok and is not okay to wear


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