
At What Age Do Dogs Go Into Their First Heat?

March 13, 2011

female beagleAt what age does a female Chihuahua go into heat? Twice now in as many days I think I've seen blood on my white shorts and it's not coming from me. She's my brother's dog and he is sure to freak out never having a female dog before. I'm leaving in 2 days and want to help him before I go.


By Peggy from San Antonio, TX


March 13, 20110 found this helpful
Best Answer

A female dog usually goes into heat around 6 months of age and ever six months or so after her first. If he doesn't intend to breed her, he might want to have her spayed. Not only does a bitch in heat make a bit of a mess but she also will attract the attention of every frisky male for miles from the scent of her "heat". - Brenda (dog breeder for 23 years)

March 14, 20110 found this helpful

Thank you Brenda for the quick response. That would be about right then for her. She's a week short of being 5 months. Yesterday she acted like she didn't feel good all day, just laying on her pillow . Bless her heart, I felt bad for her.


He does plan on having her spayed but is recovering from a heart attack and just haven't had a chance.I've grown so attached to her I've threatened to doggie-nap her. I just love her, is going to be hard to go home and leave her.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 205 Posts
March 14, 20110 found this helpful

Msburny, shy of 5 months isn't unheard of either. I have had many dogs go into their first heat between 4-5 months of age. It's good to hear he plans to have her spayed. Hope he can do it before she's "discovered" by a male!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 121 Feedbacks
March 14, 20110 found this helpful

Get her fixed! Dogs can go into heat very early. A male dog will find her, the scent goes for miles. Please, please, get her fixed or there will be unwanted puppies in 8 weeks.

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